IPSEM Code Manual Content Ships in Service Training Material
IPSEM CODE Manual of Procedures Example Ships in Service Training Material A-M CHAUVEL
Mission Statement & Vision The Port of ……….. Mission Statement defines our business and sees its purpose as: To promote and Develop Our Natural Harbour as a World Class Port facilitating the Efficient Movement of Goods and People to and from the Marketplace. The Port of ………. has set as it’s Vision : To Deliver to Future Generations a Thriving Port Business with Modern and Efficient Systems and Facilities. Ships in Service Training Material A-M CHAUVEL
Policy - Key Values The following are some Key Values central to our Policy: - Act with Integrity, Openness and Vibrancy - Maintain the Highest Standards of Corporate Governance - Treat all Stakeholders with Trust and Respect - Acknowledge that Our People are Our Greatest Asset. - Promote a Healthy, safe and Secure Workplace - Aim for Quality and Cost-efficient services - Be responsive to Customer Needs - Develop and Operate State of the Art Facilities - Promote a Continuous Improvement ethic. - Respect the Principles of Environmental Sustainability Ships in Service Training Material A-M CHAUVEL
Chief Executive Officer Policy - Commitment The Port ……… will ensure the compliance of it’s facilities under the provisions of Regulation (EC) No 725/2004 of the European Parliament and Council, Chapter X1-2 of the 1974 Safety of Life at Sea Convention and Part A of the International Code for the Security of Ships and of Port Facilities (ISPS Code). In the name of the Port ……, I make a personal commitment to this Policy, which is vital for our future, and I count on your active participation and support. Chief Executive Officer Port of XXXXXX Ships in Service Training Material A-M CHAUVEL
Port Authority Safety Statement The Port ……… is fully committed to implementing the provisions of the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 1989, the new Safety Health and Welfare at work Bill 2004 and any other relevant safety legislation. The Port ……… policy for management of health and safety covers : - Contractors - Stevedores - Haulers - Accidents and Dangerous Incidents - Personal Protective Equipment - Construction Regulations 1995 Ships in Service Training Material A-M CHAUVEL
Port Authority Safety Statement This policy may be changed from time to time after review by Management and the Safety Committee. Any person who feels this policy needs reviewing should highlight the matter to their manager without delay. The Port policy on public safety is : - To restrict access to danger areas - To direct the public by using safety notices and signs - To provide safety guidelines to staff dealing with public - To use security equipment and security services, where appropriate. Ships in Service Training Material A-M CHAUVEL
3 - Port Authority Responsibilities & Authority 03.01- Port Authority responsibilities and authority 03.02- Port Authority Organization General Chart 03.03- Port Authority Organization Harbour Master & Operations Manager 03.04- Port Authority Organization Engineering Manager 03.05- Harbour Master’s responsibilities and authority 03.06- Marketing Executive 03.07- Secretary Financial Manager 03.08- Manager Engineering Services 03.09- Senior Engineer Maintenance 03.10- Deputy Harbour Master Port Facility Security Officer (PFSO) 03.11- Operations Managers Terminal A and B. 03.12- Relief Operations Manager Terminal A and B / Relief Alternative Port Facility Security Officer (RAPFSO) 03.13- Senior Berthing Master 03.14- Purchasing Officer 03.15- Safety Committee organization and mission Ships in Service Training Material A-M CHAUVEL
3 - Port Authority Responsibilities & Authority In regard to the IPSEM code requirements the responsibilities and authority of top management are visible through commitment in : - Creating and maintaining awareness of the importance to fulfill safety, health, environmental protection and meeting client expectations - Establishing the safety, health, environmental protection and quality objectives and planning - Establishing and integrating a management system reflecting the objectives of the policy - Performing management reviews of the management system - Ensuring the availability of resources to reach these objectives, including any legal requirements applicable to its services and obligations Ships in Service Training Material A-M CHAUVEL
3 - Port Authority Responsibilities & Authority In regard to the IPSEM code requirements the responsibilities and authority of top management are visible through commitment in : - Ensuring that the Port Strategic and Business Plans are developed within the scope of Local, National, E.U. and International Plans and Directives Ensuring the compliance of the Port facilities under the provisions of Regulation (EC) No 725/2004 of the European Parliament and Council, Chapter X1-2 of the 1974 Safety of Life at Sea Convention and Part A of the International Code for the Security of Ships and of Port Facilities ( ISPS Code ) Ships in Service Training Material A-M CHAUVEL
