CAA’s IBHE Program Review Discussions Results of 2009 IBHE Review B. S. in Geography
“All I have to say is well done. From the first word to the last, the review makes it very clear that this is a program of real quality, one whose curriculum is very deliberately calibrated (and re-calibrated) to meet current and future employment demands in growth areas, whose assessment program is successfully integrated into the curriculum and used to guide decision making, and whose faculty are models for their students in and out of the classroom.” Results of 2009 IBHE Review Summary B. S. in Geography Mary H-P
The Geography Faculty Geography BS reinstated in 1996; IBHE Program Review in Episodic curriculum adjustments because of low faculty turnover. Tenured:Gutowski1983Retirement replacement Khan1986Resignation replacement Smith1995Resignation replacement Cornebise2000Retirement replacement Tenure track:Davis2003Replaced Obia Viertel2007Need’s-based position Laingen Fall 2009Need’s-based position ACF:Cataneo2004 Anderson2005 Craig2005 ASP:Steve Di Naso2004
Geography: a Holistic Discipline Geography and Earth Science contribute courses to the following: Master’s in Science for Natural Science Teachers Bachelor’s Programs Geography BS Geography Honors Program BS Geology BS Science with Teacher Certification; Earth Science Specialization (also Biological Sciences, Chemistry & Physics) Social Science with Teacher Certification: Geography Designation (also Political Science, Psychology, Sociology-Anthropology) History with Teacher Certification Option Elementary Education: General Option Elementary Certificate (K-9) Early Childhood Education History with International Studies Physics Major: Applied Physics Option Economics: International Studies Option Biological Sciences: Environmental Biology Option African-American Studies
Minors Geography Minor Earth Science Minor Geology Minor Interdisciplinary Geographic Information Sciences (GISci) Minor Interdisciplinary Broadcast Meteorology Minor Interdisciplinary Environmental Studies Minor Anthropology Minor Asian Studies Minor Latin American Studies Minor African-American Studies Minor General Education Physical Sciences Social and Behavioral Sciences Senior Seminar – Spaceship Earth School of Continuing Education & Study Abroad Geography: an Holistic Discipline Geography and Earth Science contribute courses to the following:
Scheduled Program Assessment Pre IBHE Review planning GEG Program Assessment- Fall 2004 Technology Plan- Spring 2007 Self-Study report - Fall 2007 to Spring 2008 External Review - Fall 2008 IBHE Review to VPAA - Spring 2009 Post IBHE Review Strategic Plan - Fall 2009 Recent timeline: Geography Program IBHE Review
Learning Goals and Objectives Modeled after Association of American Geographers & National Geographic Society Standards 1.Maps, databases and spatial analysis 2.Basic concepts of places and regions: human and physical 3.Physical environments: human interaction and modification 4.Global patterns of population, cultural mosaics, distribution and uses of resources, economic interdependence 5.Interpretation of past, present, and future physical, human and environmental patterns
Curricular and Programmatic Changes Over the past 6 years: 12 Successful New Course Proposals 17 Different Seminars/Special Topics courses offered 10 International Summer Field Courses offered 5 Domestic Summer Field Courses offered 15 ESRI-certified GIS Workshops Implemented a new International Studies Concentration in the Geography Major Made revisions to the Geographic Techniques/Spatial Analysis Concentration Implemented an Interdisciplinary Geographic Information Sciences Minor
Student Performance Assessment results show we are doing fine. Received an Assessment Award from the Provost in In 2008 the Geography Program Assessment was deemed a very mature document, meeting all expectations from the University Assessment Office. No need to turn in a report in In upper division classes, 80% met Superior or Significant grasp of the material. Portfolio evaluations show that 80% met Superior or Significant grasp of the material. In Gen Ed courses, majority of improvements were from Nominal or No Discernable Grasp, to Satisfactory or Significant.
Geography Faculty are Engaged in Research and Service Activities Over the past 6 years Geography faculty have: Provided mentoring for each new faculty member Received 70 grant awards or contracts totaling over $475,000 Produced more than 20 publications and 80 presentations Maintained membership in 41 professional organizations Participated in over 80 different types of service activities
Mentored Geography Student Research and Internships Over the past 6 years: 38 Geography Majors have enrolled in mentored undergraduate research 26 Geography Majors have received research grants totaling over $14, Geography Majors have presented at professional conferences 83 Geography Majors have received internships with an average stipend of $2,100 per semester
Geography majors: profile and success Over the past 6 years: Number of majors has risen from 20 to almost 70 students Approximately 25% of the 70 Geography majors are female Females account for 40% of mentored undergraduate research Of the 50 most recent graduates: 40% will/have/are attending graduate school 36% have positions in the GISci industry 20% have geography-related position
Employment Projections Job prospects are good. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the outlook for Geography graduates for the period 2006 to Environmental Scientists: much faster than average, 25% Social Scientists: as fast as average, 6% Urban and Regional Planners: faster than average, 15% Cartographers and GIS: much faster than average, 21%
The IBHE Review process is one cycle in a long lifetime of an academic unit. Individual professors perhaps see only 3 Program Reviews in their career. Needs to be a group of people with fingers on the pulse of the department, college, university and beyond. Step up to the plate. When reviews, assessments, plans, visions, etc. are requested, the program must respond in a thoughtful, well-planned, data-backed, concise and timely manner. Some degree of reliance on the experience and files* of senior professors. *(initiated e-archives on the GISci server for departmental documents) Strategic Planning and scheduling. Lessons learned