An introduction to the Physical Disability Strategy Draft.


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Presentation transcript:

An introduction to the Physical Disability Strategy Draft.

A physical disability is any condition that permanently prevents normal body movement and/or control. There are many different types.

: Acquired Brain and Spinal Injuries- physical disabilities may result from permanent injuries to the brain, spinal cord or limbs that prevent proper movement in parts of the body. Multiple Sclerosis- is the most common potentially disabling disease of the central nervous system Stroke- occurs when part of the brain is suddenly damaged or destroyed.

Statistics Approx 11million adults with a disability in the United Kingdom This equates to 1in 5 of the population Approx 136,800people live in Middlesbrough There are approx 26,750 people living in Middlesbrough with a physical disability

Each persons experience of disability is different and is influenced by their own life experiences and the attitude of other members of soceity. It can also be influenced by how easy it is to access services and opportunities such as education, training and employment.

National and Local Policies: There are a number of National, NHS and Social Care Policies designed to improve the quality of services and these underpin this Strategy The Disabled Person’s Act 1970 The Disability Discrimination Act 1995 and 2005. The Special Educational Needs and Disability Discrimination Act 2001 (SENDA).

Central and Local Policy Documents: Independence, Well – being and Choice (2005). Improving the Life Chances of Disabled People (2005). Middlesbrough Sustainable Community Strategy 2008 – 2011. Middlesbrough Local Area Agreement 2008 – 2011.

Identified need: Comprehensive Survey Autumn 2006 Consultation event October 2007.

Issues identified include: Awareness training for staff Provision of accessible community transport Housing set in safe environments Accessible and adaptable housing that promotes independent living.

Cont…… Fitness facilities or arranged classes with equipment suitable for wheelchair users. More partnership work to develop employment and training services that include disabled adults of working age. They would also like to see disabled people’s awareness raised of employment opportunities with appropriate and accessible information and support.

Cont… More community policing. Listen to people who use services to ensure services are run to meet the needs of people and not service providers. Promote the participation of disabled people in the planning and delivery of services.

Consultation: In developing the Physical Disability Strategy, we have sought views from: Disabled people living in Middlesbrough Their carers Service Providers The Physical Disability Reference Group The Physical Disability Steering Group Middlesbrough Primary Care Trust (PCT)

Consultation cont…. Middlesbrough Social Care Department Local Strategic Transport Action Group The Safer Middlesbrough Partnership The EVAG Action Group of Middlesbrough Partnership Job Centre Plus Middlesbrough Learning Partnership Plus others.

Conclusion: The Physical Disability Strategy is in response to an identified need for people with disabilities who live in the Middlesbrough area to improve their quality of life. The population of disabled people is highly diverse and includes people from all age groups and from widely differing cultural, religious and social backgrounds who rightly expect the same life opportunities as all other members of society.

Disabled people want: Accessible housing Opportunities to enjoy leisure activities Available and accessible transport Choice in accessing: -flexible care -direct payments -individual budgets. -equipment and adaptations.

Cont… Opportunities that will develop skills and knowledge. To feel safe and secure in their own homes.

The strategy will outline the vision for future planning and the development of services for people with disabilities, reflecting the important issues that service users and carers have identified as their priorities.