University of Technology, Business and Design Hochschule Wismar Department of Maritime Studies Slide 1 Dr. - Ing. Michael Baldauf Combined use of sensor.


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Presentation transcript:

University of Technology, Business and Design Hochschule Wismar Department of Maritime Studies Slide 1 Dr. - Ing. Michael Baldauf Combined use of sensor information to enhance collision and grounding avoidance 10 th FARGIS Seminar: Information Technology for Safe and Efficient Waterborne Transport in intermodal Transport Chains Oslo, 28. February - 1. March 2005 s

s Hochschule Wismar Slide 2 Combined use of sensor information for enhanced collision/grounding warnings Introduction 1.AIS and VDR - Rules, Regulations 2.Collision and Grounding Avoidance - Present Situation 3.Investigations into the draft of enhanced warnings Functions 4.Pros and Cons; Conclusions

s Hochschule Wismar Slide 3 Present Situation (1) - Accidents and Safety of Vessel Traffic

s Hochschule Wismar Slide 4 Background  During last decade IMO reviewed, modified and adopted a lot of their rules and regulations  New navigation systems are introduced to shipping in order to enhance safety of navigation  Automatic Identification System (AIS) is one of most important new technologies  Introduction of Voyage Data Recorders (VDR) as mandatory equipment will probably have a deep impact on Accident investigations  New situation for enhanced functions to warn and to support responsible navigating officers is given Enhanced collision and grounding avoidance – new mandatory equipment

s Hochschule Wismar Slide 5 Introduction of AIS - Present State: AIS – Automatic Identification System Carriage requirement for AIS according to SOLAS Chapter V; Rule 19 started in July 2002, introduction phase closed 2004 New technical mean to provide the OOW with traffic data and information on environmental conditions Integration of the new techniques into existing human machine interfaces (e.g. ARPA - and Radar devices) is necessary AIS an VDR - Rules and Regulations -

s Hochschule Wismar Slide 6 AIS and VDR – Present Situation (1) Presentation of data in a dedicated minimum display Presentation of AIS data integrated in a ECDIS – environment or at the ARPA / Radar interface

s Hochschule Wismar Slide 7 Introduction of AIS – Present situation (2)

s Hochschule Wismar Slide 8 VDR – System overview Audio Bridge Audio VHF RADAR IMO Alarms VDR - Central Unit Protected Capsule with Final Recording Medium Display Unit Dedicated Reserve Power Supply (2h) Replay System Nautical Data Ship Status

s Hochschule Wismar Slide 9 VDR – System overview (2) DATA COLLECTING UNIT ALARM DISPLA Y Audio 1-3 micro 1 VHF Video: 1 Radar NMEA: 1 AIS Power EPIRB with Memory Alternative: Harddisk in separate water Resistant box Retraceable box Principal structure of the simplified Voyage Data Recorder (SVDR)

s Hochschule Wismar Slide 10 Process of collision and grounding avoidance

s Hochschule Wismar Slide 11 Onboard Collision Avoidance – worse case Collision of approaching vessels on crossing courses, good visibility A potential reason: misinterpretation of the expected passing distance

s Hochschule Wismar Slide 12 Additional data will be available to the OOW for several tasks –Ships name, Call sign, Ships dimensions, positioning sensor on board are available, but also draft and route information –moving data (course, speed over ground) present heading, navigational status, rate of turn Advantage in comparison to conventional navigation systems  helpful addition to produce a more comprehensive and more accurate traffic image Accuracy, reliability and check of data received by AIS is strongly limited respectively partly totally impossible at present System is based on GPS, a backup system of same quality is not yet available, GALILEO will be a suitable system AIS information – Pros and Cons

s Hochschule Wismar Slide 13 Combined sensor information for enhanced warnings Sensor Information - GNSS - LOG - Gyro - Rate of Turn Indicator - RADAR - … Processing of Data - calculation of CPA / TCPA - analysing Navigation Status - calculation of aspect - … - cross-checking to analyse integrity and reliability of data Generate and display additional information - information window about general situation parameters on users request - warning / alert about remarkable targets or development of a dangerous encounter situation (e.g. CPA < threshold) - recommendation, advice - AIS (Identification, dimensions, Navigation Status,...) - VDR (e.g. Collected engine and manoeuvring data) - Databases (ECDIS) - COLREG - … Information from other sources

s Hochschule Wismar Slide 14 Combined sensor information to enhance collision and grounding avoidance - RADAR target information (rel. course, speed, CPA, TCPA...) AIS-based INFORMATION - additional target info for crosschecking VDR-based INFORMATION - manoeuvring data corres- ponding to actual situation parameter

s Hochschule Wismar Slide 15 REMARKABLE TARGET - Alarm Idea, suggestion for integration of enhanced warning functions more separated from the COLREG for better overall situation awareness support for more technique- and equipment related use especially for the adjustment of alarm thresholds

s Hochschule Wismar Slide 16 Combined sensor information to enhance collision and grounding avoidance Similar to the Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance Systems of air traffic a feature to display action limits according to the COLREGs and calculated on basis of AIS data is suggested. 50% of asked experts welcome such a display option.

s Hochschule Wismar Slide 17 Combined sensor information to enhance collision and grounding avoidance Configuration and display of own ship manoeuvring data to assist a necessary manoeuvre according to Rule 17 (b)

s Hochschule Wismar Slide 18 Observed problems with received AIS data Probably faulty heading information via AIS Potential causes: incorrect installation disturbed gyro signal disturbance of gyro OR GPS error all can not be checked!

s Hochschule Wismar Slide 19  enhanced collision and grounding avoidance is necessary and possible  additional information provided by AIS combined with data collected by VDR may contribute to more reliable situation assessment and decision making of the OOW  Problem of reliability and check of data received AIS data  Integration and combination of information from several sensors to support OOW requires suitable HMIs Enhanced collision and grounding avoidance - Conclusions -

s Hochschule Wismar Slide 20 Thank you for your attention! For further information please contact: Hochschule Wismar Dept. of Maritime Studies Dr. – Ing. M. Baldauf Phone: +49 (0) Combined sensor information to enhance collision and grounding avoidance