Welcome to Parent Night! Mrs. Giffels 5 th Grade North Elementary September 11, 2014
Homeroom Class
A bit about me… 2 nd year teaching at North, 6 th year in district BBA in Finance, Grand Valley State University Elementary Education Certification-North Park University Michigan born / 10 year resident of Crystal Lake Husband, Dave / 3 children: Danny, Haylee and Jason Hobbies: Scrapbooking and watching football
Learning Expectations o Always give BEST effort o Read EVERY day and become life-long readers o Complete assignments on time o Become INDEPENDENT workers and thinkers o Refine organizational skills to prepare for Middle School o Work cooperatively to strengthen social skills o Classroom philosophy: We are a TEAM! Together Everyone Achieves More
Behavior Expectations Respect: with ourselves, each other and school Effort: Always try our best! Attitude: Positive, pleasant, helpful, courteous Cooperation: share and be flexible Honesty: with ourselves and each other
Class Schedule 9:00-10:00: Math 10:00-11:00: Encores * Monday - PE / Music* Tuesday – STEM * Wednesday - PE / Music* Thursday – Library * Friday - Art 11:00-11:10: Snack: Note - 5 th grade is PEANUT FREE! 11:00-12:30: Literacy Block & Daily 5 12:30-1:20: Lunch 1:20-2:50: Literacy Block with Social Studies / Science 2:50-3:20: Acceleration Block 3:30 – 1 st Dismissal Bell (car riders, daycare vans, ET) 3:32 – 2 nd Dismissal Bell (walkers, bus riders)
Curriculum Literacy: Reading and Writing NEW district curriculum built through Units of Study Units designed to: 1.Increase Reading of Information Text 2.Increase Text Complexity – exposing all students to grade-level texts 3.Develop and refine Academic Vocabulary 4.Enhance Text-Based Answers (Close Reading) 5.Increase Writing fom Sources 6.Litereacy Instruction across all Content Areas GOAL: Increase level of rigor and better prepare students for college and career. THE BAR HAS BEEN RAISED TO MEET HIGHER ILLINOIS STATE STANDARDS
Curriculum Math: Everyday Mathematics –Spiraled math instruction that capitalizes on student interest –Offers multiple problem solving methods and strategies –Encourages collaborative learning –Aligned with Common Core State Standards –Unit 1-Number Theory Science: Foss (Full Option Science System) –Hands-on science curriculum –Provides in-depth exposure to science topics –5 th Grade modules: Mixtures and solutions Levers and pullys Variables
History: History Alive –Student will learn of people, places and events that have structured our nation –Begin study of Native Americans in the 1400’s –Conclude around time of Civil War Testing Assessments: –MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) - fall, winter and spring –OLSAT (Otis-Lennon School Ability Test)- fall –PARCC ( Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers) – March and May Curriculum
Acceleration Block Objective: To give indept literacy instruction at students’ level of performance –Similar to “SMART” time of the past –Student will meet 5 days per week from 2:50 – 3:20pm –Instruction given by grade level and specialist teachers –Groups range in size from approximately 5 to 20, based on student needs
Character Counts is a character education program adapted by District 47 It is designed to teach basic values through the six pillars of character Character ambassadors: help educate other students on a specific pillar Weekly Classroom meetings: held to discuss and problem solve school issues Current pillar: RESPONSIBILITY Character Counts “Intelligence plus character, that is the goal of true education” -Martin Luther King, Jr.
Monthly Reading Calendar Please make sure to monitor your child’s daily independent reading: GOAL = 25 minutes daily Children should fill out the calendar on a daily basis by recording nightly minutes read Parents should initial the calendar on a daily basis Children should total the minutes read at the end of each month Parents should sign the calendar at the end of the month before your child hands it in Completed Calendars are due the first day of each month
How to help my child at home… Check your child’s backpack and assignment notebook nightly Establish regular habits for homework completion Set aside a special reading time Have a designated place at home for backpack and schoolwork Encourage your child to eat a healthy breakfast and get enough sleep Encourage your child to become independent and responsible for his schoolwork
Homework Expectations Record assignments daily in assignment notebook Turn in completed homework on time Take responsibility for learning Missed assignment reminders Student Incident Reports
Ways to be involved… Visit Website: Sign up for Parent/teacher conferences Sign up to volunteer for holiday parties Sign up to volunteer for Starbuck Redemption Days Volunteer to chaperone field trips
THANK YOU! I appreciate everyone coming tonight! I’m looking forward to a wonderful year! Mrs. Giffels