KEITH McMURRAY D.G. CONSULTANTS EXPLOSIVE Transportation of Dangerous Goods National Road Traffic Act 93/96 Legislation Update 2015 II 082-8282847
NRTA - 93 /96 - Dangerous Goods OTHER SECTIONS/ REGULATIONS OTHER LEGISLATION OTHER SECTIONS/ REGULATIONS CHAPTER VIII Definitions Incorporation of SANS codes Application Other Legislation Prohibitions / Exemptions Duties of Operator, Driver, Consignor and Consignee Compatibility of Mixed Loads Classification and Certification of Dangerous Goods Driver Training Documentation Dangerous Goods Inspectorate / Dangerous goods Inspectors/ Traffic Officers Presumption Clause Section 49 - Duties of the Operator Section 75 - Power of the Minister Section 76 – Incorporation of Standards Regulation 8(2)(g) –Dangerous Goods Vehicle Registration – Certificate of Compliance with Design Code Regulation 13(6) – Dangerous Goods Vehicle recorded as allowed to convey dangerous goods if design standards apply. Explosives Act Nuclear Energy Act Fire Brigade Services Act Mines and Works Act Environment Conservation Act Occupational Health and Safety Hazardous Substances Act Fertilizer, Farm Feeds, Agricultural & Stocks Remedies Development and Copyright - D.G.Consultants
AMENDMENTS Amendment of Regulation 8 of the Regulations (b) the substitution for paragraph (g) of subregulation (2) of the following paragraph: (g) In the case of a vehicle to which standard specification SANS 1518 Transportation of dangerous goods design, construction, testing, approval and maintenance of the road vehicles and portable tanks applies, a certificate of compliance shall be issued by the manufacturer confirming compliance to the standard and the certificate of compliance shall be approved by the competent authority.“ Amendment of regulation 13 of the Regulations (c) the substitution for subregulation (6) of the following subregulation: (6) A motor vehicle shall be recorded as "allowed to convey dangerous goods" in the register of motor vehicles if standard specification SANS 1518 "Transportation of dangerous goods design, construction, testing, approval and maintenance of the road vehicles and portable tanks", applies to such vehicle.". Development and Copyright – D.G. Consultants
NRTA - 93 /96 - Dangerous Goods OTHER SECTIONS/ REGULATIONS OTHER LEGISLATION OTHER SECTIONS/ REGULATIONS CHAPTER VIII Definitions Incorporation of SANS codes Application Other Legislation Prohibitions / Exemptions Duties of Operator, Driver, Consignor and Consignee Compatibility of Mixed Loads Classification and Certification of Dangerous Goods Driver Training Documentation Dangerous Goods Inspectorate / Dangerous goods Inspectors/ Traffic Officers Presumption Clause Chapter V - Reg. 115 Professional driving permit Reg.117 - 127 - Driver disqualification, application etc. Reg. 265 Operator Fitness Reg 266 The category of Operator cards Reg 266A / 267– Manner of Application and Registration Section 54 – Prohibition on transportation of Dangerous Goods except as prescribed Section 55 - Dangerous Goods Inspectorate appointment Explosives Act Nuclear Energy Act Fire Brigade Services Act Mines and Works Act Environment Conservation Act Occupational Health and Safety Hazardous Substances Act Fertilizer, Farm Feeds, Agricultural & Stocks Remedies Development and Copyright - D.G.Consultants
AMENDMENTS Insertion of regulation 266A in the Regulations 266A. Manner of application and registration as dangerous goods operator (1) An operator, who is required to register in terms of regulation 265(1)(c) shall apply at the appropriate registering authority for registration on form ROO, as shown in schedule 2. (2) Upon receipt of the application referred to in subregulation (1) the registering authority shall, if satisfied that the application is in order, register such applicant as an operator of dangerous goods. Amendment of regulation 267 of the Regulations (b) the substitution for paragraph (a) of subregulation (2) of the following paragraph: (a) the motor vehicle licence, licence and operator card shall be issued on form LCO as shown in Schedule2. the addition after paragraph (b) of subregulation (2) of the following proviso clause: Provided that in the case of a category "D" operator card, for a motor vehicle first registered 6 months after the date of publication of this proviso clause, the registering authority shall not issue such operator card unless the operator is registered in terms of regulation 266A. Development and Copyright – D.G. Consultants
