The Clinic Administration
Chapter 4 Learning Outcomes 4.1 The Practice View Screen 4.2 Appointment Schedule 4.3 Patient Tracker 4.4 To Do Lists and Reminders 4.5 Internal Messages 4.6 Urgent Messages After completing Chapter 4, you will be able to: LO 4.1 Navigate the Practice View screen. LO 4.2 Use the Office Schedule to add patients and notes to the schedule, add blocked time to the schedule, and chart “no shows.” LO 4.3 Use the Patient Tracker to perform tasks such as change a patient’s location and status, assign color codes, move patients, and check out patients. LO 4.4 Use the To Do List to set reminders and send to-do items to yourself and another user. LO 4.5 Create internal messages, both non-patient and those concerning patients. LO 4.6 Demonstrate how to send and respond to an urgent message.
Chapter 4 Key Terms Appointment Schedule Message Archive No Show Patient Status Patient Tracker Pop-Up Text Routing Slip Toolbar Spend some time reviewing the key terms of the chapter that students need to be sure to grasp. Appointment Schedule - The appointment schedule displays past, current, and future patient appointment schedules and time blocks for activities. Multiple appointment schedules can be created within the program to display patient appointments for different medical providers and other resources. Appointment schedules can show a variety of appointment-length slots. Message Archive - The Message Archive is a storage area in SpringCharts for saved messages. A sent or received message that does not concern a patient can be saved as an archived message and reactivated later if necessary. Messages regarding patients are saved in the patient’s chart. No Show - This term is used to indicate that a patient missed a scheduled appointment without calling in advance to inform the clinic or to reschedule. Patient Status - The patient status allows the clinical staff to know in general terms what is currently happening with the patient or what needs to be done next. The Status is chosen from a drop-down list that the clinic customizes. Patient Tracker - The Patient Tracker function enables all users across the network to see at a glance the current location and status of all patients in the clinic. It records the time each patient enters and leaves the clinic. Pop-Up Text - Pop-up text is large groups of predefined text that SpringCharts users can rapidly select to complete office visit notes, letters, reports, messages, and to-do/ reminder lists. The program includes 34 static categories and 20 categories of pop-up text that can be customized to suit the needs of each user. Each category has the capacity to hold 60 lines of customized type. Routing Slip - This charge ticket or superbill contains the healthcare codes, description, and charges relevant to a patient’s visit. Toolbar - The Toolbar displays a lineup of icons that gives users shortcut access to the program’s most commonly used functions.
LO 4.1 The Practice View Screen LO 4.1 Navigate the Practice View screen.
Practice Screen A. Office Calendar B. Appointment Schedule C. Patient Tracker D. To Do List E. Messages F. Shortcut keys Page 85-87– LO 4.1 Navigate the Practice View screen. The Practice View screen is one of three main screens for administrative functions. The Office Calendar (A), Appointment Schedule (B), and Patient Tracker (C) windows are consistent for all users on the network; when an update is made to any of these features, it is seen by all users logged on to SpringCharts. On the other hand, the To Do List (D) and Messages (E) windows are user-defined and only show information relevant to the specific user who is logged on. When modifications are made in these two windows, only the user who makes the modifications can view the changes. All of these features are fully integrated with the program’s patient charting feature, enabling the user to access the chart from multiple locations within the program. LO 4.1
Toolbar Displays universal icons that are shortcuts to the program’s most commonly used features Page 85-87– LO 4.1 Navigate the Practice View screen. The Toolbar at the top Practice View screen displays universal icons that are shortcuts to the program’s most commonly used features, such as the urgent message function. When using the shortcuts with the program’s Tap- N-Go navigation, tablet PC and iPad users can bypass using drop-down menus. Work through the exercise to get students familiar with the toolbar. LO 4.1
LO 4.2 Appointment Schedule LO 4.2 Use the Office Schedule to add patients and notes to the schedule, add blocked time to the schedule, and chart “no shows.”