3 - Port Authority Organization Board of Directors and Chief Executive Officer Harbour Master Deputy Chief Executive Operations Manager Secretary Manager Finance Marketing Executive Deputy Harbour Master PFSO Engineer Services Manager Operations Manager Terminal A Operations Manager Terminal B Senior Engineer Maintenance Relief Ops Manager APFSO Senior Berthing Master Purchasing Officer PFSO : Port Facility Security Officer APFSO: Assistant Port Facility Security Officer
3 - Port Authority Organization Harbour Master Deputy Chief Executive & Operations Manager Deputy Harbour Master & Operations Manager PFSO Clerical & Administrative Operations Manager Terminal A Operations Manager Terminal B Operations Manager/ APFSO Pilots Tug Captain & Pleasure Craft Terminal A Container Terminal B Bulk Operation. Operators Pilots Senior Berthing Master Terminal B Ferry Operation Pilot Launch Operations Crew Berthing Masters
Harbour Master Responsibilities & Authority The Harbour Master’s primary responsibility is the safety of navigation and to ensure compliance of Bye-laws, Dangerous Substance Regulations and the proper maintenance of port property pertaining to marine operations. In regard to the requirements of the IPSEM Code the Harbour Master has the responsibilities and authority for : - Implementing the safety, health and environmental protection policy in the port, - Motivating the personnel and companies in the observations of the policy, - Issuing appropriate orders and instructions in a clear and simple manner, - Verifying that specified requirements are observed, and - Reviewing the port safety, heath and environmental protection management system and reporting its deficiencies to the Chief Executive Officer. The Harbour Master has the overriding authority and the responsibility to make decisions with respect to safety of navigation and pollution prevention and request the Port Authority’s assistance as may be necessary. Ships in Service Training Material A-M CHAUVEL
The Deputy Harbour Master is acting as the Designated Person Responsibilities & Authority The Deputy Harbour Master is responsible to the Harbour Master and understudies his responsibilities in his absence for : - Ensuring the safety of navigation in the port. - Ensure that the provisions of the Harbours Act 1996, Port Bye-Laws and other regulations pertaining to the Harbour are complied with. - Supervision of quay operations in the port. - Ensuring compliance with the dangerous substance regulations. - Supervision of pilots, launch crew, pilot launches and VTS. - Supervision of operation of Oil Pollution Emergency Plans, prevention and clearance of oil pollution - Ensuring compliance with the ISPS Code requirements and regulations. The Deputy Harbour Master is acting as the Designated Person Ships in Service Training Material A-M CHAUVEL
Function of the Safety Committee The Safety Committees functions are to review health and safety issues and recommend remedial actions to management. The issues for review include: - Matters referred to the Safety Committee by Management. - Matters referred to the Safety Committee by the Safety Representative. - New safety legislation, information and guidelines which may be relevant to the company’s activities. - Review accident and incident reports. - Changes in procedures and equipment which may materially affect health and safety of the employees, contractors and third parties. - Review personal protective equipment (PPE) and recommend changes as per legislation and/or requirement. Ships in Service Training Material A-M CHAUVEL
4 - Designated Person Responsibilities & Authority 04.01- Designated Person Responsibilities and Authority 04.02- PFSO ( Port Facility Security Officer ) Responsibilities and Authority Ships in Service Training Material A-M CHAUVEL
4 - Designated Person Responsibilities & Authority - To review and monitor the company’s compliance with the code. - Review all accidents, incidents and near-misses that are reported to the company to ensure that any lessons learned are incorporated into the code. - To maintain an active role in the risk assessment activities undertaken by the company. - To review the scope, conduct, frequency and findings of risk assessments to ensure that they are up to date and valid. - To monitor the safety and water pollution prevention aspects of port / ship operations and ensuring the proper allocation of resources. - To prepare and maintain a schedule of internal IPSEM audits at least once a year to ensure compliance with the code. - Prepare an annual written report for the Harbour Master summarizing all the year’s marine accidents, incidents and near-misses. - Prepare an annual written report for Management comprising a summary of audits, their findings, trends, recurring issues, conclusions and recommendations. Ships in Service Training Material A-M CHAUVEL
