IT as a service Cloud allows access to services without user technical knowledge or control of supporting infrastructure Best described in terms of what happened to mechanical power over 100 yrs ago Now computers are simple devices connected to the larger cloud Data processing, storage and software applications that used to run locally are now being supplied by big central computing stations. They're becoming, in essence, computing utilities. Cloud Computing Current Development (CC3006NP)
Agenda (Today…) Introduction Characteristics of Cloud computing Related Technologies Cloud types Cloud Features Cloud Benefits Uses
Expand your Infrastructure! Buy new servers, increase your software costs, provision more data centre capacity!!
Look to the cloud! Pay for the bandwidth and server resources that you need. When your push is done then turn the whole thing off!
Definition “Cloud computing is an emerging computing technology that uses the internet and central remote servers to maintain data and applications”.
What is Cloud Computing “Cloud” is simply a metaphor for the internet Users do not have or need knowledge, control, ownership in the computer infrastructure Users simply rent or access the software, paying only for what they use
Cloud computing is replacing large Corporate Data Centers and unnecessary, expensive private server infrastructure. Web 2.0, SaaS, Enterprise and government users are adopting cloud computing because it eliminates capital investment in hardware and facilities as well as reduces operations labor What Technologies is Cloud Computing Replacing :
The underlying concept of cloud computing dates back to 1960, when John McCarthy opined that "computation may someday be organized as a public utility"; indeed it shares characteristics with service bureaus that date back to the 1960s. The actual term "cloud" borrows from telephony in that telecommunications companies, who until the 1990s primarily offered dedicated point-to-point data circuits, began offering VIRTUALPRIVATE NETWORK (VPN)´ services with comparable quality of service but at a much lower cost.
The cloud symbol was used to denote the demarcation point between that which was the responsibility of the provider from that of the user. Cloud computing extends this boundary to cover servers as well as the network infrastructure. Cost is claimed to be greatly reduced and capital expenditure is converted to operational expenditure. Device and location independence enable users to access systems using a web browser regardless of their location or what device they are using.
Cloud Application Characteristics Because cloud computing is related to a number of other technologies, it is best defined by the presence of a number of characteristics. Incremental Scalability. Cloud environments allow users to access additional computing resources on- demand in response to increased application loads. Agility. As a shared resource, the cloud provides flexible, automated management to distribute the computing resources among the cloud's users.
Reliability and Fault-Tolerance. Cloud environments take advantage of the built-in redundancy of the large numbers of servers that make them up by enabling high levels of availability and reliability for applications that can take advantage of this. Service-oriented. The cloud is a natural home for service- oriented applications, which need a way to easily scale as services get incorporated into other applications. Utility-based. Users only pay for the services they use, either by subscription or transaction-based models.
Shared. By enabling IT resources to be consolidated, multiple users share a common infrastructure, allowing costs to be more effectively managed without sacrificing the security of each user's data. SLA-driven. Clouds are managed dynamically based on service- level agreements that define policies like delivery parameters, costs, mean time to repair and similar measurable details. APIs. Because clouds virtualize resources as a service they must have an application programming interface (API).
Related Technologies Although the term 'cloud computing' is relatively new, the technologies that make it possible have been used for some time. For example, cloud computing is enabled by grid computing, virtualization, utility computing, hosting and software as a service (SaaS). Yet these technologies differ from cloud computing in the following ways:
Originally designed for computationally intensive batch applications, grid computing was developed as a way to share computers and data. Modern grid computing technologies have evolved as a way to harness inexpensive servers in a data center to solve a variety of business problems. Traditionally, grids have lacked the automation, agility and simplicity characterized by cloud computing Grid Computing:
Virtualized infrastructures are available on-demand and capable of supporting multiple users, but lack the automation required for the self-managing, self-healing property of the cloud. Virtualization: Hosting services provide space on servers for use by clients as well as providing IP-based connectivity, typically in a data center. Because hosting does not enable on-demand, elastic scalability, it cannot be considered cloud computing. Hosting:
In the utility computing model, computing resources like applications, infrastructure and storage are packaged and sold as a service, with users paying only for what they consume, like electricity. In many respects, cloud computing is closely related to the utility computing model, with cloud computing being a broader concept that relates to the underlying architecture in which the services are designed. Utility Computing:
Although Software-as-a-Service offerings are often hosted on true clouds, SaaS is an application as a service and cloud computing is IT infrastructure as a service. SaaS:
Public Clouds vs. Private Clouds Public (External) and private(Internal) clouds are two different types of cloud computing available today and each offers distinct advantages for businesses. A public cloud computing environment is open for use by the general public, which could include individuals, corporations or other types of organizations (Free or paid). Amazon Web Services and Google's AppEngine are examples of a public cloud.