Regulations - SABS / SANS Codes of Practice Incorporated in Chapter VIII – Regulation 273A SANS1518 "Transportation of dangerous goods – design of vehicles, tanks and accessories for the transport of dangerous goods SANS 10228 "The identification and classification of dangerous goods for transport", SANS 10229 "Packaging of dangerous goods for road and rail transportation in South Africa", SANS 10231 "Transportation of dangerous goods - Operational requirements for road vehicles“ SANS 10232-1 "Transportation of dangerous goods - Emergency information systems Part 1: Emergency information system for road transport", SANS 10232-3 "Transportation of dangerous goods - Emergency information systems Part 3: Emergency response guides"; SANS 10232-4 "Transportation of dangerous goods - Emergency information systems Part 4: Transport emergency card" SANS 10233 -Transportation of dangerous goods - Intermediate bulk containers for road and rail transport. Development and Copyright - D.G.Consultants
Regulations - SABS / SANS Codes of Practice Normative References / Peripheral Standards Standards in Revision SANS 10234: 201X, Globally harmonized system of classification and labelling - Drafting being finalised. SANS 10229-1: 201X, Transport of dangerous goods – Packaging and large packaging for road and rail transport Part 1: Packaging - Drafting process still on-going. SANS 10232-1: 201X, Transport of dangerous goods – Emergency information systems Part 1: Emergency information system for road transport - Draft out for public comment. SANS 10232-4:201X, Transport of dangerous goods – Emergency information systems Part 4: Transport emergency card - Draft out for public comment. SANS 10304-1:201X, The classification of pesticides and stock remedies for sale and handling in South Africa Part 1: The classification of pesticides - Drafting out for final comment Working Group before voting by committee. SANS 1518:201X Transport of dangerous goods – Design, construction, testing, approval and maintenance of road vehicles and portable tanks - Awaiting draft from convenor. Development and Copyright - D.G.Consultants
Regulations - SABS / SANS Codes of Practice Normative References / Peripheral Standards Published Standards – Currently applicable SANS 10263-0: 2015, The warehousing of dangerous goods – Part 0: General requirements - Published March 2015. SANS 10263-2: 2015 The warehousing of dangerous goods – Part 2: The storage and handling of gas cylinders - Published March 2015. SANS 10263-5, 2015, The warehousing of dangerous goods – Part 5: Storage and handling of oxidizing substances - Published March 2015. SANS 10231:2014, Transport of dangerous goods – Operational requirements for road vehicles SANS 310:2011, Storage tanks facilities for hazardous chemicals Part 1: Above-ground storage tank facilities for flammable, combustible and non-flammable chemicals Development and Copyright - D.G.Consultants
Regulations - SABS / SANS Codes of Practice Normative References / Peripheral Standards Published Standards SANS 1157:2013, Transport of dangerous goods – Inspection requirements of road vehicles for the issue of municipal dangerous goods permits SANS 1518:2011, Transport of dangerous goods – Design, construction, testing, approval and maintenance of road vehicles and portable tanks SANS 10228:2012, The Identification and classification of dangerous goods for transport SATR 10228:2012, Supplement to SANS 10228:2010 — Variations between SANS 10228 (aligned with UN Model Regulations, edition 15) and UN Model Regulations, edition 16 SANS 10229-2:2010, Transport of dangerous goods – Packaging and large packaging for road and rail transport Part 2: Large packaging SANS 10232-1:2007, Transport of dangerous goods – Emergency information systems Part 1: Emergency information system for road transport Development and Copyright - D.G.Consultants
Regulations - SABS / SANS Codes of Practice Normative References / Peripheral Standards Published Standards SANS 10232-3:2011, Transport of dangerous goods – Emergency information systems Part 3: Emergency response guides NOTE: A printed version of the ERG (for use in South Africa) is made available by the SABS at a nominal price to cover printing costs. The 2012 edition is now available. SANS 10232-4:2007, Transport of dangerous goods – Emergency information systems Part 4: Transport emergency card SANS 10234:2008, Globally harmonized system of classification and labelling of chemicals (GHS) SANS 10234 Supplement:2008, List of classification and labelling of chemicals in accordance with the GHS SANS 10248:2004, Management of healthcare waste SANS 10248-1:2008, Management of healthcare waste – Part 1: Management of healthcare risk waste from a healthcare facility. Development and Copyright - D.G.Consultants
