Satellites and Space Probes
What are satellites and space probes? A satellite is a human- built object which revolves around the Earth.
What are satellites and space probes? A space probe is a robot spacecraft that has left the Earth’s orbit.
When Was the First Satellite launched? The Beginning of the Space Race
When Was the First Satellite launched? Satellite 101
When Was the First Satellite launched? How Satellites are Launched
How are satellites made? Satellite Production
What do satellites do for us? Monitor weather, help us navigate, used for communication, and spying.
What do satellites do for us? Satellites for SharksSatellites for Sharks.
What do satellites do for us? GOES Ask the Weatherman
What do satellites do for us? Looking Inside Clouds
What do satellites do for us? Landsat – Looking at the Earth’s Surface
Where have space probes been? Mars Space Probes Curiosity Galileo Space Probe
Where have space probes been? Dawn Curiosity has Landed
Where have space probes been? Juno New Horizons Cassini
Where have space probes been? Space Telescopes Hubble’s Eye on the Universe