California High School Exit Examination (CAHSEE) Test Administration Training 2008–09 Webcast September 30, 2008
2 Presenters Mao Vang, ETS CAHSEE Project Manager Rebecca Rabin-Reed, ETS Project Manager for Client Services Diane Hernandez, CDE CAHSEE Administrator
3 Presentation Objectives Overview of CAHSEE Regulations Maintaining Test Security District/Test Site Coordinator Responsibilities Test Examiner Responsibilities Proctor Responsibilities Data Corrections Process Resources Questions and Answers
4 CAHSEE Regulations California Code of Regulations, Title 5 sections 1200 to 1225 govern the administration of the CAHSEE in concert with state law (Education Code sections to The CAHSEE regulations can be found at:
5 CAHSEE Requirement All students must satisfy the CAHSEE requirement, as well as all other state and local requirements to receive a California public high school diploma. The CAHSEE requirement can be satisfied by passing the exam or, for students with disabilities, receiving a local waiver. Education Code Section 60851(c).
6 Options to Participate in CAHSEE Administrations July October 7-8 November 4-5 December 6 & 13 February 3-4 March May Grade 10 (Census) Grade 10 (Census or Make up) Grade 10 (Census or Make up) Grade 11 Grade 12 Adult CAHSEE can be administered only on the scheduled test dates determined by the state. For testing schedules, go to:
7 CAHSEE Testing Opportunities Grade ten- one time (Feb., Mar., or May) Grade eleven*-two times Grade twelve*-five times Adult students*-three times * May participate in successive administrations.
8 Opportunities to Participate Writing task field test (Grade 10 only) December 8-12, 2008 Scoring Opportunities Reviewers Bias & Sensitivity and Content reviews in February and March 2009 DIF after each test administration
9 Approximate Testing Times Test DayTest Session Approximate Working Time Approximate Total Administration Time Day 1 ELA-Session 1 2 hours 2 hours 30 minutes ELA-Session 2 1 hour 30 minutes 2 hours Day 2 Mathematics- Session 1 1 hour 30 minutes 2 hours Mathematics- Session 2 1 hour 30 minutes 2 hours
10 Maintaining Test Security To ensure test security, district coordinators must: read, agree, sign, and return the Test Security Agreement to ETS Ensure all test site coordinators sign and agree to the Test Security Agreement and all who have access to secure test materials read and sign the Test Security Affidavit.
11 Maintaining Test Security (Continued) Keep materials in a secure, locked storage Establish and maintain procedures that will prevent cheating
12 Maintaining Test Security (Continued) Handle testing irregularities: call ETS and CDE to report security breaches Cooperate with Global Compliance Services when they conduct audits o Before-testing audits o During-testing audits o After-testing audits
13 District Coordinator Responsibilities DC
14 Before Testing Read, agree, sign, and return the Test Security Agreement to ETS Schedule and set up test administrations Notify parents of district’s testing schedule DC
15 Before Testing (Continued) Use CAHSEE Online: Update your district contact information Order test materials Order supplemental shipments Submit a Pre-ID file Review/update an order Check the status of your order Make student demographic corrections DC
16 Before Testing (Continued) Designate and train site coordinators See Test Site Coordinator Responsibilities Section Identify and coordinate testing students placed in NonPublic Schools by IEP DC
17 Before Testing (Continued) If submitted Pre-ID file, fill out: List of Demographic Fields Required to be Hand- gridded for Schools Participating in the Pre-ID Service (p. 45) o Provide the list as a handout to test site coordinators during training DC
18 Before Testing (Continued) Receive test materials (starting about 2 weeks before test administration) Shipment 1: nonsecure testing materials Shipment 2: secure testing materials Shipment 3: (optional) Pre-ID answer documents Shipment 4: (optional) late Pre-ID labels Upon receipt of shipments, open boxes and conduct inventory Distribute test materials to sites DC
19 During Testing Be the liaison between test sites, ETS, and CDE Problem solve Complete the Test Security Breach Report Form and/or Test Administration Incident Report Form notifying both CDE and ETS of potential testing irregularities that involve examiners or test sites, if applicable DC
20 Test Site Coordinator Responsibilities TSC
21 Test Site Coordinators Responsibilities Read the responsibilities and procedures in the “test site coordinator” section of the District Test Site Coordinator Manual Organize, implement, and supervise all activities necessary to conduct testing at school site Ensure compliance with CAHSEE regulations Train test examiners and proctors TSC
22 Test Site Coordinator Responsibilities (Continued) Inform parents, students and teachers about testing schedule Inform teachers about their students’ attendance at the testing session Organize testing room locations, assign test examiners and proctors, and establish seating procedures Work with District Coordinator to resolve problems TSC
