Colorado Firefighter Safety and Disease Prevention Fund August 2014
Colorado Firefighter Safety and Disease Prevention Fund Information contained in this slide presentation is subject to change once the Funding Opportunity Announcement is finalized and published on the website: Please make sure you check the website once the grant period is open for current and up-to- date information
Introductions Name Department –Number of Stations –Number of Calls Run per Year –Jurisdiction Size –Number of Staff –Type of Department (Career/Volunteer/Combination )
The purpose of the fund is to establish a need-based grant program to governing bodies to provide funding or reimbursement for equipment and training designed to increase firefighter safety and prevent occupation-related diseases. Firefighter Safety Grant Purpose
Stakeholder Organizations Colorado Division of Fire Prevention and Control Colorado State Fire Fighters Association Colorado Professional Fire Fighters Association Colorado State Fire Chiefs Association ** Need Not Be A Member To Apply For Grant**
Authorizing Authority for Program Colorado Revised Statutes and Appropriation Authority for Program (b) (II) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, in the TWO fiscal years commencing ON OR AFTER July 1, 2014, the executive director of the department of local affairs shall transfer, prior to any other distribution specified in this paragraph (b), three million two hundred fifty thousand dollars of the moneys available for grant applications pursuant to this paragraph (b) to the state treasurer, who shall credit the moneys to the LOCAL FIREFIGHTER SAFETY AND DISEASE PREVENTION fund created in section , C.R.S. The general assembly intends that the need-based grants from the fund are in addition to, and do not supplant, other sources of funding to governing bodies regarding firefighting. Firefighter Safety Grant Authority
Rulemaking CRS directs the DFPC Director to promulgate rules governing the award of grants The rules will govern how grants will be awarded DFPC will file a notice of rulemaking hearing by September 30, 2014 with the goal of having rules promulgated by December 30, 2014
The Process Funding Opportunity Announcement Application Period: Proposed 30 Days Peer Panel Review Post Panel (Technical) Review Colorado Firefighter Training and Certification Board Review Awards
Fire Department CRS (3.9) defines fire department as the duly authorized fire protection organization of a town, city, county, or city and county, a fire protection district, or a metropolitan district or county improvement district that provides fire protection.
Joint/Regional Any eligible fire department or sheriff’s office may act as a “host” applicant and apply for large-scale projects on behalf of itself and any number of local area eligible organizations that will be participating partners in the award. Joint/Regional projects should achieve greater cost effectiveness and regional efficiency and resilience.
Funding Priorities The single most important thing you can do to ensure your department has the best opportunity for success in the Firefighter Safety Grant Program is to match your highest needs to Program’s funding priorities.
Priority 1 (High) SCBA, SCBA Spare Bottles, Fit Testing Equipment Bunker Gear Ensemble (Boots, Helmet, Gloves) Wildland Gear Compressor and Cascade Air Trailer (Regional Application Package) FFI/FFII/Fire Instructor Training Programs Extractor Air Monitoring Exhaust Removal Systems Physicals (1582) Baseline w/ Vaccinations Behavioral Health Other Safety Equipment and or Programs not Identified above
Priority 2 (Medium) Thermal Imaging Cameras Emergency Medical Responder Training Extrication Equipment Water/Ice/Technical Rescue Equipment (PFDs, Helmets, Training) Washing Machines
Priority 3 (Low) Other firefighting equipment not listed in Priority 1 or 2
Exclusions No Motorized Vehicles No Communication Equipment
DUNS Number The applicant may need to provide a Dun and Bradstreet Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number with their application. Organizations should verify that they have a DUNS number, or take the steps necessary to obtain one, as soon as possible. Applicants can receive a DUNS number at no cost by calling the dedicated toll-free DUNS number request line at (866) , or by applying on-line at
System for Award Management (SAM) All Applicants must register in SAM. If your organization has not yet registered in SAM, please go to and follow the FAQs and User Guides for help completing the registration process. Sam registration guidance and web links may be found at managementhttp:// management If you are already registered in, please take a moment to confirm you information is current and up to date
Application – Project Description Provide detail on current equipment to be replaced (age, condition, repairs, and maintenance) or new equipment that has not previously been attainable. NFPA Standard Year of Manufacture (if available) on equipment to be replaced
Application – Operational Readiness How does the requested equipment address day-to-day firefighting operations? How often will the equipment be used? Detail how this equipment will allow the department to better protect property and save lives.
Application – Organization Financial Information (Three Years) Department Budget Total Salaries/Benefits Training Equipment Maintenance Facilities Upkeep Capital Expenditures
Application – Organization Financial Information (Three Years) What other funding avenues have been explored? What is the state of the local and regional economy and why can the project not be funded locally? Funding Streams Taxes Fundraising Grants Donations Cash-funded Programs (Permitting, Wildland, EMS )
Application Call Data ( ) Structure Fires EMS Calls Vehicle Fires Mutual Aid/Auto Aid Given Mutual Aid/Auto Aid Received Brush/Wildland Fires Auto Accidents Auto Accidents with Extrication Hazardous Materials Responses Technical Rescue Other
Questions? Contact our Steering Committee Mark Quick, Division of Fire Prevention and Control Fire Training Director (303) Mark Schuman Chair, Certification Advisory Board (303)
Contact Information Dennis Eulberg, Colorado Professional Fire Fighters (720) Perry Otero, Training and Certification Advisory Board (303) Brita Horn, Rock Creek Volunteer Fire (970)