Regulations - SABS / SANS Codes of Practice Normative References / Peripheral Standards Published Standards SANS 10248-2:2009, Management of healthcare waste – Part 2: Management of healthcare risk waste for healthcare facilities and healthcare providers in rural and remote settings. SANS 10263-8:2012, The warehousing of dangerous goods – Part 8: The storage and handling of corrosive substances. SANS 10206:2010, The handling, storage and disposal of pesticides. SANS 10304-1:2008, Classification of pesticides and stock remedies for sale and handling in SA Part 1: Classification of pesticides. SANS 10304-2:2002, Classification of pesticides and stock remedies for sale and handling in SA Part 2: Classification of stock remedies. SANS 10187 – 8 - Cargo securement on dangerous goods vehicles.(2006) SANS 10047 - The testing of motor vehicles for roadworthiness. Development and Copyright - D.G.Consultants
Regulations - SABS / SANS Codes of Practice Normative References / Peripheral Standards Published Standards SANS 10368:2007, Transport of low-hazard goods in bulk – Emergency information for road vehicles SANS 10406:2014, Transport of dangerous goods – The reprocessing of previously certified packaging SANS 11014:2010 (ISO 11014:2009), Safety data sheet for chemical products – Content and order of sections SANS 10229-1:2010, Transport of dangerous goods – Packaging and large packaging for road and rail transport Part 1: Packaging SANS 10233:2011, Transport of dangerous goods – Intermediate bulk containers for road and rail transport. SANS 10405:2014, Transport of dangerous goods by rail – Operational and design requirements and emergency preparedness. Development and Copyright - D.G.Consultants
Published Revision – SANS 10231 Operational Rules and Procedures Confusion with regard to the legality of incorporation of the Standard. Conflict between the Standards Act and the National Road Traffic Act. The operational standard has being revised to include the aspects of the Waste Act which impact on classified waste. Inclusion of new UN numbers and information in terms of the UN Model recommendations and SANS 10228. Inclusion of information with regard to fire extinguishers to be carried on the vehicle. Maintenance type and corresponding document retention periods. The subcontracted workshop to provide a written report of the inspections performed in accordance with the standard. Confirmation of annual training for all dangerous goods drivers and the requirement to carry a valid training certificate or a certified copy of the training certificate. Development and Copyright - D.G.Consultants
Published Revision – SANS 10231 - 2014 SANS 10231 – Operational Rules and Procedures The standard establishes rules and procedures for the safe operation and handling of all road vehicles that are used for the transport of dangerous goods in accordance with The load constraints. (exempt quantities, load compatibility and exemptions) The procedures include requirements for the consignor, the consignee, the operator, the driver and the qualified person as well as en route procedures, cargo handling, and vehicle inspection requirements. The requirements in the relevant National Legislation on explosives (Class 1) and in the relevant National Legislation on radioactive material (Class 7) take precedence over the requirements of this standard. Development and Copyright - D.G.Consultants
Published Revision – SANS 10231 - 2014 SANS 10231 – Operational Rules and Procedures The following definitions reflect amended wording for a designated space, an incident and an explanation of the involvement of the authorities. Clause 3.1.9 – Designated Space A container, of colour orange and marked with the word "DOCUMENTS", in black, which is securely fixed and cannot be dislodged unintentionally, and in a clearly visible space in the cab so as to be easily accessible from either door or through a broken front window. NOTE The construction of the container and type of material used are not prescribed. Clause 3.1.12 - Incident Occurrence of any extra-ordinary condition or event during the transport or temporary storage of dangerous goods on a public road which includes incidents such as leakage, spillage, fire or other unplanned events that could endanger the public or potentially cause serious pollution of or detriment to the environment whether immediately or delayed, and which results in a reduction in road capacity, or creates a hazard for road users, or if the authorities were involved. Development and Copyright - D.G.Consultants
