For everything, there is a season Neurosurgery Timeline Lois Hengenius University Hospitals Case Medical Center Cleveland, OH May 19, 2011
July Assist new residents transition into the program (forms, beepers, keys, OR orientation, staff introductions) Complete final/summative evaluations for graduating residents’ portfolios - Letter to graduating resident (wording in accordance to ACGME)
July Verify institutional operative statistics for academic year from ACGME website / print or scan all residents operative statistics for past academic year along with index case report Finalize/archive graduating residents operative stats in ACGME ADS system (Due August 1, 2011)
July Finalize and submit ABNS forms for graduating residents: - Graduating Resident Evaluation forms with narrative summary - Rotation form – chronological listing of each rotation - Forwarding addresses of graduating residents Pick Resident Interview Dates (to be posted on SNS website)
July Input program information into GME Track (reminders are sent from American Association of Medical Colleges - AAMC) NOTE RECENT UPDATE: Programs that have completed the ACGME WebADS application have the ability to upload their resident data into GME Track) - Deadline for both program and resident information must be uploaded by September 30 th
July Resident semi-annual review (review OR stats / CV) Annual program retreat – for faculty and residents
August Submit match quotas to NRMP (reminders sent to programs) ERAS – Make sure ERAS software is installed on PC’s of all staff who will be using system.
September ERAS opens September 1 st Use departmental screening/criteria system for downloading applicant information Send out letters of invitation (depending on interview dates)
September Update Resident and Program information in ACGME WebADS
October Distribute applications for ABNS Primary Exam (reserve room) Organize interview dates (reserve conference and/or interview rooms, reserve rooms at restaurants, order meals, send reminders of interview dates) Prepare applicant files
November Interviews in process
December Submit applicants and fee to ABNS for Primary Examination Interviews in process
January Interviews and/or applicants returning for 2 nd look Schedule final faculty/resident meeting or collect final scores/ comments to finalize resident applicant rank list Send thank you letters to applicants Semi-annual resident performance evaluations
January Semi annual resident performance evaluations Send out faculty and program evaluations (must be done at least once annually) Pick date for resident graduation dinner – send save the date
February Finalize/enter/submit rank list on NRMP website (sit back and breath for a few minutes) Preparation for ABNS Primary Examination held in March - Enlist proctor (s) if not PD - Verify room
March Match Day/Week! MONDAY – applicant matched and not matched into information is posted to NRMP website TUESDAY– Filled and unfilled results are posted for individual programs. WEDNESDAY – Programs advised THURSDAY – “Match Day” - Candidates are advised of the programs they matched into Scramble – Programs who do not fill their positions search for other candidates for their program
More March Madness! Begin appointment process for new residents – working with GME office Begin reappointment process for all residents (contracts, certificates, Visas) ABNS Primary Exam (date varies)
April “Survey of residents in place” and resident questionnaires for incoming residents is distributed by the ABNS (due 6/1) Update Goals and Objectives Manual/ Curriculum
May ABNS Primary examination results received Prepare/update annual resident rotation schedule for distribution
June Termination process/paperwork for graduating residents Resident graduation dinner Orientation for first year residents Send letters to incoming residents, including the required length of program and general breakdown of rotations