UNIT 6: BE PREPARED GOAL: making lesson plans FOCUS ON: ways of deciding what work to do with your various classes and suggestions for making lesson plans so that you can always be in control of your students’ learning programme; A scheme of work Lesson plans Timing of lessons Coping with emergencies
UNIT 7: LESSON ROUTINES GOAL: establishing a pattern in your lessons which everybody understands and accepts. FOCUS: general patterns of behaviour. General classroom behaviour Beginning a lesson Changes of activities Forming pairs/gropus Ending a lesson
Unit 8: AUDIO-VISUAL AIDS GOAL: effective and efficient use of equipment and materials available. FOCUS ON: some general guidelines on the use of equipment and on the choice, preparation and use of materials. The black/white board The overhead projector The audio cassette/ tape recorder Choosing audio recordings The slide projector The video recorder Other English speakers Your ‘Resource Box’
UNIT 9: REDUCING THE TEACHER’S WORKLOAD GOAL: reducing the amount of repetitive work. FOCUS ON: suggestions for saving time which can be used to better effect. Collaboration Marking in class Using pair and group work Limiting activities Prioritising your work