Appointment Schedule Choose a schedule Add existing patient to the schedule Add a new patient to the schedule Block out time in the schedule Document a “no show” Page 87-92– LO 4.2 Use the Office Calendar to add patients and notes to the schedule, add blocked time to the schedule, and chart “no shows.” The EHR makes it possible for practitioners and staff to have the most recent, real-time information regarding the patient schedule. In EHR programs, a patient’s name on the schedule is integrated with the patient’s chart, messaging, referrals, and other features so clinicians can access linked material for the patient with one mouse click. When you open SpringCharts, the Practice View screen appears, and the Office Schedule or appointment schedule, appears as the main window on the screen. From the main Office Schedule window, the user can view other office schedules for the same day by clicking on the [change schedule] button on the menu bar (in the upper right of the window). A Choose Schedule window displays, from which the user can select the desired schedule. The new schedule then becomes the main window schedule. The current schedule in the Practice View screen can be printed by selecting the [print schedule] button on the Office Schedule menu bar. Patient appointments and scheduled breaks can be easily scheduled by clicking on the appropriate time slot and completing the required information in the Edit Appointment window. Existing patients are then added to the appointment schedule by first selecting the [Choose Patient] button. Patients are chosen by typing the first few letters of the patient’s last name in the Choose Patient window that appears, and then conducting a search. To add a new patient to the appointment schedule without adding demographic information into the database, the user simply types the patient’s name in the Patient field of the Edit Appointment window. After the user clicks the [Done] button, the NEW symbol appears on the schedule beside the patient’s name. To block out time slots on the schedule for staff meetings and other activities, the user selects the [Block This Time] button in the Edit Appointment window. The user can enter the reason for the blocked time by filling in the Note field in the Edit Appointment window. Past and future appointments for patients can be viewed and printed by selecting the [find appts for patient] button on the Office Schedcule menu bar. The Office Schedule also includes the ability to document a no show, a patient who did not keep his or her appointment. When a patient misses a scheduled appointment, the receptionist clicks on the patient’s name in the office schedule. The Edit Appointment window displays and the receptionist clicks on the [Chart No Show] button. This adds a note to the patient’s chart documenting the no show. Patients who repeatedly cancel or do not keep scheduled appointments can then be tracked, enabling the clinic to enforce corrective policy. Walk students through the exercises for LO 4.2 to get students familiar with the Appointment Schedule. LO 4.2
LO 4.3 Patient Tracker LO 4.3 Use the Patient Tracker to perform tasks such as change a patient’s location and status, assign color codes, move patients, and check out patients.
Patient Tracker Displays the current location and status of all patients Add patients to the tracker as soon as the patient arrives Upper right side of the practice screen Page 93-101– LO 4.3 Use the Patient Tracker to perform tasks such as change a patient’s location and status, assign color codes, move patients, and check out patients. Most ambulatory EHR programs record the location and status of patients as they transition from one area to another within the medical clinic. By recording this information electronically, the medical office also has a record of when the patient arrived and left the clinic. This is important not only as a historic record of when the patient was at the clinic, but also for legal verification. When a patient is on the clinic premises and under the supervision of clinical staff, the medical office carries limited liability for the patient’s well-being and safety. Being able to record dates and times when the patient was under direct healthcare supervision is critical for proving or refuting legal responsibility. Another important purpose for being able to electronically display patient location and status in the clinic is to allow staff members to see at a glance on the computer screen where each patient is and what is happening to him or her at that time. LO 4.3
Patient Tracker Color Coding Six-color options Possible color applications Page 93-101– LO 4.3 Use the Patient Tracker to perform tasks such as change a patient’s location and status, assign color codes, move patients, and check out patients. The six-color option is used to show patient status in the Patient Tracker and is defined by each clinic. Several colors can be associated with each patient. Possible applications include colors being used to indicate: 1. Which physician needs to see the patient, in a clinic with multiple physicians 2. Which provider is assigned to the patient, in a clinic with multiple types of healthcare providers (for example, physician, nurse practitioner, and physical therapist) 3. Financial or insurance information, such as self-pay, workers compensation, Medicaid, and so on LO 4.3
Patient Tracker Location and Status Tracker Group Enable the clinic to know exactly where each patient is located in the facility and the status of each patient Tracker Group Clinics with multiple offices can access the same database across the Internet Page 93-101– LO 4.3 Use the Patient Tracker to perform tasks such as change a patient’s location and status, assign color codes, move patients, and check out patients. The Location and Status menus enable the clinic to know exactly where each patient is located in the facility and the status of each patient at any given time. These two items are customizable features of the program. During initial setup, the clinic’s various locations and patient statuses are entered into the SpringCharts server and then can be accessed in the Edit Tracker window across the network. Some examples of a patient status may include Ready, Nurse Check, Doctor Ready, Doctor Check, Nurse Orders, and Lab Work. The status setting allows staff members to know in general terms what is currently happening with each patient and what needs to be done next, taking the place of physical flagging systems often seen outside exam rooms in clinics. Clinics that have offices in more than one location usually operate from the same SpringCharts database, enabling all locations to access complete patient healthcare information via the Internet. For a clinic to track the location of each patient separately, Tracker Groups need to be setup on the SpringCharts server (e.g., Northside Clinic, Southside Clinic, and so on). Then a specific Tracker Group can be assigned to each patient, along with his or her Location and Status, in the Edit Tracker window. LO 4.3
Patient Tracker Patient Information Check Out Tracker Archive Can be viewed, printed, and edited from the Patient Tracker window Check Out Logs check-in and check-out time Tracker Archive Records patients tracked through the Patient Tracker Page 93-101– LO 4.3 Use the Patient Tracker to perform tasks such as change a patient’s location and status, assign color codes, move patients, and check out patients. Patient demographic information can be viewed, modified, and printed from the Edit Tracker window by clicking on the [Pt Info] button. When a patient is checked out of the facility, the receptionist selects the [Check Out] button in the Edit Tracker window. The patient’s name moves out of the previous location heading in the Patient Tracker and moves to the Done category heading. The patient’s status also changes to Done in the right column of the Patient Tracker, and the color codes for the patient are removed. The system then logs the checkout time for the patient, which can be viewed in the Time Out field of the Edit Tracker window for all “Done” patients. A record of patients who have been tracked through the Patient Tracker is maintained in the EHR system’s Tracker Archive. To view these records, the user selects the Tracker Archive submenu from the Edit menu in the main Practice View screen. Walk students through the exercises that are with LO 4.3 to ensure they understand use of the Patient Tracker. LO 4.3
LO 4.4 To-Do Lists and Reminders LO 4.4 Use the To Do List to set reminders and send to-do items to yourself and another user.