Published Revision – SANS 10231 - 2014 Clause 3.1.13 - Involvement of authorities Direct involvement of the authorities (either the emergency or police services) during the event involving dangerous goods and the evacuation of persons or closure of public traffic routes (roads/railways) for at least three hours owing to the danger posed by the dangerous goods. Noted in Clause 3.1.5 The waste manager is any person that re-uses, recycles, recovers, treats or disposes off waste. Dangerous goods include waste classified in terms of the relevant national legislation. Clause 3.1.26 - Waste generator Any person whose action, production process or activities, including waste management activities, result in the generation of waste. NOTE Waste management activities include re-use, recovery, treat or disposal of waste. Development and Copyright - D.G.Consultants
Published Revision – SANS 10231 - 2014 Operational amendments affecting all responsible parties. The consignor must ensure that Clause 4.1.(d) The necessary Dangerous Goods Declaration(s)/Waste Dangerous Goods Declarations are issued for the load and supplied to the driver. The supply / provision of vehicle placards and transport emergency cards has always been a subject of debate – The following clause has been amended to clarify the issue Clause 4.1 (e) The placards and transport emergency card(s) are supplied to the operator, or alternatively the information with regard to the correct placards and transport emergency card(s) are supplied to the operator, in order to enable the operator to provide the relevant placarding and transport emergency card(s). Note – The supply of the transport emergency cards and placarding by the operator does not exonerate the consignor from checking and confirming their relevance during the loading procedures. Development and Copyright - D.G.Consultants
Published Revision – SANS 10231 - 2014 Loading / offloading of dangerous goods - The nominated qualified person must ensure that Clause 4.4.2 (a) - The vehicle is correctly parked for loading or offloading, and wheel chocks, as specified in SANS 1518:2011, are in place for heavy vehicles with a gross vehicle mass (GVM) equal to or greater than 3 500 kg and are placed appropriately under wheels on non-steering axles. Where extinguishers are not provided by the loading/offloading point, vehicle fire extinguishers are placed at an easily accessible position off the vehicle carrying class 1 to class 4 dangerous goods. Driver amendments. The drivers of dangerous goods vehicles will be required to Clause 4.3.1 (e) Carry a valid training certificate or a certified copy of the training certificate. (issued by an accredited training provider) Clause 4.3.1 (f) Receive training to perform pre-journey vehicle inspections to determine roadworthiness as required Development and Copyright - D.G.Consultants
Published Revision – SANS 10231 - 2014 Dangerous goods declaration / Waste Dangerous Goods Declaration Clause 5.1.1 The DGD/WDGD shall comply with the requirements of SANS 10232-1 (see annex A and annex B for an example of a completed DGD/WDGD), and copies shall be provided to the operator and the consignee by the consignor. The waste generator shall ensure that a separate WDGD is generated to reflect a delivery to a specific consignee (see annex B). Clause 5.1.3 The DGD shall be retained by the consignor for a minimum of 90 days after the date of shipment, if no incident is reported. If an incident is reported, the DGD shall be retained for the duration of the relevant investigation. The operator and consignee shall retain copies of the DGD for as long as deemed necessary by the relevant party. If waste is transported, the WDGD shall be retained by the consignor/waste generator, consignee/waste manager, and the operator/waste transporter for a minimum of 5 years after the date of shipment. Development and Copyright - D.G.Consultants