23 Test Site Coordinator Responsibilities (Continued) Train all test examiners and proctors prior to testing dates Collect signed Test Security Affidavits from all who have access to test materials Control inventory Use Test Site Security Tracking Form and Inventory Form-Test Site TSC
24 Before Testing- Receive Test Materials Follow the checklist for Inventorying Test Materials as the Test Site (p.24) Inventory all materials within 24 hours of receipt o Look at sequence numbers written on top of the boxes and make sure all boxes are accounted for Save original boxes for return shipments Contact District Coordinator with additional material requests TSC
25 Before Testing- Keep Test Materials Secure The following materials must be maintained in sealed boxes in secure, locked storage at all times when not in use for test administration Test booklets Audio CD’s Answer Documents Test booklets are shrink-wrapped in sets: Do not remove the shrink-wrap until absolutely necessary. TSC
26 Before Testing-Train Test Examiners and Proctors Training should include the following: Responsibilities of test examiners and proctors Security of test materials Testing schedules and locations Preparation of test locations for test administration Arrangement for proctors, as required Information about students who need accommodations/modifications in IEP/504 Plan o Directions for Administration-Special Test Versions manual) TSC
27 Before Testing-Train Test Examiners and Proctors (Continued) Verification of student’s identity Distribution of test materials Assistance with directions Administration of the test Procedures for completing demographic info. Completion of score codes Collection of and accounting for test materials Scheduling and procedures for returning test materials to test site coordinator TSC
28 Test Examiner Responsibilities Follow specific directions from test site coordinator, including reading and signing the Test Security Affidavit Employ systematic procedures for distributing and collecting materials Verify the identity of students Ensure that students have the correct test materials
29 Test Examiner Responsibilities (Continued) Read the directions verbatim and answer questions regarding directions Ensure gridding of required fields and test booklet version number by students Check that students are responding in the appropriate sections and are working independently Account for all test materials
30 Proctor Responsibilities Distribute materials Monitor during testing Collect materials
31 Before Testing-Prepare Answer Documents One answer document must be submitted for each student testing. (Do not submit multiple answer for the same student.) Prepare blank answer documents for recently enrolled students who have not passed one or both sections (students without Pre-ID answer documents) VOID documents for students who are no longer enrolled or who were incorrectly included in the Pre-ID file TSC
32 Before Testing-Prepare & Distribute Test Materials Use Inventory Form-Test Site (p. 52) Materials for Each Test Examiner Number to Include Directions for Administration manual 1 per examiner Test booklets1 per student + 1 for examiner Answer documents1 per student + a few blanks No. 2 pencils1 per student + a few extras List of Demographic Fields Required to be Hand-Gridded for Schools Participating in the Pre-ID Service (p. 45) 1 copy, if applicable TSC
33 During Testing- Monitor Test Administration Check that the printed name on answer document matches the name of the student taking the test Ensure students hand-grid (if Pre-ID) additional fields required, if applicable Ensure compliance with ALL examination procedures TSC
34 During Testing-Monitor Test Administration (Continued) Visit each testing room to make sure administration scripts are being read word-for- word Ensure students have sufficient time to test Ensure proper monitoring of breaks and extended breaks taken during testing, such as lunch Check that students are responding in the appropriate sections and are working independently TSC
35 During Testing-Documenting Incidents & Test Security Breaches Be prepared for emergency situations, restroom passes, etc. Document testing incidents and potential test security breaches Complete Test Administration Incident Report Form/Test Security Breach Report Form TSC
36 During Testing- Administration Reminders Scratch paper are not allowed. o Use white space in the test booklet or pages on answer document, “This page is for scratch work. It will NOT be scored.” Do not allow students to use extra paper to answer their ELA writing tasks. All responses, including writing task, must be recorded with No. 2 pencil on answer document. TSC
37 During Testing-Administration Reminders (Continued) Do not use correction fluid on any answer document. Do not use paper clips, tape, staples, or glue on the answer documents Do not attach removable “self-stick” notes to the answer documents TSC
38 During Testing-Administration Reminders (Continued) Students record responses to both ELA and math tests on a single answer document. Do not disassemble or pull pages out of the multi-page answer document If an answer document is damaged, the answers must be transcribed onto a new one and all student demographic fields must be hand-gridded TSC
