SA, the World and Africa - A Socio Economic Comparison Presented by: Dawie Roodt 11 July 2007
Through the Eyes of the World Source: The Economist January 20-26, 2007 Full page advertisements
The Opposition p. 15
The Home Team p. 17
Missing Something? MacedoniaSouth Africa Taxes Efficiency Competitive labour Access to markets Stability Infrastructure Property rights- But why say it?
2007: Economic Overview
GDP at Market Prices Source: StatsSA and own calculations
Relative size to GDP, 2007 Q1 Source: StatsSA
Fiscal Policy
Background Gold Source: SARB and own calculations
Background Source: SARB and own calculations
Background Source: SARB and own calculations
Monetary Policy
Interest rates
Capital Expenditure InstituteTime HorizonPlanned Capital Expenditure Sasol2013R62.0bn Eskom2011R150.0bn World Cup 2010: Gautrain Acsa Stadiums R24.0bn R20.0bn R8.4bn Transnet (Rail, Ports, Pipelines) 2012R78.0bn State (National Budget)2009R372.0bn
Economic Impact of the 2010 FIFA World Cup Direct expenditure of R30.4 bn R15.6bn to be spent by expected 350,000 tourists Contribute R51.0 billion to the GDP of South Africa ( ) Generate the equivalent of annual jobs Additional R7,2 billion will be paid to Government in taxes. Source: Gauteng Tourism Authority and Grant Thornton (Financial mail)
Inflation bracket Source: StatsSA and own calculations
Debt Levels
Credit Extension Source: SARB and own calculations
Household debt to disposable income Source: SARB and own calculations
Savings to disposable income of households Source: SARB and own calculations
Balance of Payments
Source: SARS and own calculations
Trade: Imports and Exports per origin, 2005
Summary Problems: Debt Levels Tax levels Unemployment Crime AIDS Skills State inefficiency Positives: Strong GDP growth State debt at more sustainable level More stable interest rate Capital expenditure plans
South Africa, Africa and the Rest
Percentage of World GDP ‘04 Source: UNAIDS
4% of African area 23% of African GDP 22% of African Exports 20% of African Imports
GDP Source: UN
Countries Compared to Provinces Source: UN
Africa Average Annual GDP Growth, Equatorial Guinea Zimbabwe Average: 4.2 Source: World Bank, Africa Development Indicators, 2006 South Africa Mozambique Congo Median: 3.6 Angola Oil-exporters
Africa’s Divergent Growth Paths Ave: 5.5 Ave: 3.4 Ave: 1.3 Ave: 7.4 Namibia (4.0) Malawi (3.2) South Africa (3.1) Source: World Bank, Africa Development Indicators, 2006 Kenya (2.8) DRC (0.0) Zimbabwe (-2.4) Mozambique (8.4) Botswana (5.7) Mauritius (4.9) Eq. Guinea (20.9) Angola (7.9) Nigeria (4.0)
Socio-Economic Development
Close-up on South Africa Category Total population (000)46.6mil47.4mil Annual population growth rate (%)1.1%-0.4% ? Population 0-14 years(%)33%32% Rural population (%)41 Total fertility rate (births per woman) Infant mortality rate (1,000)5360 Life expectancy at birth (years)4642 HIV rate (%) in adults (15-49 years) % Poverty (% of pop. on less than $2 a day)34 GDP per capita (PPP) US$ GDP growth rate (%)4.5%5.0% Children of primary school-age who are out-of-school (%)7 Source: Unesco and World Bank Development Indicators
Social Services Expenditure
Budget 2006/07Budget 2007/08 Functional allocationR260.9bnR296.6bn % of Total Expenditure59.2%59.0% % of GDP14.6%15.4% Expected OverrunR2.5bn
Social Services Expenditure as % of Total Expenditure Source: Various Budgets and own calculation
Human Poverty Index (HPI): Developing Countries (HPI-1),2004 South Africa 2004 Cuba Mali Average: 30 Median: 27 Source: Human Development Report, 2006 ( South Africa(1998)
Healthy Spending…? Budget 2006/07Budget 2007/08 Functional allocationR53.5bnR60.3bn % of Total Expenditure12.1%12.0% % of GDP3.0%3.1% Expected OverrunR0.1bn 2007 Budget: R7.2bn more for HIV-Aids, hospitals and salaries of health workers
Health Spending as % GDP Source: Various Budgets