Published Revision – SANS 10231 - 2014 As part of the en route procedures – Clause 5.3 Clause 5.3.4 - A vehicle that carries dangerous goods shall be under constant supervision while stopped or parked if one or both of the following applies: a) the dangerous goods carried have an exempt quantity of 10 kg or 10 L, or less; or b) any one or more of special provisions O14 to O20 (inclusive) applies. (Annex C) NOTE Constant supervision is the supervision of a vehicle transporting dangerous goods either by the vehicle driver or a qualified person in the employ of the operator, or the parking of the vehicle in a secure area authorised by the operator. Development and Copyright - D.G.Consultants
Published Revision – SANS 10231 - 2014 The Operator Clause 4.2.5 The operator shall, on being informed of an incident involving one of his vehicles covered by this standard, ensure that the relevant emergency services and the police have been informed. The operator shall prepare an incident report in accordance with annex D and submit it to the relevant national authority within 30 days. The operator shall also retain the incident report for a minimum of 5 years. Clause 4.2.8 The operator shall be responsible for ensuring that the vehicle and equipment fitted to the vehicle complies with all applicable statutory requirements with regard to a) the applicable vehicle design standard, in accordance with clause 6 of the standard, b) the vehicle roadworthiness and its suitability to the consignment to be carried. c) the serviceability of the consignment handling equipment and consignment containment areas. Development and Copyright - D.G.Consultants
Published Revision – SANS 10231 - 2014 Clause 4.2.9 The operator shall be responsible for ensuring that measures are put in place to prevent vehicle overloading and underloading Clause 4.2.10 The operator shall be responsible for ensuring that the vehicle and equipment are maintained and inspected by a competent person, in accordance with this standard. Development and Copyright - D.G.Consultants
Published Revision – SANS 10231 - 2014 Clause 6.2 Vehicle inspection 6.2.1 General The design and construction of a vehicle used for the transport of dangerous goods shall comply with the design requirements covered by the relevant standard(s) valid at the time of manufacture of the vehicle, or in terms of the relevant national legislation. All goods vehicles used for the transport of dangerous goods shall undergo regular inspection in accordance with annex E. Defects and non-compliance found shall be rectified in order to ensure their sound mechanical condition and ability to operate safely. Regular preventative maintenance shall be built into the working schedule of the operator and shall either be carried out at the operator's depot by suitably qualified staff, or be subcontracted to a workshop under the control of a competent person. The subcontracted workshop shall provide a written report of the inspections performed in accordance with this standard. Detailed records shall be kept of all maintenance and inspection work done on every vehicle. Records shall be retained for the periods indicated in the standard The inspection records shall include records of the associated defect repair and non-compliance rectification work carried out. Development and Copyright - D.G.Consultants
Published Revision – SANS 10231 - 2014 Clause 7.4 – Exemptions - Exemptions have been split into three sections covering Exemptions related to the nature of the transport operation Clause 7.4.1 (a) - The transport of dangerous goods by private individuals where the goods in question are packaged for retail sale and are intended for their personal or domestic use or for their leisure or sporting activities; NOTE Dangerous goods in IBCs, large packagings or tanks in excess of exempted quantities are not considered to be for personal or domestic use or for their leisure or sporting activities. Clause 7.4.1 (b) - The transport of machinery or equipment not specified in this clause and which contain dangerous goods in their internal or operational equipment, provided that measures have been taken to prevent any leakage of contents in normal conditions of transport; Clause 7.4.1 (c) The transport undertaken by or under the supervision of the emergency services, insofar as such transport is necessary in relation to the emergency response, in particular transport undertaken 1) by breakdown vehicles carrying vehicles which have been involved in accidents or have broken down and contain dangerous goods 2) to contain and recover the dangerous goods involved in an incident or accident and move them to a safe place Development and Copyright - D.G.Consultants