39 During Testing-Accommodations/ Modifications/EL Test Variations Provide accommodations and/or modifications to eligible students if specified in their IEP or Section 504 Plan (pp ) Provide identified English learners additional test variations if regularly used in the classroom (p. 71) TSC
40 After Testing-Collect Test Materials Collect all examination materials after each test session Verify that all test materials from test examiners are accounted for Put the scorable answer documents in a secure place for the next test session TSC
41 After Testing-Prepare Answer Documents for Return Inspect for stray marks If a student has a Pre-ID answer document check to make sure the fields that were not Pre-ID are filled in. If a student is new or does not have a Pre-ID answer document all demographic data must be hand-gridded. TSC
42 After Testing- Check Answer Documents After testing, the Score Code field on every answer sheet document must be completed by the test examiner. Mark one for each content area: R – Satisfied Requirement S – Score A – Absent E – Medical Emergency (grade 10 census only) I – Invalidated Z – Present but refused to test or CAPA (grade 10 census only) T – Tested in another district (grade 10 census only) M – Not enrolled on day of testing (grade 10 census only) TSC
43 After Testing-Accommodations and Modifications After testing, the test examiner must grid the Accommodations/Modifications field for any that were actually used. Test site coordinator or designee’s signature is required to confirm that Accommodations and/or Modifications were offered whether used or not. If used, correct code must be hand-gridded. See Table 7. Accommodations and Modification Codes on p. 65 TSC
44 After Testing-Transcribing Transcribing student answers as required: If any student marks answers in the booklet as a condition of his/her accommodation, an authorized person must transfer the answers to the answer document exactly as produced by the student. If a student uses more than one answer document, answers must be transcribed into a single document. Pages from two documents may not be physically combined. TSC
45 After Testing- Voiding Answer Documents VOID answer documents if: The document has been damaged. It is a Pre-ID document for a student who is no longer enrolled in the district. A student has used more than one answer document, and the answers have been transcribed onto another that has already been included in the scorable materials. TSC
46 After Testing-Scorable Answer Documents Return Locate the large plastic bag labeled “Test Site Coordinator Packet”, which contains all your return instructions and labels Separate and count answer documents by grade Use appropriate SGID for each grade Hand-grid section B: Grade, Number of Answer Documents, Date of Exam Place SGID on top of appropriate grade level documents Wrap each bundle with paper bands provided in groups of 100 Place BLUE Shipping Labels on boxes with scorable answer documents DO NOT mix scorable and non-scorable materials. BLUE Shipping Labels TSC
47 School and Grade Identification (SGID) Sheet TANGERINE-Grade 10 only DARK BLUE-Grade 11 only PURPLE-Grade 12 only SALMON-Adult students only TSC
48 After Testing-Nonscorable Materials Return Place nonscorable materials (PINK shipping labels) Test Site Packing List and Security Tracking Forms Unused SGIDs Test Booklets, inc. large print and braille Audio CDs All original copies transcribed essays PINK Shipping Labels TSC
49 After Testing-Return Materials to District Coordinator Follow specific information from district coordinator and return materials accordingly and appropriately to the district. District coordinator can follow a “after testing” section in the district coordinator responsibilities TSC
50 After Testing Receive and inventory test materials from sites Account for all test booklets and CDs Complete District Packing List and Security Tracking Ensure all answer docs are batched by grade with School and Grade Identification (SGID) Sheet ; packed in scorable boxes Arrange with courier (FedEx or land carrier) for pickup DC
51 After Testing (Continued) Late return of scorable materials may delay results and reports being delivered on time. “Late” = shipped from district after the Wednesday following the test administration If scorable materials are received from districts late, a late processing fee of $450 is charged to district. DC
52 Pick-up Dates for Scorable and Nonscorable Materials-Fall 2008* CAHSEE Administration Scorable Pick-up Window Nonscorable Pick-up Window October 7-8October 9-15October November 4-5November 6-12November December 6 & 13December 15-19December * Schedules for spring 2009 administrations will be available soon. After Testing (Continued) DC
53 After Testing Continued Use CAHSEE Online for: Making student demographic corrections Downloading student results DC
54 Special Presentation CAHSEE Data Corrections
55 Go to the secure CAHSEE Online site at and select the CONTINUE button.
56 Select the database in which you are making Demographic Corrections for. Enter your Username and Password and then select the LOGIN button.
