Central Cabarrus High School
Who is my Counselor?? A-G: Ms. Felker H-O: Ms. Brand P-Z: Mr. Witkowski
What will you get today? Registration Work Sheet AP form (if planning to take an AP Course)
Registration Time Line February 10 th – February 14 all 2 nd period classes will attend an assembly for students to receive materials and instructions February 24 th -March 27 th Students will meet individually with counselors during 1 st, 2 nd and 4 th period classes to review registration choices and finalize their class selections. In May Each student will be given a Course Selection Confirmation Sheet during period 2. This step will allow students to review their selections and look for errors in their selections. Students must return the confirmation sheets signed by a parent. Summer “Face to Face” schedule change appointments (Dates are TBD) may be made with Student Services by calling Ms. Debi Rhodes Ext. 7146
Promotion Requirements 9 th to 10 th Earn six credits (6) in any courses 10 th to 11 th Earn thirteen credits (13) in any courses 11 th to 12 th Earn nineteen (19) credits in any courses
Graduation Requirements: Math Sequence: 27 Units required Four Math Courses: Math I, Math II, Math III, AFM/Pre-Calc 4 English 4 Math 3 Social studies: World History, Civics, US History (class of 2016 needs one add. US History 3 Science: Earth/Env., Biology, Physics or Chemistry Health and PE 9 4 Courses in Concentration Area 8 General electives
Foreign Language Is it needed to graduate? No, to graduate from high school (FRC) Yes, if you are attending a 4 year college/university Yes, if World Language is your Cluster Area
Clusters: Career & Technical Education Clusters Must have four courses in one of the following pathways: Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources Architecture and Construction Arts, Audio/Video Technology Health Science Finance Business Management & Administration Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
Other Cluster Areas Performing and Visual Arts 4 Band/Choir /Art/Ceramics World Languages 2-4 years (in high school) + Supporting courses ROTC ROTC I-IV This is the only cluster that can include one unit of PE (ie… ROTC I,II,III and Adv. PE) PE COURSES ARE NOT A CLUSTER OPTION
Schedule Changes Students should make their course selections after much thought and planning. Schedule change requests should be rare. If a schedule needs changing it MUST be requested and changed in the Summer by making an appointment to see their counselor. Schedule changes in the Fall will only be granted due to administrative error.
What classes do I pick?? 8 classes and 4 alternative classes Alternatives should be courses that you want to take, please choose by order of preference. 1 core class per subject 1 English, 1 Math, 1 Science, 1 Social Studies Only Juniors and Seniors are eligible to take Office Practice/Library Assistant. This in a non-credit course.
Pre-Requisites for Classes & Classes with Fees Some classes have pre- requisites that need to be completed Example: Art II and Ceramics must have Art I completed Example: Apparel II must have Apparel I completed Some classes have fees Apparel Development Ceramics Advanced Placement requires fee for Exam
Courses Requiring Application Process: RCCC Career and College Promise Yearbook Broadcasting Leadership Weight Training Pharmacy Tech, Nursing Fundamentals Office Practices CTE Internship, Apprenticeship/Co-op must see Ms. Dellinger for information and application. All Advanced Performing and Visual Arts courses require a recommendation from current art teacher.
“Doubling Up” & Eligibility for Honors and AP Courses At registration students may not “Double up” and select two classes in a subject area (example: Math II and Math III or Spanish II and III) You may only sign up for one. At summer drop/add students may add the second class if there is room in those courses. Eligibility for Honors Courses/AP courses – Minimum grade of 85 in Honors prerequisite course or grade of 93 in standard level prerequisite course.
When should you submit your registration form? Due by February 19 th to your second period teacher NO Registration Card = COUNSELOR MAKES YOUR Schedule AND NO CLASS CHANGES WILL BE ACCEPTED
Career/College Promise (CCP) Juniors and Seniors (must be at least 16 years old) Cosmetology, HVAC, Simulation Game Design, English 111, Psychology and more… Take course at Community college Some are online, some are on Campus Must have reliable transportation Must talk to counselor at registration appointment.
NCVPS North Carolina Virtual Public School (online) Take summer courses Take online course in the fall or spring in addition to courses at CCHS Take classes from home computer Must have reliable internet connection Must have reliable address Must talk to counselor at registration appt.
Courses at other schools Students interested in taking classes at other high schools such as: Culinary Arts HRHS Fire Safety CHS Automotive JMRHS AP Courses not offered at CCHS (Select High Schools) Mention your interest to your counselor at individual appt. and changes are confirmed in the summer. These courses do require a travel period.
Flex requests All rising Seniors must select 8 classes at registration. If a rising Senior wishes to FLEX (not have a period 1 or 4) or request to be a January Grad and complete required courses in the Fall) they must complete a FLEX application in the Summer (Available in the Student Services Office) to do so.
Central Cabarrus Website Website: Registration Information: click on “ Registration”
What do I do now? Use your Registration worksheet to plan your course selections. Obtain and complete your applications and/or recommendation forms. Have your completed worksheets with you at your next registration session.