Published Revision – SANS 10231 - 2014 Clause 7.4.1 (d) Emergency transport intended to save human lives or protect the environment provided that all measures are taken to ensure that such transport is carried out in complete safety; Clause 7.4.1 (e) The transport of goods exempt from road transport regulations by special provision in SANS 10228, or in terms of table C.1; Clause 7.4.1 (f) The goods transported by a bona fide farmer or an employee of the farmer and are intended for use in farming operations, provided that 1) The goods are not used for resale either in their original form or in combination with any other substance, 2) The journey does not exceed 250 km of which no more than 50 km shall be on a main arterial road designated with a N number, 3) The quantity of classified dangerous goods in liquid form does not exceed 1 000 L, 4) The quantity of classified dangerous goods in solid form does not exceed 1 000 kg 5) The quantity of classified dangerous goods transported in a mixed load containing goods in both liquid and solid form, in kilograms and litres, does not exceed 1 000. Development and Copyright - D.G.Consultants
Published Revision – SANS 10231 - 2014 Clause 7.4 – Exemptions Clause 7.4.2 - Exemptions related to the transport of gases The requirements of this standard shall not apply to a) gases contained in the tanks of a vehicle, performing a transport operation and destined for its propulsion, or for the operation of any of its equipment (for example refrigerating equipment). b) gases contained in the fuel tanks of vehicles transported. The fuel cock between gas tank and engine shall be closed and the electric contact open. Clause 7.4.3 - Exemptions related to the transport of liquid fuels The requirements of this standard shall not apply to: a) fuel contained in tanks of a vehicle performing a transport operation and intended for the operation of any of its equipment with the following restrictions: when contained in tanks permanently connected to the vehicle’s engine and/or auxiliary equipment, it shall not exceed the quantities specified in Table 2 of the standard. Development and Copyright - D.G.Consultants
Published Revision – SANS 10231 - 2014 Clause 7.4.3 - Exemptions related to the transport of liquid fuels The requirements of this standard shall not apply to: a) fuel contained in tanks of a vehicle performing a transport operation and intended for the operation of any of its equipment with the following restrictions: 1) when contained in tanks permanently connected to the vehicle’s engine and/or auxiliary equipment, it shall not exceed the quantities specified in Table 2 of the standard. 2) when contained in portable fuel containers (such as Jerricans), a maximum of 60 L may be carried per vehicle, or combination of vehicles b) fuel contained in the tanks of vehicles or of other means of conveyance (such as boats) which are carried as a load, where it is destined for their propulsion or the operation of any of their equipment. Any fuel cocks between the engine or equipment and the fuel tank shall be closed during carriage unless it is essential for the equipment to remain operational. The load shall be loaded upright and secured against falling. c) the goods are moved between adjacent premises, not more than 1 km apart. Development and Copyright - D.G.Consultants
General Comment on Dangerous Goods Transportation Legislation applies to dangerous goods transported in excess of the applicable exempt quantity for a single substance or calculated Mixed Load. Responsibilities of compliance are shared between the parties – Consignor, Operator / Driver, Consignee and Qualified Persons. The value of written procedures for loading and offloading and operational agreements between the responsible parties. Relevant training of drivers and Qualified Persons. Relevant documentation and accurate placarding to assist emergency responders. Marking of imported dangerous goods packaging – UN Number and Shipping Name must be in English to assist the emergency / first responder to identify. Operators duty to notify Local Authorities re routes used and substances transported. Compatibility of Mixed Loads and compliance with compatibility provisions. Statutory Insurance to cover Civil Liability, Recovery and Rehabilitation. Cefic Transport Emergency Cards no longer valid after the end of 2015. Development and Copyright - D.G.Consultants
KEITH McMURRAY D.G. CONSULTANTS EXPLOSIVE Transportation of Dangerous Goods National Road Traffic Act 93/96 Legislation Update 2015 II 082-8282847