9 TH G RADE O RIENTATION Class of 2018
S TUDENTS : T O D O Take challenging classes in core academic subjects. Most colleges require four years of English, at least three years of social studies (history, civics, geography, economics, etc.), three years of mathematics, and three years of science, and many require two years of a foreign language. Round out your course load with classes in computer science and the arts. Work with one of your parents to estimate your financial aid using FAFSA4caster and be sure to save for college ** Join clubs, play sports, volunteer, and expand your interests. Work on your community service projects. Ask your guidance counselor or teachers what Advanced Placement courses are available, whether you are eligible, and how to enroll in them. **
K EEP I N M IND : Get involved in school- or community-based activities that interest you or let you explore career interests. Consider working, volunteering, and/or participating in academic enrichment programs, summer workshops, and camps with specialty focuses such as music, arts, or science. Remember ~ it’s quality (not quantity) that counts. Start a list of your awards, honors, paid and volunteer work, and extracurricular activities. Update it throughout high school.
T O E XPLORE : Check out KnowHow2Go: The four steps to college, which suggests some actions you can take as you start thinking about education beyond high school. ** Learn about managing your money. ** m_06_color.pdf Explore reasons to consider college and ways you can get help preparing. ** college#why-go-to-college **
PSAT October 6-10 There will be a $14 fee for students taking the PSAT.
C LASS OF 2018 G RADUATION R EQUIREMENTS English: (4 credits) English 1 English 2 FCAT Reading English 3 English 4 Mathematics: (4 credits) Algebra 1 EOC (Must pass to earn credit ) Geometry EOC (Must take exam) Algebra 2 Pre Calculus Calculus Advanced Topics Science: (3 credits) Physical Science Biology EOC (Must take exam) Chemistry AP Chemistry Integrated Science Physics
C LASS OF 2018 G RADUATION R EQUIREMENTS Social Science: (3 credits) World History US History EOC ( Counts as 30% of the final grade) Government & Economics Foreign Language: First Year Foreign Language Second Year Foreign Language Electives (8 credits): *One of the electives must be an online course. Performing/ Fine Arts/ Practical Art/ (1) Physical Education/ Health: (1)
C LASS OF 2018 G RADUATION R EQUIREMENTS SAT ACT Community Service Hours Scholarship Applications College Applications
F LORIDA B RIGHT F UTURES S CHOLARSHIP Be a Florida resident and a U.S. citizen or eligible noncitizen, as determined by the student's postsecondary institution. Complete the Florida Financial Aid Application (FFAA) no later than August 31 after high school graduation. Earn a standard Florida high school diploma or its equivalent from a Florida public high school or a registered Florida Department of Education private high school. Not have been found guilty of, or pled not guilty to, a felony charge, unless the student has been granted clemency by the Governor and Cabinet sitting as the Executive Office of Clemency. G ENERAL R EQUIREMENTS
F LORIDA B RIGHT F UTURES S CHOLARSHIP Be accepted by, enroll in a degree or certificate program, and be funded at an eligible Florida public or independent postsecondary institution within 2 years from the student’s year of high school graduation. (Please refer to the ‘Deferment of Scholarship’ section at the end of this chapter concerning students who enlist in the military after graduation.) Be enrolled for at least 6 non-remedial semester credit hours (or the equivalent in quarter or clock hours) per term. G ENERAL R EQUIREMENTS C ONT.
F LORIDA B RIGHT F UTURES S CHOLARSHIP Florida high school students who wish to qualify for the Florida Academic Scholars (FAS) award or the Florida Medallion Scholars (FMS) award must meet the following initial eligibility requirements: Graduate high school from a Florida public high school with a Florida Standard Diploma (high school graduation requirements), graduate from a registered Florida Department of Education private high school, earn a GED, complete a Home Education program, or graduate from a non-Florida high school (OOS); Complete the required high school coursework; Achieve the required minimum high school grade point average (GPA) weighted; FMS: 3.0 FAC: 3.5 Achieve the required minimum score on either the ACT® FMS: 26 FAS: 29 or SAT® FMS: 1170 FAS: 1290 college entrance exam; and Complete the required number of service hours. F LORIDA A CADEMIC S CHOLARS (FAS) AND F LORIDA M EDALLION S CHOLARS (FMS)
C LASS OF 2018 R EMIND 101