Children and Young People’s Officers Group March 2011 Welcome!
Item 6: Safeguarding training, policy and Incident Report Form update 160 Silver, 32 Gold staff trained Approx. 214 Bronze, 100 Silver, 10 Gold staff to train Bespoke sessions for casual /temporary staff Current Silver/ Gold workforce trained by 31 st March Incident Report Forms received since March CBC, 26 CNH year olds, year olds 48 cases referred to Social Care (or consulted for advice) 21 cases referred to Police Referrals received from 10 different CBC departments plus CNH
Item 7: DIG and Children’s Services Inspection Preparation Group update DIG workplan highlights: Youth voice audit – Youth Council Compact Separation of CYP and adults with safeguarding needs policies Accreditation for safeguarding training Safeguarding training for elected members Response to emerging changes
Item 7: DIG and Children’s Services Inspection Preparation Group update Children’s Services Inspection Preparation Group Action mock OFSTED safeguarding inspection findings 10 days notice of inspection 25 cases open to Children’s Social Care randomly sampled Search of safeguarding, ASB and housing records Agencies self evaluate against OFSTED grade descriptors Interviews
Item 8: Emerging national policy
Early Intervention Grant represents 11% funding cut. Grant will be worth £2,212m in 2011/12 and £2,297m in 2012/13. It will include money for payment-by-results Funding for Youth Offending Teams, the Government’s Work Programme and the Early Intervention Grant to be channelled into ‘community budget’ pilots from 1 April Domestic abuse orders to be piloted- ‘go-orders’ to prevent alleged domestic abusers returning to the family home to be trialled in England
Item 8: Emerging national policy Youth justice system - plans to reduce numbers of children remanded in custody Mental health strategy £400m to extend talking therapies across England and help prevent young people developing lifetime illnesses Freedoms Bill - in 18 months more than half of the 9m people who have criminal record checks to work with children and vulnerable adults will no longer be required to undertake them Youth unemployment – figures hit 5 year high (young people not in education, employment or training (NEET)
School Improvement Partners – the abolition of the requirement for all schools to have LA School Improvement Partners Pupil Premiums – schools to be given £430 pupil premium for all children entitled to free school meals or living in care School Sport Partnerships – time-limited funding available (£47m- end summer, £65m- 2011/12 & 2012/13) Government to cut LA funding by +£400m over 2 years to finance academies inc. health and education welfare provision Education Bill focuses on Ofsted and Ofqual to raise standards introducing smarter school inspections. Ofsted to focus on 4 core elements of schools- pupil achievement, teaching, leadership and behaviour and safety. Item 8: Emerging national policy - education
Item 8: Emerging national policy - safeguarding Interim report of Munro Review of Safeguarding The areas for reform in the interim report include: The importance of a management and inspection process that monitors whether children are getting the help they need rather than being a tick-box exercise; Developing social work expertise by keeping experienced, more senior social workers on the front line so they can develop their skills and better supervise more junior social workers; Giving other professionals- health, police and family support services- easier access to social work advice when they have concerns about abuse and neglect; Revising and reducing the statutory guidance, working together to safeguard children- which is now 55 longer than it was in so that core rules are separated from professional advice; Considering having a national system of trained reviewers of serious case reviews (SCRs), who can share findings so that lessons can be learnt nationally.
Item 8: Emerging local changes Youth service restructure – approx 50% staff reduction plus locality changes Connexions – staff reduction plus managers move localities Extended Schools Co-ordinators posts end April - August
Item 8: Emerging national policy – teenage pregnancy strategy results National TP stats: 38.3 pregnancies per thousand 15-17yr olds = 5.9% fall from 2008 and is lowest since 1980s Leicestershire TP stats: Leicestershire has achieved highest reduction in TP in East Midlands 33.1 per 1000 girls in 2008 to 27.6 per 1000 in % decline since 1998 baseline Significantly lower than national average, 38.3 per 1000 girls in England Strong partnerships, good practice and targeted approach taken by Leicestershire County Teenage Pregnancy Partnership
Item 9: Children’s Centre Programme update An alternative strategy to develop children’s capabilities in the early years Recommendations: Establish a set of life chance indicators Foundation years, pregnancy to 5 years Funding for early years and weighted to most disadvantaged No automatic increase of benefits for children Fund support for parents during pregnancy and early years better parenting support for good home learning environment, high quality childcare
Item 9: Children’s Centre Programme update Frank Field Review; the Foundations Years: preventing poor children and becoming poor adults First five years of life Things that matter Healthy pregnancy Good maternal mental health Secure bonding Parents love and responsiveness clear boundaries Opportunities for child’s cognitive language social and emotional development good services (health, children’s centres, childcare) More than money
Item 9: Children’s Centre Programme update Surestart to provide targeted help to most disadvantaged Signposting maintain some universal services Parents rep on governance Graduate led pre school provision Track children most in need Services with strong evidence base
Item 12: IYSS and 5-19 delivery plan update IYSS highlights November - February: Integrating services for 0-19’s in Shepshed, commitment to 10-19’s Shepshed Youth Development Group Co-ordination of teenage pregnancy/ parent services and recommendations for CCP funding Co-ordination of NEET and Foundation Learning Agenda has led to extra provision for Charnwood PAYP funding for emotional health and wellbeing
Item 12: IYSS and 5-19 delivery plan update Charnwood’s 5-19 delivery plan: Additional work to individual agency plans 10 key actions/ improvements 12 named lead organisations CBC leading on 4 actions, IYSS on 7 Plan due for refresh April 2011