Judicial Branch Citizens and the law
Do Now Analyze the image and explain the data Crime Statistics
Information Missing Work Finishing Judicial Branch - test this week Chapter 16-2 due today 17 academic days
Current Events George Zimmerman involved in shooting - shot at by motorist - alleged ongoing dispute Slain police officers - 10 officers killed in killed by guns last year - incidents on the rise
Do Now Analyze the image and explain the data Crime Statistics
Classifications of Crime Crimes against persons - burglary, assaults Crimes against property - vandalism Victimless crimes - buying drugs, prostitution, speeding White Collar Crimes - embezzlement, fraud Organized Crime - mafia
Crime Bill Passed in response to growing crime rates - increase number of police officers - expand prison system Community Policing models - DARE programs, PAL But….?
Limiting Crime Downtown Improvement Grants Increased community program funding Cameras Gun Free/Drug Free School Zones Gun Control Laws Crime Prevention programs Neighborhood watches
Chapter 16 Read Chapter 16 - complete DRA assignment and vocabulary - place all vocabulary together Due dates for each section through out the week