Beijing Forum on Education October 2006 The educational system of The Netherlands 01/10/12 PPP OMAN delegation 15-05-2006
Zeewolde 1 school with 550 students aged 11-16 Beijing Forum on Education October 2006 Zeewolde 1 school with 550 students aged 11-16 Harderwijk 1 school with 1200 students, aged 11-18 PPP OMAN delegation 15-05-2006
Beijing Forum on Education October 2006 General information Language Dutch Capital Amsterdam Government Constitutional Monarchy Religion 30 % Roman Catholic 21 % Protestant 6 % Moslim 41 % None Surface 41.528 km² (18,41%water) Inhabitants: 16.335.998 (482 / km²) 01/10/12 PPP OMAN delegation 15-05-2006
Beijing Forum on Education October 2006 PPP OMAN delegation 15-05-2006
Dutch educational system Beijing Forum on Education October 2006 Dutch educational system 99 University Higher Education Tertiary education Vocational Education optional 18 Pre-academic Secondary education Higher secondary education 16 Pre-vocational Secondary education Secondairy education Lower sec. Vocational ed. Lower secondary education compulsary 12 Primary school Primairy education 5 4 PPP OMAN delegation 15-05-2006
Beijing Forum on Education October 2006 Primary education School choice according to religion. Education is free, except for special activities Emphasis on mother tongue , arithmetic, history, geography, biology, physical education, development of (creative) skills, little bit of English. No exam, but “CITO” admission test. 01/10/12 PPP OMAN delegation 15-05-2006
Beijing Forum on Education October 2006 Primary education ± 6000 primary schools. ± 200 pupils/school. ± 24 pupils/ class. 80% of the teachers is female. Workload teachers exceeds the OECD- average by 17%. 01/10/12 PPP OMAN delegation 15-05-2006
Dutch educational system Beijing Forum on Education October 2006 Dutch educational system 99 University Higher Education Vocational Education optional 18 Pre-academic Secondary education Higher secondary education 16 Pre-vocational Secondary education Lower sec. Vocational ed. Lower secondary education compulsary 12 Primary education 5 4 PPP OMAN delegation 15-05-2006
Beijing Forum on Education October 2006 Secondary education Secondary education is chosen according to religion or special educational curriculum. Admission according to CITO test, advice primary school, preference of child/parents. One year of introduction (curriculum basically the same for all pupils). Examination: school exam and national exam. 01/10/12 PPP OMAN delegation 15-05-2006
Beijing Forum on Education October 2006 Subjects secundary education Dutch, French, German, English (Latin/Greek/Spanish) History, Geography, Economics Mathemathics, Physics/Chemistry, Biology (Science) social and educational skills 01/10/12 PPP OMAN delegation 15-05-2006
Beijing Forum on Education October 2006 Subjects secundary education Music, (Drama), Drawing, Craft, General technics Computer knowledge Religion or ethics Physical education 32 lessons of 50 minutes per week. 01/10/12 PPP OMAN delegation 15-05-2006
Dutch educational system Beijing Forum on Education October 2006 Dutch educational system 99 University Higher Education Vocational Education optional 18 Pre-academic Secondary education Higher secondary education 16 Pre-vocational Secondary education Lower sec. Vocational ed. Lower secondary education compulsary 12 Primary education 5 4 PPP OMAN delegation 15-05-2006
Beijing Forum on Education October 2006 higher and pre-academic secondary education Choice of subjects is limited to 4 streams Variety of free choices depending on the school Compulsary: Dutch, English, other language, PE Languages and culture Economics Health care Science 01/10/12 PPP OMAN delegation 15-05-2006
Dutch educational system Beijing Forum on Education October 2006 Dutch educational system 99 University Higher Education Vocational Education optional 18 Pre-academic Secondary education Higher secondary education 16 Pre-vocational Secondary education Lower sec. Vocational ed. Lower secondary education compulsary 12 Primary education 5 4 PPP OMAN delegation 15-05-2006
Beijing Forum on Education October 2006 Higher professional education 40 schools 400.000 students Some general studies, some specialised (economics, communication, law and management, social work, tourism) Bachelor studies: 4 years Masters: 1 or 2 years PPP OMAN delegation 15-05-2006
Beijing Forum on Education October 2006 Dutch university 13 universities 200.000 students Some general, some technical, one agricultural Bachelor studies: 3 years WO-Masters: 1 or 2 years PPP OMAN delegation 15-05-2006