DIVA - University of Fribourg - Switzerland Seminar presentation, jan Lawrence Michel, MSc Student Portable Meeting Recorder A multimodal meeting recorder solution designed by Ricoh Dar-Shyang Lee Berna Erol Jamey Graham Jonathan J. Hull Norihiko Murata
Concept 1/3 Intended goal A methodology to enable a full multimodal (A/V, metadata) recording and browsing of a meeting under strong constraint of minimal hardware intrusion, portability and maximal data extraction capability
Concept 2/3 The Portable Meeting Recorder system Hardware specifications “Minimal intrusive” A/V capture component 4 Microphones 1 360° Videocamera Meeting Recorder interface Touchscreen browsing A common PC for processing data
Concept 3/3 The Portable Meeting Recorder system Overview of the recording process 1° Computer records A/V 2° Computer processes Data 3° Computer creates Metadata (XML) (input for browser) 4° Computer consolidates data in database
Computer Metadata processing 2/ STEP 1 - Recording data Aud io (4) Vid eo
Computer Metadata processing 3/ STEP 2 – Processing data Aud io (4) Vid eo Sound localization Mpeg2 Cmpr. Mpeg 2 video (Pano ramic) Sound Direct ions View selection Face extraction Location recognition Motion analysis Audio Activity
Computer Metadata processing 4/ STEP 3 & 4 – Processing metadata and storing View selection Face extraction Location recognition Motion analysis Audio Activity Metadat a (XML) Mpeg2 video (Panoramic) Storage Audio (Manual transcription)
Sound Localization An interesting algorithm : the 360° Sound localization using 4 microphones α°α° β°β° Elevation computingAzimuth computing ► Method basically based on phase properties of 4 input signals, computing differences between them and “guessing” the appropriate angle.
Sound Localization 2/ Properties ► The method is applied at real-time meeting recording (30-40% CPU load in a 933MHz PC) ► Permits a maximum data extraction while requiring a minimum of hardware (thus needed a boily human brain output!) ► Accuracy is highly dependent on several factor, such as room specifications (e.g. reflectiv surfaces that leads to high signal reverberation), amplitude of signals, speech overlap, particular angles, etc. ► hardware dependency : Accuracy effectiveness is strongly correlated with signal sampling rate, sensitivity of input devices, etc. ► These datas are mainly needed for view selection and face extraction process
Meeting Location Recognition 1/ Another interesting method : recognizing the meeting location - adaptiv background modeling The process is as follow : 1° Analyzing frame by comparing its historgram with template 2° Applying foreground extraction 3° Resulting background image will be set as the newest template
Searching and Browsing with Visual and Audio Content How are the audio files, video files and XML metadatas efficiently exploited?
Searching and Browsing with Visual and Audio Content 1/ Introduction Searching and browsing audiovisual information is a time consuming task. The Audio and Video Recorder is, at it's actual state of development, unable to transcript automatically audio files. Alternatively, searching and browsing within our meeting document is based on visual and audio content activity.
Searching and Browsing with Visual and Audio Content 2/ Visual activity analysis In most of meeting sequences, there are most of the time minimal motions. High motion segments sequences will be corresponded to significant events
Searching and Browsing with Visual and Audio Content 3/ Audio activity analysis The system, which is highly based on audio analysis, enables to navigate through our document in various way, such as : Speaker segmentation using audio data ► Lost of efficiency when bad audio based tracking data are present (resulting from speech overlap, hardware specification, bad angle positioning,...).
Searching and Browsing with Visual and Audio Content 4/ Image : screenshot from Meeting Browser using the Muvie Client
Searching and Browsing with Visual and Audio Content 5/ Time Speaker transitions Visual Activity Audio Activity Key Frames Transcription
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