Public Expenditure on Health Comparison ( ) Source: Human Development Report, 2006 ( South Africa (‘04&’06) Myanmar Iceland Average: 3.5 Median: 3.0 Cuba Malawi South Africa (’07)
Male Life Expectancy at Birth, 2004 Sierra Leone Average: 51 Source: Africa Development Indicators, World Bank, 2006 South Africa Swaziland Tunisia South Africa (2006)
Public Health Expenditure (2003) vs. Life Expectancy at Birth ( ) Source: Human Development Report, 2006 (
Physicians Source: Human Development Report, 2006 ( South Africa 2004 Malawi Average: Cuba Median: South Africa(2001)
Public Health Expenditure (2003) vs. Physicians 2004) Source: Human Development Report, 2006 (
Percentage of People ages Infected with HIV, 2005 Source: Human Development Report, 2006 ( from UNAIDS (Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS) South AfricaJapan Swaziland Average: 2.0 Zimbabwe
Number of HIV Positive and Cumulative HIV Deaths Source: Centre for Actuarial Research and South African Medical Research Council, 2004
Estimated HIV Prevalence Amongst Antenatal Clinic Attendees, by Age Age group (years) 2000 prevalence % 2001 prevalence % 2002 prevalence % 2003 prevalence % 2004 prevalence % 2005 prevalence % < Source: Avert international AIDS charity
Tuberculosis Cases – Prevalence per People, 2004 Source: Human Development Report, 2006 ( South Africa Iceland Djibouti Average: 200 Zimbabwe Median: 83
Summary Low/average spending on health Very low life expectancy Lack/losing skilled medical personnel HIV and Tuberculosis: Top prevalence rates in the world Appears to escalate Lack of commitment from Government (Department of Health) Impact on economy Serious competence and planning deficiency PROBABLY THE WORST RUN DEPARTMENT!
Bas(e)ing the Outcome… Budget 2006/07Budget 2007/08 Functional allocationR92.0bnR104.7bn % of Total Expenditure19.5%20.8% % of GDP5.2%5.4% Expected OverrunR1.5bn 2007 Budget: R8.1bn more for additional teachers
Education expenditure comparison ( as available) Source: Human Development Report, 2006 ( South Africa (’06 & ’07) Equatorial Guinea Lesotho Average: 4.7 Zimbabwe
Education Spending as % GDP Source: Various Budgets
Pass Rate of SCE and Education Spending Source: HSRC
Learners and Educators in Ordinary Schools Source: SNAP Survey (
Number of Schools and Educators in Ordinary Schools Source: SNAP Survey (
Pass Rate of SCE and Matriculation Exemption Source: HSRC
Learners Presenting For Standard and Higher Grade Exams Subject YearSGHGHG as % Tot Accounting Biology English (Second language) Source: HSRCSource: HSRC / Department of Education
Learners Presenting For Standard and Higher Grade Exams Subject YearSGHGHG as % Tot Mathematics Physical Science Source: HSRC / Department of Education
Case Study: Flow of Pupils from Grade 1 to Grade 12 Source: HSRC Note: Repeaters and drop outs not indicated learners learners Home Schooling? 1995 to 2006: 31.7% 31.7
Flow in Secondary Schools Source: Dept Education 1.3% - 6.4% 17.0% Repeaters? %
Grade 1 and Grade 2 Pupils Source: Department of Education - 9.4%- 15.1%- 13.1%- 21.3%
Adult Literacy Rate (2005) Source: Human Development Report, 2006 ( South Africa: 82.2 Mali Estonia Average: 79.5 Median: 87.4 South Africa (1991): 82.1
Pupils-Teacher Ratio in Primary Education (Newest data available) Source: UNESCO South Africa 2004 Central African Republic Libya Average: 26.7 Median: 23.0 South Africa (2006)
Summary Above average spending on education Below average teacher : pupil ratio Ordinary schools, change between : Learners: 4.1% Educators: 7.9% Schools: -3.2% Weaker higher grade enrollment Low critical subject enrollment Obvious efficiency problem but improving
Our Fine for Crime Budget 2006/07Budget 2007/08 Functional allocation (Protection services) - Police R79.4bn R34.3 R86.9bn R37.8bn % of Total Expenditure - Police 18.0% 7.8% 17.3% 7.6% % of GDP - Police 4.5% 1.9% 4.5% 1.9% Expected Under run(R1.6bn) 2007 Budget: R6.8bn more for justice and crime prevention