4 - Designated Person The Designated Person for IPSEM Code is also acting as the Port Facility Security Officer - Conducting the initial survey of the port facilities - Ensuring the development and maintenance of the Port Facility Security Plans - Undertaking regular inspections of the facilities - Recommending modifications too the PFSP as required - Enhancing security awareness of port personnel and visitors/contractors - Ensuring adequate security training for port personnel - Implementing and exercising of the PFSP - Maintaining records of incidents - Ensuring that the facilities are maintained in compliance of the ISPS Code requirements Ships in Service Training Material A-M CHAUVEL
5 - Company & Operator Responsibilities & Authority 05.01- Responsibilities and Authority of any company operating in the Port jurisdiction 05.02- General requirements for hire contractors 05.03- General requirements for suppliers of machines with drivers Ships in Service Training Material A-M CHAUVEL
5 - Company & Operator Responsibilities & Authority It is required that each company operating in the Port : Nominates a designated person which will be responsible for Safety, Health and Environment Protection. This designated person should have direct access to the higher management level of it’s company and will also be in direct contact, as necessary, with the Designated Person and Management of the Port. Companies operating port facilities within the port shall ensure that their facilities are in full compliance of the ISPS Code and shall appoint a Port Facility Security Officer. A person may be designated for one or more facilities. His/her duties are specified in the “responsibility and authority” of a PFSO - Prepares and implements a safety statement adapted to the nature and risk of its activities to protect all the personnel operating in the port and the surrounding population. Ships in Service Training Material A-M CHAUVEL
5 - Company & Operator Responsibilities & Authority - Suppliers must have adequate insurance cover for both Public Liability and Employers Liability in place and satisfy Port Insurance brokers that this is so on an annual basis. - Machines must be well maintained, be free of oil / water leaks and not emit undue smoke. No maintenance other than routine checks may be undertaken on the port premises. - Contractors must inform the company prior to hire if machines have been engaged in the handling of toxic materials or any other hazardous material. - Contractors, when delivering machines must ensure that the exterior of the machine, including chassis, is reasonably clean. - In the case of cranes or other lifting gear, the contractor must have current test and inspection certificates for each machine, and if requested, submit them to the Operations Manager / Engineering Supervisor. - Contractors must at all times keep a tidy workplace by avoiding littering and cleaning up any mess of their making immediately. Ships in Service Training Material A-M CHAUVEL
6 - Resources & Personnel 06.01- Procedure to recruit employees general operatives. 06.02- Procedure to ensure that new personnel are given proper familiarisation with their duties 06.03- Procedure to assess and record training 06.04- Procedure to qualify crane/machine operators 06.05- Procedure to qualify fire fighting personnel 06.06- Procedure to qualify first aid personnel 06.07- Procedure to prepare & train personnel for an emergency situation 06.08- Procedure to ensure that personnel are informed of relevant rules, regulations, codes and guidelines Ships in Service Training Material A-M CHAUVEL
7 - Plans for Port Operations 07.01- Procedure for port entry requirements under ISPS Code 07.02- Port ISPS (International Ship and Port Security) Form 07.03- Procedure for notification of changes in Security Levels 07.04- Procedure to Implement Security Level Changes 07.05- Procedure to prepare berthing ( Other than Tankers ) 07.06- BERTH REQUEST - General Form 07.07- Procedure to prepare berthing for Tankers 07.08- BERTH REQUEST - Tankers - Form C 07.09- PRE ENTRY Information for Tankers over 1,600 GRT- Form D 07.10- Procedure to handle vessels loading liquid bulk Ships in Service Training Material A-M CHAUVEL
7 - Plans for Port Operations 07.11- Procedure to handle vessels discharging liquid bulk 07.12- Procedure to handle containerized hazardous cargo ( Import ) 07.13- Procedure to handle containerized hazardous cargo (Export ) 07.14- Procedure to ensure safe storage of hazardous substance 07.15- Procedure to ensure safe bunkering operation 07.16- PRE-TRANSFER BUNKER CHECK LIST (1) 07.17- PRE-TRANSFER BUNKER CHECK LIST (2) 07.18- Procedure to implement port waste reception regulation 07.19- Procedure to operate the waste reception and handling plan 07.20- WASTE RECEPTION FACILITIES CHECK LIST Ships in Service Training Material A-M CHAUVEL
