February 5, 2015 February 6, 2015
What is registration? Registration is a thoughtful process of choosing classes for the following school year Once students register, CT administration builds the master schedule based on student requests Teachers are hired and sections are created based on student choices (this is why it is so hard to change your schedule)
Why do I need to take registration seriously? Master Schedule based on student requests for classes The courses you list are requests, however, we do our best to ensure that you get the classes that you request. Schedule changes are difficult, and NO FUN! Plan for life after CT
FAQs Who should I talk to when deciding on class choices? –Talk to your current teachers and your parents about class options –You may also consult with your counselor if you are uncertain about what choice(s) to make. –It seems early but look up your dream college and see what they require. Some colleges have quirky requirements!
CCSD Graduation Requirements English4.0 Credits Social Studies3.0 Credits (must include 1.0 US History &.5 American Gov’t) Math3.0 Credits Science3.0 Credits Foreign Language0.0 Credits PE1.5 Credits Health0.5 Credits Practical/Fine Arts1.5 Credits Elective 5.5 Credits TOTAL22.0 CREDITS
Colorado Higher Education Admission Requirements (HEAR)* English4.0 Credits Social Studies 3.0 Credits Math4.0 Credits Science3.0 Credits Foreign Language1.0 Credits Academic Electives2.0 Credits TOTAL17.0 CREDITS *Required for consideration to all four-year public colleges/universities in Colorado.
CCSD/School Policy CCSD Board Policy requires that all students enroll in 4 core classes each semester English, Social Studies, Math, Science, World Language Sophomores & Juniors must schedule a minimum of 6 classes each semester Math Intv, Guided Study, PLATO don’t count Cannot preregister for more than 8 classes Check course descriptions and prerequisites in Program of Study (found on CT website).
More Info… Consider CCSD graduation requirements, prerequisites, and post-graduate plans before registering for classes. Know that it is best for both college admission and test scores to take the most rigorous course load you can handle. Also consider balance.
Other things to consider: Concurrent Enrollment (CE), IB, Honors, AP STEM, Liberal Arts Distinctions
CTE Options Application required- space is LIMITED! (see counselor) Some require program visit prior to being accepted Open to Juniors and Seniors only Some allow CE credit- many take up more than one period of the day Off campus- you are responsible for transportation to and from Must be in good credit standing Sample of what is offered : Health Science, Teacher Cadet, Auto Mechanics, Fashion Design, Commercial Photography, Aviation Technology, Criminal Justice
Online Options District Online Courses –Limited number of class offerings –Check Program of Study for available classes Recommend that student are self-motivated Requires intensive work online Access to reliable computer –Mandatory orientation meetings are required, final exams are in person each semester –Not all students are good candidates… –See your counselor for more information
Things to Know… Registration in Power School opens: 3/9/2015 Registration in Power School closes: 3/20/2015 Discuss any concerns with your counselor prior to going on Spring Break! In the fall will be too late! You are not allowed to choose teachers or off periods
Registration in PowerSchool New this year! See back of Course Selection Sheet for Instructions and deadlines Talk with your current core teachers and know what they are recommending for you. When you log into PowerSchool you can see your core recommendations. Understand your test scores Involve your parents in the process of selecting courses
Log into PowerSchool
Power School
Core Recommendations
Choose Electives Click on the pencil icons in the elective areas of interest. Note: You don’t have to pick something from every area!
Be sure to click Submit! Caution : Once you click submit, you will not be able to change your choices
Final Notes Things you are leaving with today: Your unofficial transcript Course selection sheet /Core Appeal Form Instructions on how and when to Pre-register in Power School (on the back of course selection sheet) Schedule Correction Policy Registration Window: Mar. 9 thru Mar. 20 Start having conversations NOW
Thank you Class of 2017!