Confined Space Instructional Goal You will be able to recognize confined space and permit required confined space, and be aware of the procedures used in confined space entry.
Prior to Entering a Confined Space t all personnel have been trained t proper permit has been issued t appropriate PPE is in place and utilized t OSHA’s procedures are in effect
Definitions t attendant t confined space
Definitions t permit-required confined space t isolation t hot work t inerting t purging
Definitions t standby person t qualified person
Permit Required Confined Space? t storage tanks t process vessels t silos t vaults t storage bins t hoppers t ship compartments t exhaust ducts t sewers t tunnels t boilers
Permit System t measures that have been implemented to prevent unauthorized entry t hazards that have been identified and evaluated before employee entry t means, procedures, and practices that are necessary for safe entry The employer must document
Permit Guidelines
Personnel Responsibilities t planning entry and exit procedures t rescue and training drills t use of testing equipment t lockout procedures t ventilation
Testing and Monitoring t oxygen deficiency t flammability t toxicity
Labeling and Posting
Work Practices Review Specific SOPs
Ventilation t negative pressure ventilation t positive pressure ventilation
Safety Equipment and Clothing t no single combination of protective equipment and clothing is capable of protecting against all hazards t PPE should be used in conjunction with other protective methods t equipment and clothing should be selected that provide an adequate level of protection t overprotection, as well as underprotection, can be hazardous
Confined Space Rescue t on-site rescue teams t outside rescue services t three types of rescue – self-rescue – non-entry rescue - external – entry rescue - internal
Medical Issues t burns t fractures t lacerations t heart attack t asphyxia t heat stroke t chemical toxicity