The CSS Financial Aid PROFILE For Private Colleges and Universities
CSS/Financial Aid PROFILE What is it? Do I need to complete it? Where can I find it? When should I submit it? What information will I need?
Financial Aid Basics Federal Government Complete the FAFSA in January ( State Governments Complete the Cal Grant Verification Form (Complete survey in Naviance titled “Cal Grant GPA Information Release” by January 15, 2015.) Colleges & Universities Merit Scholarships (based on achievement) Financial aid scholarships, based on need. Submit the CSS/Financial Aid PROFILE Private Agencies & Organizations May require the PROFILE.
The PROFILE is an online application that collects information used by certain colleges and scholarship programs to award institutional financial aid. The PROFILE is completed on In the application you will provide financial information about your family and you will identify the colleges you would like to receive your PROFILE. The PROFILE should be completed and submitted early in your application process. It is available after October 1st. You will still need to complete the FAFSA in January to be eligible for federal financial aid. What is the CSS/Financial Aid PROFILE?
Should I complete the PROFILE? If you are applying to private colleges that require and/or accept the PROFILE, you should complete it. See the CSS Code List on the back side of the Student Guide handout. The PROFILE contains questions specific to the schools you're applying to, while the FAFSA is a standardized financial aid application designed to be used in conjunction with federal aid. The PROFILE allows college financial aid counselors to take special circumstances into greater consideration. Why? Colleges that use the CSS PROFILE have billions of dollars ($$$) of their own scholarship money to award, beyond what the federal government can offer.
What information do I need to complete the PROFILE? You will be asked to list the colleges you would like to receive your PROFILE information. Your parents will need to include the amounts of salaries, benefits, dividend and interest incomes; taxes paid; the value of any savings and investments, and information about any businesses they own. You will also provide information about your household members and household expenses (i.e. mortgage or rent costs). Be ready to report your own assets and earned income. This is a fee-based application. The fee for the initial application and one college or program report is $25. Additional reports are $16 each. Payments can be made via credit card, debit card (Visa or Master Card), or by online check. Fee waivers are available (up to 8 colleges).
Steps to Complete the PROFILE: 1. Registration 2. Application -Parent Data -Student Data -Family Household Information 3. Submit and Payment -Print Your Acknowledgement
Getting Started: Sign-in to your collegeboard account:
Step 1: Register for the PROFILE Before you begin, check your college websites and scholarship program sites to see their deadlines for submitting the PROFILE. It is recommended you file the PROFILE no later than 14 days before the earliest priority filing date your colleges or programs specify. Complete the registration form on
Register, cont. Information in this section: - List of your colleges - Student and family biographical information - Receive your CSS Registration Code - The final page of the registration will tell you which of your colleges require the Noncustodial PROFILE. Based on this information, PROFILE items are personalized to match your characteristics to the information the colleges you list need to know. You must complete the registration information all at once. It will not be saved.
PROFILE: Apply Now Year you will start college
Page 1 of Registration
College and Program Search
Review your Data:
Step 2: Complete the Application Some tips: 1.Use the Customized Pre-Application Worksheet and Customized Application Instructions provided for you on page one. Print these to use in preparing your responses. 2.You may stop and save your work, then return to it later. The program will time out after 45 minutes, so be sure to save before you exit. 3.Do not use the $ sign (or sign for any currency). Round out numbers to full dollars. Be sure to enter “0” rather than leave a space blank. 4.Turn pop-up blocker OFF while completing the application. Information and tips are provided for you in pop-ups.
Application tips….. continued 5. Parent sections have a green background. Student sections are blue. 6. At the end of the application is a section where you can explain ….“Special Circumstances.” 7. Once you have completed your 2014 tax return, send updated information directly to the colleges and programs you have applied to. 10. If you are adding colleges to the PROFILE list, you can update the information in the PROFILE application. NEED HELP? Help Desk and “Contact Us” at the top of most pages.
Application: Parents’ Data and Income
Your form will be for 2013
PROFILE: Student Data
PROFILE: Student’s Income
Student Data, assets
Family Household Information
Non-Custodial Parent Information
PROFILE: Special Circumstances
PROFILE: Application Review
Step 3: Submit and Payment
PROFILE: Acknowledgment
PROFILE: Status of Application
PROFILE: To Add Colleges