Of all the major religions in the world, Islam is the only non-Christian faith that recognizes Jesus in their sacred writings and traditions. Within the pages of the Qur'an, one can find numerous Islamic portrayals of Jesus. OBJECTIVES: 1. To seek out Jesus in the context of Islam. 2. We shall strive to eradicate prejudices to the followers of Islam. 3. We shall engage in a dialogue of life, faith, prayer and common action with them.
INTRODUCTION: The relevance regarding Jesus has been mentioned in the Post Asian-Synod document Ecclesia in Asia (EA). One issue need to be noted: that the face of Jesus has to be seen vis-a-vis the multi- religions tradition in Asia, talking into consideration how Jesus has seen contemplated in those traditions, especially in Islam. It highlights pressing need for the Christian Churches to present themselves "with an Asian face". Where it emphasises the need for developing a contextual Asian theology...the challenge is to find ways to present Jesus in Asian terms.
ACTIVITY: picture I.D. 1. choose a picture 2. say something about the picture * Any reflection? MUSLIM MORO MILF MNLF ISLAM BANGSAMORO BIFF ISIS MARANAO
QUR'ANIC PORTRAIT Jesus has a special place in the Qur'an. Jesus' true name, according to the Qur'an, is Isa. Qur'an not only discusses Jesus many times but also gives him role of high honour. (Out of the 114 chapters of the Qur'an, Jesus is mentioned 59 times in 13 chapters, whereas Muhammad's name appears only 4 times). The picture of Jesus presented in it plays a decisive role in the history of Islam. No doubt the Qur'an attributes extraordinary qualities to Jesus, therefore he finds a unique place in Islam... (5:46), "...we sent Jesus the son of Mary, confirming the Law that had come before him:We sent him the Gospel: therein was guidance and an admonition to those who fear Allah." (3:45-47), the dialogue in the Qur'an between Mary and the Angel;
Mary is mentioned 34 times - nine times more than Jesus. She is the only woman is mentioned by name. All other women are described as wives of their husbands, daughters of their fathers or mothers oftheir sons. Mary, mother of Jesus, is mentioned 12 times, and Chapter 19 of the Qur'an bears her name, Miriam. - 5:75 - 3: :12
Titles of Jesus in Qur'an consonant with Christianity The Qur'an beautifully acknowledges several of the very important names for Jesus, consonant with the Gospel: He is called the Messiah ( al-Masih ), the servant ( 'abd ), prophet ( nabi ), messenger ( rasul ), word ( kalima ), sign( aya ), example ( mathal ), witness ( shahid ), eminent ( wajih ), one brought near (min al- muqarrabin ), one of the up-right ( min al- salihin ), blessed ( mubarak ).
1. small group: share your expriences with the Muslims 2. plan of action: - What am I going to do to meet them? - What am I going to do when meeting them? It was Paul VI's encyclical declaration, Nostra Aetate, which forth this new relationship most clearly and fully: The Church has also a high regard for the Muslims. They worship God, Who is one, living and subsistent, merciful and almighty, the Creator of heaven and earth Who also has spoken to men... Over the centuries many quarrels and dissentions have arisen between Christians and Muslims. The Sacred Council now pleads with all to forget the past big group sharing: make a common idea for the action/actions
It is wonderful that Muslims have been called to contemplate the face of Jesus not only through the Christian tradition, but also as revealed in their Scriptures, the Qur'an... Qur'an is a holy book to Muslims. It is considered to contain the holy words of Allah. It is not written by mortals. It is believed that the words and meaning of Allah can best be understood in Arabic; hence, Muslims all over the world learn to recite portions of the Qur'an in its original language. It is divided into 114 Surah's (chapters) and verses. Three of its Surah's, Aale-Imran, Al- Maida and Mariam are so named because of their references to Jesus and his work.
Together with the Vatican, different offices of the FABC, especially of the FABC-OTC are making history-making efforts in promoting dialogue of life with Islam. There is always a desire to have a better understanding of both the religions together with their holy books, prophets and trditions. One can find in every document special mention of Islamic thought and theology. The treatment of issues is done with genuine sensitivity, understanding and knowledge. This surely has found favour with our Muslim brothers and sisters.
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OBJECTIVES: 1. To seek out Jesus in the context of Islam. 2. We shall strive to eradicate prejudices to the followers of Islam. 3. We shall engage in a dialogue of life, faith, prayer and common action with them.
“ For the traffic of our life, keep Right, you ’ ll never get wrong. ”