57 Select the drop down menu under the header “Demographic Corrections”
58 Select the administration in which you need to make demographic corrections to and hit the SUBMIT button
59 There are several options to review your demographic data on this page. Select RETRIVE MY DISTRICT’S PROFILE.
60 You can view your data in a summary format. Listed here are critical fields.
61 Below the critical fields are Optional Fields. Select one of the Optional fields and you will see a summary of that data on your screen.
62 For example choose Primary Ethnicity and select the SUBMIT button.
63 View the breakdown for Primary Ethnicity here. Hit the Back Button to get to the Demographic Correction page. Notice the numbers for African American and American Indian, we will be working with them later.
64 Option 1: To edit an individual student record, use any of the fields listed on the right to search for that student record. Then, hit the SEARCH button. For example, the last name is used.
65 All students with that last name are presented. If you select their last name highlighted in blue on the left you will be able to access this student’s demographic information.
66 You can change any demographic information listed on this page. Anything grayed out you are not able to change.
67 Example: change this student’s Primary Ethnicity (African – American to American Indian or Alaskan) and see how that affects your data. Hit the SUBMIT button and you will be returned to the page with the students names.
68 Select the Back to Search Page button and you will end up on the demographic correction page. Repeat steps to retrieve your district profile and here is the change.
69 African American changed from 83 to 82 and American Indian changed from 10 to 11.
70 Option 2: Mass Student Demographic Update. This requires a file in either text format or excel format. The layout is exactly the same as your Pre-ID file except there is an added field for Census/Make-up, field 601.
71 This PDF on the CAHSEE home page at shows all the fields for a text file as well as what fields are updateable and what are not. To create a mass demographic correction file use your Pre-ID file and add filler fields from position
72 Here is a sample of an excel demographic correction file, notice only key matching fields are needed. When you are ready to upload your file remove all the headers from the file. Your file will not upload with headers included.
73 Select the Browse button and select your demographic correction file from where you have saved it. Select Open.
74 Your file has now been selected and you can hit the continue button to update your district’s demographic data.
75 Your file is processing. The larger the file the longer the processing time will be. Sometimes the files are too large and will need to be broken down into smaller files.
76 You are now able to see where the corrections have been made. You can either continue with the changes or cancel them and start over.
77 If you hit continue you will receive a confirmation page of your edits. At the bottom of the page is a Table of Errors, you will need to hit continue here for the system to accept your edits.
78 Once the system accepts your edits, you are taken back to your home page and you are able to see the edits you have made by going back into your District Profile page.
79 Now that you have corrected your demographic data, you can see how it affects your District Reporting. Under the District Reporting section select the CONTINUE button.
80 Let’s look at your data prior to making demographic corrections by selecting District Demographic Summary Report for ELA within grade 11. Select the SUBMIT button and you will see your results.
81 You can see that there are 5 American Indian students who were tested and 47 African American students tested. Now let’s look at this after demographic corrections are completed.
82 We have gone in and submitted our Mass Demographic Correction file and you can now see that there are 6 American Indian and 46 African American students who have tested.
83 Final CAHSEE Data Corrections Window Deadline for final data corrections is November 3, 2008 View reports with corrections immediately Make corrections immediately after receiving results – don’t wait Districts are not charged for this service
84 Training Presentation Available Presentation materials posted at : Look under “Resources” tab Webcasts archived at: Look under “CDE Test Prep”
85 Special Education Resources Available at: Matrix of Test Variations, Accommodations, and Modifications for Administration of California Statewide Assessments Q & A about Test Variations Scribe Guidelines (for scribe and sign language use)
86 Test Preparation Available at: Guidelines on Academic Preparation for State Assessments (April 2004, CDE) Standards-based instruction CDE resources Test-taking strategies
87 For More Information CAHSEE policy and general exam information CDE High School Exit Exam Office State and federal accountability information CDE Academic Accountability Unit Test material ordering and logistics ETS CAHSEE Support