College of Arts and Sciences Prepare for complete living. -Spencer
A&S Students and Teachers Working Together Review your syllabus for your course requirements (& keep all syllabi). Success = Attending Class!!! Be prepared and respectful during class. UW is official communication. Feel free to visit teachers during office hours. Grading, assessment, and academic honesty. Your advisor is a wonderful resource, but ultimately you are responsible for your education. Be proactive.
Depth of Knowledge University Studies + A&S Core + Major Requirements
USP + A&S Core
Major Requirements
Multiple Majors Dual Degree ◦ Two diplomas awarded ◦ Must meet both college requirements Concurrent Major ◦ One diploma awarded ◦ Must pick a primary major and complete the college requirements for the primary only
Foreign Language Requirement 2 courses in the same language ◦ Anthropology, English, History, International Studies, HUFA, and Languages require more than the 2 courses (Anthropology and HUFA are the only one of these that allow ASL) ◦ Can test out of this requirement - once Online placement exam Credit by exam (available toward the end of orientation)
Transfer Information WY, CO, and some NE community college Associate of Science or Associate of Arts degrees will satisfy the USP’s ◦ +2 math ◦ +2 lab sciences ◦ +upper-level writing course 30 upper division must be from UW If you question transfer course credit, please submit a petition (syllabi are important)
Registration Information Wait Listing – check your enrollment! Drop/Add Withdrawing from a Course Withdrawal from the University Know the deadlines!
Advising in A&S Who is your advisor? A&S Student Institute ◦ October 14 or 15, 2014 ◦ Learn your requirements! Don’t wait to ask for help. 15 credit hours per semester is key!
Help! It’s going to be okay… Math Lab (Ross Hall) Oral Communication Center (Ross Hall) Writing Center (Coe Library) Student Learning Center (Washakie) Pre-…med, optometry, OT, PT, dentistry, PA, law, vet Counseling Center (Knight Hall) Student Health Services
Make yourself marketable Add a minor! Study abroad! Pursue an internship!
Become involved A&S Clubs and Honoraries
Field research
See you in class this fall! Questions???