Fire Service Prince’s Trust Association Nottinghamshire FRS Thursday 29 th September 2011
The Team programme Everything a new FRS Delivery Partner needs to know
The Team programme - aim Team aims to increase confidence, motivation and skills and as a result enable unemployed Team members to move into employment, education or training
Team – Positive Outcomes Employment Education Training Continue to volunteer in the community
The Team programme The Team programme is the vehicle to deliver educational qualifications to young people but also a brilliant method for the Fire & Rescue Service to engage with and deliver safety messages to young people and the wider community
Target groups – young people who are; Unemployed In or leaving care Young offenders/ex-offenders Educational underachievers
Target groups - continued Young people from black & ethnic minorities Those with disabilities Refugees and asylum seekers Lone parents
Qualifications England, Wales & Northern Ireland Certificate & Awards at EL, L1, 2 &3 Certificate/Award in Employment, Teamwork & Community Skills Scotland – Customised PT Personal Development Award
Funding England – SFA & YPLA - EFA from 2012) Wales – WAG Scotland – Mixture LA’s, Scottish Executive & ESF Northern Ireland - ESF (Dept of Education & Learning)
Funding Who pays the piper plays the tune? Discuss!
Programme staff Deliver Partner Manager Team Leader Deputy Team Leader Assistant Team Leader Skills for Life Support Workers Student Social Workers Placements – ‘Wellbeing Secondees Other support roles - e.g. Mentor Staffing levels? Qualifications?
Safety Management System Risk Assessments Accident/Incident Reporting Health & Safety Training Requirements Health & Safety Help notes Procedure for Emergency Situations Health & Safety
The Team mix – the secret of success? A key feature of Team is that it is for a broad mix of year olds. Ideally this will include a majority of unemployed and one or two employed Team members along with a 50/50 mix of gender; full spread of ages; ability levels; and social, ethnic and cultural mix reflecting the demographics of the local community
Recruiting - marketing The networks created are the secret of recruiting and retention success Is there a recruitment ‘phase’? Identify target groups to best contact young people Job Centres, women’s centres, young people’s services, Connexions, social workers Local media – newspapers, radio and TV Taster days Marketing materials Other ideas include ?
Referred young people – voluntary? What assessments has the young person already been through? Why was Team thought appropriate If there are concerns about the risk of accepting a particular young person – discuss the risks and issues – note special measures Referral agencies role vital Individual Risk Assessment Team Leaders decision final? Receiving referrals
Safeguarding Staff Young people? Employed Team members?
Funding – performance related Week 1 - Good attendance and time- keeping essential. A requirement to attend the residential – minimum 3 days? Dragged to end of the programme kicking & screaming? Retention – how to keep ‘em!
Week 1 Induction, Planning & Target- setting To start the process of team-building To complete initial self assessments & skills for Life assessments To set targets and begin action planning To prepare for the residential week
To understand & put into practice the principles of team-work To build confidence and a sense of responsibility to others To establish mutual trust and respect between individual Team members and between them and the Team Leader and other staff Week 2 Team-building Residential
To develop project planning skills, defiine targets and agree actions To develop skills including time management, decision-making, organisation and team-working (and where appropriate leadership) To build a sense of achievement To develop a sense of responsibility within the local community Weeks 3 to 5/6 – Community Project
To apply the skills being acquired on the Team & understand how those skills relate to the world of work To develop awareness of caring for and tolerance of others To develop work place skills such as time-keeping and attendance skills To increase understanding of what sort of work might suit them To gain current experience to add to CV’s To gain an understanding of the ‘work ethic’ and prepare for employment Weeks 6/7 and 8 – Individual Work Placements
To focus on individual plans beyond the programme To review, discuss and decide upon future options To improve job search skills To review skills development Week 9 – Next Steps
To take collective responsibility for the Team Challenge To demonstrate project planning, problem solving and communication skills To demonstrate team-work skills To demonstrate understanding and awareness of needs of others outside their Team To demonstrate care and tolerance for others Weeks 10 & 11 – Team Challenge
To review Team experiences To review and re-assess Skills for Life needs and action plans To provide an opportunity for each Team member to demonstrate their confidence and presentation skills To persuade others of the value of their experience To focus on what the Team members have learned To say a public ‘thank you and well done’ to those who deserve this To provide a PR and marketing exercise for the programme and the Delivery Partner End of Team report Week 12 – Programme Review and Presentation
Evaluation & Outcome Monitoring End of Team leaver questionnaire Soft Outcome Evaluation My Journey Evaluation Hard Outcomes
Day 1 of week 13 Positive outcomes Role of referral agencies Week 13!