Military Expenditure, % of GDP (2004) Source: SIPRI (Stockholm International Peace Research Institute). 2006c. South Africa Mauritius Oman Average: 2.3 Median: 1.7 South Africa (’07)
Police and Crime 2007 Budget: R2.4bn more to get police by 2010
Murders (per capita) by Country ( ) Source: UN Survey of Crime Trends and Operations of Criminal Justice Systems, 2000 South Africa ’98-’00 Colombia Qatar Jamaica Venezuela South Africa (2006)
Reported Crime Figures for the financial years 1994/95 to 2006/07 Source: Institute for Security Studies ( /
Crime and Policing Facts: 2000: SA murder rate 3rd of 63 countries. (Behind Swaziland and Colombia) Murder rate per : 1994/05: 66.9 2005/06: 39.5 World average: 5.5 Policing Expenditure % GDP: 2.0% (1994), 1.8% (2003) % budget expenditure: 6.7% (1994), 7.9% (2003), 7.8% (2007 est) Security personnel outnumber police officers 3:1 2006: Almost security officers (1996: ) 2006: SAPS employment complement , of which around (only) officers Source: Institute for Security Studies ( / SAPS Annual Report / own calculations / UN Survey of crime trends and operations of criminal justice systems
Police (per capita) by country (2000) Source: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, Centre for International Crime Prevention South Africa Costa Rica Montserrat Average: 2.9 Median: 2.6
Summary Average number of police officers Security personnel outnumber police officers 3:1= (police efficiency?) 8 out of 10 businesses affected by crime Murders per almost 8 times higher than world average! President Mbeki’s stance on crime? Lack of commitment…Questionable statistics… Be scared, be very scared!
Fiscal Efficiency
Contribution to Fiscus
Budget Revenues (per $ GDP) by Country, 2006 Source: Nationmaster: CIA, World Factbook Libya Kuwait Afghanistan South Africa Average: 0.32 Median: 0.29 Collection cost: 1.3% of revenue; US 0.5%
Company Tax Rate, per Country (2006) Source: South Africa Bulgaria Egypt Average: 26.6% Median: 29.0% Ireland USA South Africa + STC (’06) South Africa + STC (’07)
Individual Tax Rate, per Country (2006) Source: South Africa Russia Denmark Average: 35.4% Median: 36.0% USA Ireland
VAT Rate, per Country (2006) Source: Average: 16.7% Median: 18.0%
Fiscal Efficiency: Revenue Summary Average tax red tape Individual tax rate: above average (high marginal rate, low threshold) Company tax rate: above average VAT rate: below average
Financial Management Auditor General: 12% of state departments received clean audit reports (2005/06) Qualified audit reports of state departments: 2005/06: 32% 2004/05: 21% Large number of qualifications fell into level two: Lack of basic financial control Generally deficient financial control, and deteriorating……..leading indicator of corruption?
Fiscal Efficiency: Summary Social Spending: Increasing burden on state Education: Efficiency problem but improving Health Care: Serious efficiency problem and deteriorating Safety and Security: Shocking figures, questionable statistics! Capital Expenditure: Glimpse of hope
Asset Allocation
Reason Equities Demand/Rand BondsInflation/Supply/Interest Rates CashShort Interest Rates PropertyProperty Cycle – Heavy Overweight – Overweight – Neutral – Underweight – Heavy Underweight
Local Equities, 2006 Economic Sector MCEAAJSE Sector Mining and Quarrying32%34%Mining, Platinum, Gold, Coal Finance, prop and bus. serv30% Banks, Insurance, Life Ass, Media & Pht, IT, Property, Support Serv Manufacturing12% Auto, Basic Ind, Beverages, Chem, Elect, IT Hard, Pharm & Bio, Steel & Other Personal Service6%5% Cyc Serv, Health, Leisure Ent, Non-cyc Serv, Person Care Transport, storage and comm.6% Telecomm, Transport Trade, hotels and restaurants6%4% Cyc Cons, Food & Drug, Gen Retail, House Goods, Non-cyc Cons Electricity, gas and water4%3%Oil & Gas Agri, Forestry and Fishing3%1%Food Prod Construction2%5%Const & Build 100%