7 - Plans for Port Operations 07.21- Procedures ( general ) for containers Terminal A 07.22- Procedures for crane / straddle drivers at containers Terminal A 07.23- Procedure to receive an export container into the compound 07.24- Procedure to load a container ship 07.25- Procedure to discharge a container ship 07.26- Procedure to release an import container from compound 07.27- Procedures for crane / hopper drivers at Terminal B 07.28- Procedures for reach stacker drivers at Terminal B 07.29- Procedure to discharge a bulk carrier at terminal B 07.30- Procedure to discharge cars from a Ro/Ro vessel at Terminal A & B Ships in Service Training Material A-M CHAUVEL
7 - Plans for Port Operations 07.32- Procedure for reefer engineers entering the container compound 07.33- Operational procedure for VTS 07.34- Procedure for pilot launch crew 07.35- Procedure to prepare for pilotage – berthing operations 07.36- Procedure to embark a pilot on a vessel 07.37- Procedure to select and buy personnel safety equipment 07.38- Procedure to select and buy major safety equipment and material 07.39- Procedure to control purchased safety equipment and material 07.40- Procedure to answer to the requirements of a potential client 07.41- Procedure to measure the satisfaction of the client Ships in Service Training Material A-M CHAUVEL
7 - Procedure to embark a Pilot Ships in Service Training Material A-M CHAUVEL
8 - Emergency Preparedness 08.01- General principle for dealing with a marine Emergency Duty Officer- Port Operations 08.02- Port emergency response plan 08.03- Procedure to assess risks in the port 08.04- Criteria for risk assessment 08.05- Procedure to plan annual drills and exercises 08.06- Procedure to do a drill or exercise 08.07- Procedure to prepare for man over board recovery pilot launch Ships in Service Training Material A-M CHAUVEL
9 - Report & Analysis of N/C, Accidents, Incidents… 09.01 Procedure to issue a non-conformity report ( system and processes ) 09.02 NON-CONFORMITY REPORT 09.03 Procedure to clear a non-conformity report 09.04 Procedure and when to issue an accident report ( Injury of people ) 09.05 ACCIDENT REPORT 09.06 Procedure to report an known incident ( operational damages ) 09.07 Procedure to report a hazardous occurrence ( near miss ) 09.08 Procedure to treat a “general” customer complaint 09.09 Procedure to treat an environmental complaint 09.10 COMPLAINTS LOG Ships in Service Training Material A-M CHAUVEL
10 - Maintenance of Installation & Equipment 10.01- Procedure for Planned work repair for operational equipment 10.02- Procedure to execute an unexpected work repair for operational equipment 10.03- Hot Work Permit 10.04- High Voltage Work Permit 10.05- Confined Space Permit Ships in Service Training Material A-M CHAUVEL
11 - Documentation 11.01- Procedure to identify the proper referential documentation in order to prepare a procedure 11.02- Procedure to issue a procedure 11.03- Procedure to codify a procedure and an instruction 11.04- Procedure to implement a procedure 11.05- Procedure to issue a procedure revision 11.06- Procedure to cancel a procedure 11.07- Procedure to implement an instruction 11.08- Procedure to modify or cancel an instruction Ships in Service Training Material A-M CHAUVEL
11 - Documentation 11.09- Procedure to up-date the company organization chart 11.10- Procedure on period to keep obsolete documents 11.11- Procedure to prepare and review the list of records 11.12- Procedure to maintain operational records 11.13- Procedure to keep and maintain records and data 11.14- Procedure to prepare and review the list of certificates for operational equipment and installations 11.15- Procedure on how long to conserve records of certificates for equipment and installations 11.16- Procedure to maintain valid certificates for equipment and installations Ships in Service Training Material A-M CHAUVEL
12 - Verification, Review & Evaluation 12.01- Procedure to do a safety inspection of machinery 12.02- Procedure to verify occupational health and safety practices 12.03- Procedure to plan annual SEMS internal audits 12.04- Procedure to select and train an internal SEMS Auditor 12.05- Procedure to make a document review before a SEMS internal audit 12.06- DOCUMENT REVIEW - Form B 12.07- Procedure to prepare for a SEMS internal audit 12.08- Procedure to carry out and complete a SEMS internal audit 12.09- Procedure to do the SEMS annual review Ships in Service Training Material A-M CHAUVEL
Documented System Key for success Procedure? Only one page Ship sin Service Training Material A-M CHAUVEL