To-Dos and Reminders Enter a ToDo/Reminder item and send it to the To Do List Send the item to another co-worker Link the item to a patient Schedule the To Do/Reminder item for themselves or a co-worker for a future date Page 102-105– LO 4.4 Use the To Do List to set reminders and send to-do items to yourself and another user. The To Do List is located just below the calendar on the left side of the Practice View screen. This feature is user-defined, meaning that each user, when logging on to the system, only sees the items she or he entered previously. A user’s to-do list is stored on the server, so the user sees the same exclusive to-do list from whichever computer in the network he or she uses to log on. A new to-do item can be created three ways: clicking once on the To Do List title bar, choosing New To Do from the New menu on the main Practice View window, or selecting the New To Do Item speed icon on the Toolbar. Users can: Enter a To Do/Reminder item and send it to the To Do List Send the item to another co-worker Link the item to a patient Schedule the To Do/Reminder item for themselves or a co-worker for a future date LO 4.4
To-Dos and Reminders Checked items are completed and will be removed the next time the user logs on Blue bar indicates linked to a patient Page 102 - 105– LO 4.4 Use the To Do List to set reminders and send to-do items to yourself and another user. 1. A To Do/Reminder item with a green bar on the right is active and stays on the user’s list until it is selected by clicking on the item. Doing so changes it from an active item to a completed one, indicated by a red checked box. Clicking it again reactivates the to-do item with the original color bar. 2. A To Do item with a blue bar on the right indicates that the item is linked to a patient. When this item is selected, the patient’s chart opens automatically, and the item is checked as completed. Selecting the item again reactivates it with the original color bar. 3. A To Do item with an orange bar indicates communication between a user and an administrator regarding requested changes to the time clock feature. 4. A To Do item with a red check is a completed item. The next time this user logs on, completed items with the check mark will not be included in the list. Clicking on a red check box before the user logs off activates the To Do item again. All items without a red check box continue to roll over each day until completed. Current and future scheduled To Do/Reminder items can be accessed from the main Practice View screen by selecting Edit menu and then the My To Do List submenu. Walk students through the exercises pertaining to LO 4.4 to ensure they understand To Dos and Reminders. Green bar indicates a personal item LO 4.4
LO 4.5 Internal Messages LO 4.5 Create internal messages, both nonpatient and those concerning patients.
Internal Messages Nonpatient Messages Messages Concerning Patients Link to demographics Access Patient Chart Access prescription history Chart it Page 105-109– LO 4.5 Create internal messages, both nonpatient and those concerning patients. Another administrative function of EHR programs is the ability to send and receive internal office messages between co-workers. Sending messages electronically allows for greater versatility than writing and delivering a message in a paper format. First, an electronic message trail is created that can be archived and stored in the patient’s chart. Second, many items can be attached and sent along with the message, such as a patient’s chart, details about medications, and patient information. The Messages center is a user-defined area, meaning that the user only sees his or her messages. A user can create a new message in three different ways: click on the Messages title bar, choose New Message from the New menu on the main Practice View screen, or select the Open New Message speed icon (fifth from left) on the Toolbar. A dialog box appears, asking if this message concerns a patient. If the message does not concern a patient, the user clicks on the [No] button and a New Message window appears. Or, if the message does concern a patient, to create a message and link the message to a patient, the user can click on the Messages header and then select [Yes] in the Link Message to Patient dialog box. The Choose Patient window appears, enabling the user to select a patient. If a patient’s chart has been recently opened, the program displays the Correct Patient? window. Use the Chart it button to add to the patient’s chart. Walk students through the exercises pertaining to LO 4.5 to ensure they understand messaging. LO 4.5
LO 4.6 Urgent Messages LO 4.6 Demonstrate how to send and respond to an urgent message.
