Collaborating for action 2: the AutreachIT project Dinah Murray and Roger Turner
Long term aim: Change awareness so as to change practice (see “Collaborating for action 1: Autreach, why, what, and how” for context)
3 Basic givens Everyone can communicate when they are understood Everyone needs to be understood Everyone can be understood 3
4 AutreachIT Raising awareness of rights to ICT under the law among autistic people among their care providers among the public at large Demonstrating the effectiveness of ICT to autistic people to their care providers to the public at large Employing autistic people to develop ICT services for autistic people for their care providers for the public at large 4 “Not being able to speak is not the same as not having something to say” [the AutreachIT Manifesto ]
5 “Not being able to speak is not the same as not having something to say”
6 AutreachIT: Pilot Projects Voice Output Communication Aids Computers with full multimedia and Internet access Autreach websites
7 AutreachIT proposed projects - VOCA VOCA = Voice Output Communication Aid Two basic sorts +/- real keyboard Plus real keyboard has been very expensive until now - Negroponte laptops see below You can also get simple key pads with pre-recorded messages.
8 For simple key pads with pre- recorded messages (generally more expensive) (generally less expensive) AAC specialists - AAC = Augmentative and Alternative Communication
9 Advantages of non-keyboard VOCAs Cheap, sturdy, easy Being easy to use and easy to program = more likely to be used - staff will not be scared off - staff will see it’s worth the bother Own messages can be instantly delivered
10 Disadvantages of non-keyboard VOCAs Non-keyboard VOCAs are not fully inclusive They don’t access Internet They are potentially stigmatising They are profoundly limited
11 Techno wish-list Developed by Rosalind Picard of MIT after extensive consultation with autistic AAC users - Talking word processor with controllable volume audio output - Small, portable, not heavy, easy to pick up and carry - Low power, long battery life - Reliability: able to survive being dropped - Low cost (typical cost is $ ) - Ability to download new pages or overlays made by others via Internet - The ability to easily network to chat with remotely located friends - Touch screen option - Cool-looking, non-medical, non-stigmatizing appearance - Ability to change colors, sizes of fonts, background contrast depending on needs
How AutreachIT works
13 Backpack websites Web-based application Share web pages instead of ing attachments Track versions, changes, history Make pages public to create visible presence for group Organizing tools: shared calendar, newsroom, reminders Psychological effect of revisable publication
14 Autreach website Pages related to Autreach groups (about 20*) - Autreach Network, Autreach...? AutreachIT public pages (about 10*) - includes manifesto , constitution , as well as usual public pages AutreachIT private/shared pages (about 50*) - online administration: agenda, minutes of formal meetings... policy documents: conflict of interest, vulnerable adults,... register of members, trustee declarations of interests... letter templates, funding bids, to do list, shared calendar... - projects, including this presentation - see next slide * current numbers, from zero 9 months ago, you can help add more...
16 Autreach Network A network of autonomous groups, adopting some basic principles (join or start a group and help to define those principles!) Not a group or organisation (even an “umbrella” organisation) AutreachIT, London ARM, AutreachBB Group website(s) can be provided by AutreachIT
17 The message "There is no-one who can't be saved!" was found on the beach in Warrnambool Australia by Beatrice Kurmann, Wendy Lawson, and Dinah Murray in November To us it is a message about emancipation.