2011 Hurricane Season Update Office of Emergency Management Preston Cook, Manager June 7, 2011
Presentation Outline 2011 Hurricane Predictions Orange County Response Structure Emergency Management Planning Emergency Management Enhancements Training, Exercises and Conferences Community Outreach Shelter and Evacuation Tips Preparedness Reminders
Presentation Outline 2011 Hurricane Predictions Orange County Response Structure Emergency Management Planning Emergency Management Enhancements Training, Exercises and Conferences Community Outreach Shelter and Evacuation Tips Preparedness Reminders
2011 Hurricane Forecast 12 to 18 Named Storms 6 to 10 Hurricanes 3 to 6 Major Hurricanes Forecast Source: NOAA Photo: Sept 2010 Activity
2011 Hurricane Forecast Why are we having such bad weather? One Theory… Enhanced jet stream winds from climate effects of La Nina. Another Theory… Global Warming! “No consensus”
2011 Hurricane Forecast
La Nina: Possibility of more Intense Hurricanes Forming in the Atlantic El Nino: Possibility of less Intense Hurricanes Forming in the Atlantic or being steered away
Presentation Outline 2011 Hurricane Predictions Orange County Response Structure Emergency Management Planning Emergency Management Enhancements Training, Exercises and Conferences Community Outreach Shelter and Evacuation Tips Preparedness Reminders
Disaster Response Structure Orange County Emergency Response Team (OCERT) is composed of two components: Executive Policy Group County Mayor County Administrator Deputy County Administrators County Department Directors Communications Division Manager Emergency Management Manager County Attorney Comptroller Orange County Sheriff Health Dept. Director OCPS Superintendent and others as needed
Disaster Response Structure Emergency Support Functions and Organizations ESF 1 - Transportation ESF 2 - Communications ESF 3 - Public Works and Engineering ESF 4, 9, 10 - Fire Rescue ESF 5 - Information and Planning ESF 6 - Mass Care ESF 7 - Resource Support ESF 8 - Health and Medical ESF 11 - Food & Water ESF 12 - Energy ESF 13 - Military ESF 14 - Public Information ESF 15 - Volunteers and Donations ESF 16 - Law Enforcement ESF 17 - Animal Care ESF 18 - Community and Business ESF 19 - Damage Assessment ESF 20 - Utilities
Disaster Response Structure Emergency Coordinating Organizations Orange County 13 Municipalities Theme Parks Orange County Corrections Orange County Convention Center Greater Orlando Aviation Authority Reedy Creek Improvement District Valencia Community College University of Central Florida Rollins College
Disaster Response Structure Activation Levels: Level 3 - OEM monitors daily activities, notifying OCERT as needed. Level 2 - Partial activation, selected OCERT needed are represented in the EOC. Level 1 - Full activation, all OCERT members are represented in the EOC.
Disaster Response Structure Statutory Requirement Florida Chapter 252 County Mayor/Emergency Manager Countywide Emergency Response Team (ESF’S) State and Federal Agencies
Disaster Response Structure Commissioners Role Critical link to your constituents regarding information about items such as: POD’s, (Points of Distribution) Shelters (General, PSN & Pet) Debris Sites
Disaster Response Structure Commissioners Communications Task Force Special Task Force lead by Chief Fitzgerald Communicate Four Times a Day Maintain information flow to and from EOC Provide accurate and timely information 311 and Social Media
Presentation Outline 2011 Hurricane Predictions Orange County Response Structure Emergency Management Planning Emergency Management Enhancements Training, Exercises and Conferences Community Outreach Shelter and Evacuation Tips Preparedness Reminders
Emergency Management Plans The Office of Emergency Management updated and/or created the following plans in 2011: Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan (CEMP) Attorney’s Office Emergency / Disaster Documents Sheltering and Traffic Plan EOC Continuity of Operations (COOP) Plan
Presentation Outline 2011 Hurricane Predictions Orange County Response Structure Emergency Management Planning Emergency Management Enhancements Training, Exercises and Conferences Community Outreach Shelter and Evacuation Tips Preparedness Reminders
Emergency Management Enhancements OCOEM.com OCAlert - OCFL Alert
Emergency Management Enhancements Visit Orlando - Crisis Response System to check hotel room availability NC4/E Team - Incident Management for crisis situations EPlan (Hazardous Materials) - National database registry for first responders
Emergency Management Enhancements Social Media “Follow us” on Twitter, “Like us” on Facebook!
Presentation Outline 2011 Hurricane Predictions Orange County Response Structure Emergency Management Planning Emergency Management Enhancements Training, Exercises and Conferences Community Outreach Shelter and Evacuation Tips Preparedness Reminders
Training, Conferences and Exercises OEM has participated in or conducted the following training sessions, exercises and conferences: Intelligence Liaison Officer Training Emergency Responder Training for EOC/FOC Operations E Team R9 Training EOC Operation Section Training
Training, Conferences and Exercises Cont… Severe Weather Awareness Week at UCF All-Hazards, Incident Management Team training Governor’s Hurricane Conference State-Wide Hurricane Exercise
Presentation Outline 2011 Hurricane Predictions Orange County Response Structure Emergency Management Planning Emergency Management Enhancements Training, Exercises and Conferences Community Outreach Shelter and Evacuation Tips Preparedness Reminders
Community Outreach Four Corners Hurricane Expo June 25, 2011 Orange County Hurricane Expo June 3 & 4, 2011
Presentation Outline 2011 Hurricane Predictions Orange County Response Structure Emergency Management Planning Emergency Management Enhancements Training, Exercises and Conferences Community Outreach Shelter and Evacuation Tips Preparedness Reminders
Shelter and Evacuation Tips We serve as a host county for sheltering evacuees from coastal communities. If you have to evacuate If you’re going to a shelter For Pet Friendly Shelter For Special Needs Sheltering “Remember emergency shelters are a last resort and are not designed for comfort.”
Presentation Outline 2011 Hurricane Predictions Orange County Response Structure Emergency Management Planning Emergency Management Enhancements Training, Exercises and Conferences Community Outreach Shelter and Evacuation Tips Preparedness Reminders
Develop a family survival plan Have an evacuation location Plan to secure your home Remember to have a plan to take care of your pets Plan for the elderly or disabled Create a disaster supply kit Preparedness Reminders
Disaster Supply Kit Water – 1 gallon per person per day for 3 – 7 days Food – for at least 3 – 7 days First Aid Kit / Medicines / Prescriptions Special Items – for babies and elderly Toiletries Flashlight / Batteries Battery powered radio NOAA Weather Radio Cash Important documents Pet care items
Conclusion “One Plan, One Team, Many Hazards!”
2011 Hurricane Season Update Office of Emergency Management Preston Cook, Manager