Year 6 Parents’ Information Morning Tuesday 16th September 2014 Mr Dougan & Miss Convery
Year 6 General Reminders Break – Fresh Fruit/Vegetable Still Water/Milk Lunch – Packed lunch School Meals - £2.40
General Reminders Homework - Monday – Thursday (1hr maximum incorporating both literacy & numeracy) - Reading daily (records) Acc. Reader. - Linguistic Phonics - Mental Arithmetic (Maths Challenge) - JE Book 3 & 4 as appropriate to topic & concepts - Class projects - Missed homework should be completed at the weekend
How to help at home Check that homework is completed each evening (Monday-Thursday) and sign it off Listen to your child reading each night, talk about what they have read and sign their reading record. Spend some time each day checking spellings and quick recall of times tables. Show an interest in what your child is doing in school and talk to them in a positive manner. Keep the teacher informed as necessary of any illness, family issue, medical condition. Explanation note.
General Reminders Physical Education Monday – Basketball/Swimming Tuesday –Games/Gymnastics/Athletics/Dance Second Term – Non-contact boxing Please label all PE uniform
General Reminders Punctuality Doors open/in class by 8.50am Lessons 9.00am School finishes 3pm (2pm Friday)
Communication Notes required for Absences Incomplete work Necessary information-medical, change in circumstances etc
Revised Curriculum
Aim: To help young people develop as individuals and contributors to their society and their environment. Children will learn new skills within the content of the curriculum.
How will we address this in Year 6? Children should be encouraged to make connections across all areas of learning. Use Active Learning Strategies WALT, KWL, Overt Cooperation, clear targets, LI and success criteria. Incorporate the principles of assessment for learning (AFL), 2 stars and a wish
Language & Literacy Language & Literacy will be delivered in a holistic way, taking into account the integral nature of the areas in Talking and Listening, Reading and Writing which extend across all areas of the curriculum.
Mathematics and Numeracy Pupils will be engaged in a wide range of purposeful activities which: Involve different modes of learning; Consolidate and extend their learning; Include both independent and co-operative learning;
Mathematics & Numeracy Processes Number Measures Shape & Space Handling Data Problem Solving
The World Around Us WAU is presented as four inter- related strands that connect learning across Geography, History, Science and Technology. Throughout the year we will be teaching WAU through our topics (Movement, Australia, Extreme Weather, Irish Culture & Farming) Children will develop Thinking skill and Personal Capabilities. Become active participants in learning.
Religion Alive-O 6 ‘To enable the children to become fully alive in the presence of God in themselves, in others, in the church and in the world around them’. School Assemblies Year group mass & class assemblies.
The Arts Art (Mrs Harrigan) Drama (Assemblies) Music – Tin Whistle/School Choir/ School of Music Tuition/African drumming after schools
Performance Opportunities Assemblies Culture Day Carol Service Tin Whistle Practice Religion Programme – Alive-O 6 School Choir Class Concert
ICT Integrating ICT into the curriculum. Use of iPads to supplement learning ICT tasks (cross curricular) Make use of facilities at home and local library
Other Subject Areas Personal Development and Mutual Understanding (PDMU). Thinking Skills and Personal Capabilities. Spanish/Chinese
Assessment A.F.L – W.A.L.T Board, Self Evaluation Standardised NFER Testing Weekly Spelling/Tables Test ALTA Maths Maths/English Monthly assessment (Term 1 beginning in November & Term 2) Maths/English Weekly (Term 3)
Thank you for your attention!