Religion in the 1980’s: Return to Conservatism As a response to the “counter- culture” of the 1960’s and 1970’s there was a new conservative Christian movement that became concerned with the culture of the day. This new group called themselves the “Moral Majority”. It was started in 1979 in Lynchburg, Va. They spoke out against abortion, pornography, homosexuality, and feminism.
Election of 1980 The candidate chosen for the Republicans was Ronald Reagan. He was supported by this mass movement of the “Moral Majority” and evangelical Christians. Ronald Reagan wins the election in a landslide over Democrat candidate Jimmy Carter by an electoral vote of
Ronald Reagan
Conservative Republicans: The Reagan Revolution Objectives of the Reagan administration: Get rid of “big government” Limit welfare, food-stamps, and other social programs. Support free-market capitalism free of government intrusion Push for a return to traditional values with a focus on the home. Strengthen the military
“Reaganomics” Economic Goals: Reduce taxes Expand defense spending “Supply-side” Economics Tax reductions would: Stimulate new investment Boost manufacturing Cause economic growth Reduce federal deficit
Reagan Ends the Cold War The Soviet Union began to fall apart from the inside out. Spending on military to compete with the United States Desire for independence from member nations. Economic reforms moving toward a market economy similar to United States. Mikhail Gorbachev’s reforms. Glasnost = openness, honesty Perestroika = economic restructuring President Reagan’s famous quote to Soviet Union leader Mikhail Gorbachev pressuring him to end communism. President Reagan’s famous quote In order for the Cold War to come to an end communism had to fall.
An American Tragedy in the 80’s Challenger Explosion January 28, 1986 Explosion due to cold weather and a seal issue on the rocket boosters attached to the space shuttle holding astronauts. Lack of communication over concerns were also to blame. The first teacher in space, Sharon McCauliffe, far left, was planning on giving a lesson while in orbit to her class.
“Reagan Revolution” Going Beyond Reagan Presidency continued to shape politics for years to come. Election of his Vice- President George H.W. Bush in 1988 Election of his son George W. Bush in 2000 Republicans dominate Congress in 1990’s during the Clinton administration.
What Now? With Communism out of the picture now entering the 1990’s, what was our foreign policy going to focus on? Our post-Cold War era focus around the world became Foreign aid Humanitarian aid Support for human rights Operation Desert Storm in Kuwait 1991
1990’s President George H. W. Bush: Persian Gulf War: Operation Desert Storm Operation Desert Storm Liberating Kuwait from Iraqi control (oil) First war with women in combat roles Major world events during presidency: Fall of communism Soviet Union Break up of Soviet States Reunification of Germany Collapse of Yugoslavia
1990’s continued… President William J. Clinton: Signed NAFTA Free trade with Canada and Mexico Lifted economic sanctions against S. Africa after Apartheid (racial segregation) ended. Endured impeachment trial but not removed from office. Economic prosperity of the 90’s led to loose spending/investing of the 2000’s….sound familiar (1920’s). Definitely 90’s, check out those shorts.
Early 2000’s President George W. Bush: Terrorist attacks on 9/11 and the new threat of terrorism Higher security measures at home to protect against terrorism. Patriot Act October 26, 2001 President George W Bush Government officials permitted to search telephone, , medical, financial and other personal records of individuals believed to be involved in terrorist activities. Military initiatives against terrorism (containment) Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan Shock and Awe in Iraq The Cabinet position of Dept. of Homeland Security is created. Designed to monitor suspected individuals and groups of terrorist activities and affiliations. Death of Osama Bin Laden by Seal Team 6 on May 1 st, Death of Osama Bin Laden
American Diversity Today Many immigrants have come to the United States, mainly Latin Americans and Asians: Political freedom Economic opportunity (jobs) Education (colleges) Issues/Impacts caused by immigration today: Government services Driver license? Welfare? Tax returns? unemployment benefits? Job competition Border issues Southwestern United States Granting of Citizenship Bilingual Education in schools Cultural diversity
Contributions of Immigrants Music Visual Arts Literature Jobs: low paying Achievements in science, engineering, and medical field. Foods
Technological Influences Today Space Exploration Mars Rovers Voyager Missions Hubble telescope Communications Satellites Tv, GPS, cell phones Robotics Taking jobs from people Importance of education Ex. Self-checkout, assembly lines
Changes in American Society Work Telecommuting Skype Education Online course work Ex. Phoenix Growth of service industries Outsourcing to other nations to do manufacturing jobs Ex. Ipods in China
Women Breaking Ground Sally Ride First woman in space 1983 Sandra Day O’Connor First woman on United States Supreme Court in 1981 by President Reagan Ruth Bader Ginsburg Second woman on Supreme Court in 1993 by President Clinton
Diversity in the Supreme Court Next to Sandra Day O’Connor and Ruth Bader Ginsberg, African- Americans and Latinos now serve on the Supreme Court. Clarence Thomas Nominated by President Bush in 1991 Sonya Sotomayor Nominated by President Obama in 2009