A Performance Management Framework for Community Safety Community Safety Group - 19 th September 2008
Background to Performance Management CSG is a relatively new group Sits between LSP/CDRP and JAG, NPG etc. CSG should be focus for community safety performance in the Borough 2008/09 - Period of transition (LAA and Strategic Assessment Action Plan) Main concerns previously: –Budget –BCS data (County-level measure)
Local Area Agreement (1) Safer indicators Dealing with local concerns about ASB and crime issues by the local council and the police Change in convictions for PPOs over a given period Repeat incidents of domestic abuse Protection against terrorist attack – crowded places
Local Area Agreement (2) Stronger indicators % of people who feel they can influence decisions in their locality Overall/general satisfaction with the local area Environment for a thriving Third Sector No of vulnerable people achieving independent living
Related LAA targets (3) The indicator on ‘alcohol-harm related hospital admission rates’ is in the Health & Wellbeing block. The indicator on ‘first time entrants to the Youth Justice System aged 10-17’ is in the Children and Young People block.
Police APACS measures ‘A simpler and more unified performance management framework for policing and community safety’ Assessment of Crime and Community Safety (APACS) 1. Promoting Safety 2. Tackling Crime 3. Serious Crime and Protection 4. Confidence and Satisfaction 5. Organisational Management
Local Priorities for Epsom & Ewell Priorities at local level identified through Strategic Assessment: 1.Youth Offending 2.Violent Crime 3.Neighbourhood issues 4.Hotspot locations JAG priorities
Monitoring and Evaluation What statistics do we need to be able to monitor progress? What is currently available? – –Iquanta crime statistics and ICADs –other asb measures (E&EBC, Rosebery, etc.) –perception data Where are the gaps?
Reporting to CSG Current agenda: Budget position 2008/09 Partnership Action Plan – exception reporting to CSG
Future reporting to CSG LAA – Safer targets 2008/09 priorities – quarterly monitoring against Action Plan (exception reporting) Ongoing JAG problems Exception reporting for CSAZ Problems relating to SLAs Crime/Anti-social behaviour statistics and perception data relating to LAA and local priorities