Back to School Night Period 2: US II CP Ms. Harmon
Online Textbook:
About Me… Graduated in 2008 from Rowan University Certifications in Social Studies K-12 and Teacher of Students with Disabilities I previously taught in Butler, NJ
Course Description United States History II begins with the exploration and settlement of the Western Frontier following the Civil War and continues with the following topics: the building of the first Transcontinental Railroad, Gilded Age/ Industrialization/Big Business, Populism, the Progressive Era, immigration, Age of Imperialism, World War I, the 1920’s, the Great Depression, World War II, the Holocaust, the 1950’s (Cold War, Korean War, American Culture, Second Red Scare), the 1960’s and Vietnam War, the 1970’s through current events. – Throughout the course we continually make connections to today and the students’ lives. Additionally, we carry several themes throughout the course. – These themes include technological advances, political, social, economic changes, American culture and values, and America’s position on the world stage. The use of primary sources is stressed and writing is infused into each unit. Critical thinking skills as well as cooperative skills are emphasized. Students are required to analyze, synthesize, evaluate, interpret and make judgments about course content. Through their study and analysis of historical concepts and theories students are encouraged to question, research and eventually make judgments and posit their own theories about pivotal events in United States History. Through a variety of classroom activities and varied assessments students are able to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of course content.
Social Studies Department Grading Policy Major Assessments: 50% – Tests – Major Projects – Research Papers Minor Assessments: 30% – Quizzes – Smaller alternative assessments Supplemental Assessments: 20% – Homework – Class work – Participation
Some more information… How to get to my website: woodrhs woodrhs – Staff Harmon, Kathryn I am available before and after school with notice. Best way to reach me is through .