Urgent Messages Bypass the regular Messages system Instantly appear on the recipient’s screen Page 111– LO 4.6 Demonstrate how to send and respond to an urgent message. EHR programs have the ability to send recipients urgent messages and bypass the normal Messages system. To send an urgent message, the user clicks on the Actions menu at the top of the Practice View screen and selects the Urgent Msg submenu item. In the Send Urgent Message window, the user types the message or selects from available pop-up text to the right and then selects the recipient(s) within the To: field. As with all pop-up text functions, the Edit icon in the window’s top right corner enables the user to add, delete, or modify text that can be used in this section. Once the [Send] button is selected, the message instantly appears in the forefront of the recipient’s computer screen. Walk students through the exercises that pertain to LO 4.6 to ensure they understand Urgent Messages. LO 4.6
Chapter 4 Summary LO 4.1 Navigate the Practice View screen Appointment Schedule Patient Tracker To-Do List Messages Toolbar Page 113– LO 4.1 Navigate the Practice View screen. The Practice View screen functions as an administrative center consisting of: • The appointment schedule (called Office Schedule), Patient Tracker, To Do List, and Messages center • The appointment schedule and Patient Tracker are universal features • The To Do List and Messages center are user-defined features • The Toolbar displays speed icons to access most commonly used features
Chapter 4 Summary LO 4.2 Use the Office Schedule to add patients and notes to the schedule, add blocked time to the schedule, and chart “no shows” Appointment Schedule Set up multiple schedules Navigate to future and prior schedules Add patients Block out events Locate past and future appointments Page 113– LO 4.2 Use the Office Schedule to add patients and notes to the schedule, add blocked time to the schedule, and chart “no shows.” The appointment schedule gives clinicians real-time information regarding daily patient appointment schedules. The appointment calendar allows a user to: • Set up multiple office schedules • Navigate to future and prior appointment schedules • Add Existing/Registered and New/Unregistered patients to appointment schedule • Block out events on the appointment schedule • Locate past and future appointments for a patient
Chapter 4 Summary LO 4.3 Use the Patient Tracker to perform tasks such as change a patient’s location and status, assign color codes, move patients, and check out patients Patient Tracker Add Patients Time Stamp Location, Status, Tracker Group, Color Coding Main Window Tracker Archive Page 113– LO 4.3 Use the Patient Tracker to perform tasks such as change a patient’s location and status, assign color codes, move patients, and check out patients. The Patient Tracker displays the location and status of each patient in the clinic. • Patients are added to the tracker from the appointment schedule or tracker header. • The tracker time-stamps each patient’s entry of and departure from the clinic. • Location, status, tracker group, and color coding are elements of the tracker. • The Patient Tracker can be made into the main window in the Practice View screen. • The Tracker Archive feature keeps a history of patients who were placed in the tracker.
Chapter 4 Summary LO 4.4 Use the To Do List to set reminders and send to-do items to yourself and another user To Do List Notate the item Send an item Color bars Link to patient Page 113– LO 4.4 Use the To Do List to set reminders and send to-do items to yourself and another user. The To Do List is a user-defined feature that enables staff to easily execute administrative tasks such as: • Notate the To Do item by typing or by using pop-up text • Send a To Do item to oneself or another co-worker immediately or for a future date • Color bars indicate whether the To Do item is linked to a patient or not • Items linked to a patient will open the patient’s chart once selected
Chapter 4 Summary LO 4.5 Create internal messages, both non-patient and those concerning patients Messages Center Create a message nonrelated to a patient Archive a non-patient message Create a message related to a patient Add a patient’s medication Chart patient-related message Page 113– LO 4.5 Create internal messages, both nonpatient and those concerning patients. The Messages center is a user-defined feature that enables clinicians to: • Create a message not related to a patient and send to a co-worker(s) • Archive a nonpatient-related message • Create a message related to a patient and send to a co-worker(s) • Add a patient’s medication to a message • Chart a patient-related message in the patient’s chart
Chapter 4 Summary LO 4.6 Demonstrate how to send and respond to an urgent message Urgent Messages Created from Actions Menu or Speed Icon Displayed on recipient’s screen Saved in regular Messages center Page 113– LO 4.6 Demonstrate how to send and respond to an urgent message. • Urgent messages are created from the Actions menu or with a speed icon. • An urgent message is displayed on the recipient’s computer screen. • Urgent messages can be saved in the regular Messages center.