The public cloud offers startups and SMBs an opportunity to take advantage of the scalability, agility and automated management of the cloud by essentially renting computing resources and avoiding costly hardware expenditures. However, security and compliance are serious issues with public cloud computing and are among the factors driving the adoption of private clouds. For example, Amazon's S3 service was recently down for six hours dues to an increased volume of authenticated calls, which pushed the authentication service over its maximum capacity before Amazon could solve the issue.
In contrast, a private cloud computing environment exists within the boundaries of an organization, typically for its exclusive usage. Often, private clouds are driven by C-level executives' concerns about the security and reliability of public clouds, since private clouds can deliver many of the benefits of public cloud computing, without the downside. Interest in private clouds is also driven by IT departments' attempts to develop utility-like IT environments, where computing resources and applications can be provisioned with greater efficiency
While private clouds solve the issues of security and reliability by keeping data safely behind an organization's firewall, their development requires initial hardware investments and in- house expertise.
COMMUNITY CLOUD A community cloud may be established where several organizations have similar requirements and seek to share infrastructure so as to realize some of the benefits of cloud computing. With the costs spread over fewer users than a public cloud,this option is more expensive but may offer a higher level of privacy, security and/or policy compliance. Examples of community cloud include Google's "GovCloud”.
Hybrid Cloud A hybrid cloud environment consists of multiple internal and/or external providers. will be typical for most enterprises. By integrating multiple cloud services, users may be able to ease the transition to public cloud services
Cloud Features Highly virtualized and standardized infrastructures Massive scalability Fault tolerant & highly reliable Intra- & Inter- cloud load balance Instant application development
Cloud Benefits Simplified, more efficient IT and application management Deliver more applications to large number of users Excellent service quality Higher utilization at reduced cost
No need to install or update SW or HW; access from any browser Unlimited use Always on Access from anywhere Many services to choose from
Types of Cloud Offerings: Bare Operating System Web or Portal Infrastructure Applications Web Services Database Services Customizable Application Services
Bare Operating System- RackspaceCloud Formerly Mosso, a division of Rackspace Provide various Linux Distributions Also Support sites with Web Server, Both Linux and Windows O/S Managed by hosting service
Web or Portal Infrastructure - Microsoft SharePoint Online Rich Portal Capabilities Excel Services Forms Services Visio Services Access Services Search Services
Applications – Google Apps Pre-built, fully functional applications Mail Calendar Word Processing Dynamic Web Pages Etc.
Uses Helps to use applications without installations. Access the personal files at any computer with internet access. This technology allows much more efficient computation by centralizing storage, memory, processing and band width.
Many Flavors of Cloud Computing SaaS – Software as a Service Network-hosted application DaaS – Data as a Service Customer queries against provider’s database PaaS – Platform as a Service Network-hosted software development platform IaaS – Infrastructure as a Service Provider hosts customer VMs or providers network storage
IPMaaS – Identity and Policy Management as a Service Provider manages identity and/or access control policy for customer NaaS – Network as a Service Provider offers virtualized networks (e.g. VPNs)
A cloud client consists of computer hardware and/or computer software that relies on cloud computing for application delivery Layers
Applications Cloud application services or “Software as Service(SaaS)” deliver ‘Software’ as a service over the Internet, eliminating the need to install and run the application on the customer’s own computer and simplifying maintenance and support.
Platform Cloud platform services or “Platform as a Service (PaaS)” deliver a computing platform and/or solution stack as a service, often consuming cloud infrastructure and sustaining cloud applications. It facilitates deployment of applications without the cost and complexity of buying and managing the underlying hardware and software layers.
Cloud infrastructure services or "Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)" delivers computer infrastructure, typically a platform virtualization environment, as a service. Rather than purchasing servers, software, data center space or network equipment, clients instead buy those resources as a fully outsourced service. The service is typically billed on a utility computing basis and amount of resources consumed (and therefore the cost) will typically reflect the level of activity. It is an evolution of virtual private server offerings. Infrastructure
The servers layer consists of computer hardware and/or computer software products that are specifically designed for the delivery of cloud services, including multi-core processors, cloud-specific operating systems and combined offerings. Server