Physics Geography Chemistry Ukrainian Literature /World Literature Biology Maths/Algebra/Geometry History English Ukrainian Design and Technology/Handicraft.


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Presentation transcript:

Physics Geography Chemistry Ukrainian Literature /World Literature Biology Maths/Algebra/Geometry History English Ukrainian Design and Technology/Handicraft Information Technology/ICT Physical Education/PE/PT Music Healthcare

1.I like History very much, because… 2.I think PE is very useful, because… 3.Chemistry is very interesting, because… 4.I think Maths is very difficult, because… 5.Biology is boring, because… a)we have a lot of tests. I hate tests. b)we discover (дізнаватися) new things. c)we do different physical exercises and play games. d)we do experiments in the lab. e)we learn by heart a lot.

P 1 : I like PE because I like playing sport games. P 2 : He likes PE because he likes playing sport games. I like Music because I like sing songs. P 3 : She likes Music because she likes sing songs. I like English because I’m interested in foreign countries, their culture and peoples. P 4 : He likes English because he is interested in foreign countries, their culture and peoples. I like …

1. Pupils usually learn about the life and structure of plants and animals at the lesson of Geography/ Biology. 2. Pupils usually learn about the measurements and relationships of lines, angles, surfaces and solids at the lesson of Chemistry /Geometry. 3. Pupils usually draw and paint pictures at the lesson of Art/ Music. 4. Pupils usually learn about the past events concerned in the development of a particular place, subject at the lesson of Physics/History. 5. Pupils usually learn about forces such as heat, light, sound, of relationships between them, and how they affect objects at the lesson of Physics /Maths.

6. Pupils usually learn about numbers and shapes at the lesson of Chemistry/ Maths. 7. Pupils usually jump, run and do sport at the lesson of Physical Training /English. 8. Pupils usually learn about the Earth's surface, physical features, divisions, products, population, etc. at the lesson of Geography/History. 9. Pupils usually learn about structure of substances, how they react when combined or in contact with one another, and how they behave under different conditions at the lesson of Chemistry /Geography.

MONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAY PE/PTHandicraft/Design and Technology ChemistryBiologyUkrainian Language History/ Healthcare History of UkraineEnglishWorld Literature Algebra Ukrainian Language Ukrainian Literature ChemistryPE/PTUkrainian Literature AlgebraGeographyGeometryHistory of Ukraine/ Geography Physics BiologyHandicraft/Design and Technology PhysicsGeometryPE/PT World Literature EnglishMusicWorld History

1) cope with – впоратися з (чимось) 2) moreover – крім того 3) daily chores – повсякденні справи 4) furthermore – до того ж, більше того, окрім того 5) essential – дуже важливо 6) all things considered – врахувавши все 7) vital subjects – життєво необхідні предмети 8) for instance – наприклад 9) in addition – крім того, до того ж 10) provide – забезпечувати 11) well-rounded – всебічний 12) rather – краще

While-Listening Listen to the text and say if the statements true or false. 1) This is an official letter. 2) Paul has written this letter. 3) Fred doesn’t like Geography. 4) He is interested in foreign countries, their culture and peoples. 5) His favourite subject is English.

Post-Listening 1. Answer the questions 1) How many favourite subjects has Paul got? What are they? 2) Why doesn’t he have lunch in the canteen? 3) Why has he got much homework? 4) What is Fred interested in? Why? 5) What do they usually do at the English lessons? 6) Who helps them to make their own conversation?

Post-Listening 2. Tell about your favourite subjects and subjects you don’t like following the model. Model: 1. My favourite subject at school is …. 2. I am interested in it because it is very …. 3. We usually …, … at this lesson. 4. The teacher is a very … person. 5. I don’t quite like … as it is boring and not interesting for me. 6. I’m not good at … because ….

Homework 1)Write the composition “My Favourite Subject” 2) Create the Project “My Timetable”