Using and Implementing Goal Attainment Scales as a way to Measure Progress 1.


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Presentation transcript:

Using and Implementing Goal Attainment Scales as a way to Measure Progress 1

Question Have you ever used a Goal Attainment Scale for evaluation?  Yes  No 2

Goal Attainment Scale (GAS) Used to measure the progress towards meeting goals and objectives  Expresses distinct goals on a common scale  Periodic review (monthly/quarterly) of obtaining anticipated outcomes  Validates anticipated outcomes or identifies needs for adjustment 3

Goal Attainment Scale A tool that can be used both formatively and/or summarily 4

Participants Successfully used with groups and individuals  Management Teams  Technical Assistance Partners  District/School Teams  Teachers  Parents  Students 5

Question Which group would you be most likely to use Goal Attainment Scaling for? A: Management Teams/Technical Assistance Providers B: District/School Teams C: Individual Teachers/Administrators/Families D: Other 6

Beginning Goal Attainment Scaling Identify the broad goal  Pre-determined  Flexible Identify the range of desirable outcomes  Much less than to much more than expected Monitor progress toward goal Celebrate completion; revise if necessary 7

SPDG GAS for Louisiana (completed quarterly and annually) 8


Example of GAS used with school district What do districts commit to do in MOU? 1. Assign a point of contact at the district level for LaSIG activities. 2. Assign/identify a Family Facilitator. 3. Develop a district level improvement team with all stakeholders included (Must include school level representatives). Teams must meet at least quarterly. 4. Develop a process for reviewing the LaSIG 2 Five Year Plan to determine progress, changes that need to be made, and funding expenditures. The plan should be reviewed at least biannually. 5. Support the district leadership team in designing and conducting joint professional development with collaborative efforts to ensure sustainability. 6. Collaborate with People First of Louisiana. 7. Support restructuring that integrates inclusive schools practices with general education reform. 8. Develop specific targets that use data generated through current assessments to positively impact the performance of, and results for, students with disabilities. 10

0 = expected outcome 1 = more than expected2 = much more than expected -1 = less than expected-2 = much less than expected 11


Example of a School District using Goal Attainment Scale to measure anticipated outcome of annual plan. 13



Example of a Goal Attainment Scale to measure anticipated outcome of family facilitator roles & responsibilities. 16




Question The Goal Attainment Scale is an effective tool to measure progress and/or completing of goals and objectives?  A. Strongly Agree  B. Agree  C. Disagree  D. Strongly Disagree 20

Example of Goal Attainment Scale Developed by a Teacher 21

BROAD GOAL: To develop a resource directory of community agencies and services. Level of Attainment +2 Much more than expected I will have started to translate the manual into an online website where all of the services and agencies are listed and described. +1 Somewhat more than expected I will have finalized the manual and printed and distributed the manual to all of the families and students at the high schools in our community. 0 Expected level of outcome I will have developed a draft of a manual that describes the variety of agency services as well as other community supports for students and families in transition. Somewhat less than expected I will have gathered all of our materials and information (community resource mapping) about community services and agencies but have not completed the draft of the manual. -2 Much less than expected I will have started the process of gathering materials and information (community resource mapping) but have not finished this process. 22

Example of Goal Attainment Scales to Measure Development of Initiatives 23

Developing & Implementing a Mentoring Framework The KSDE SES team discusses via phone, , and/or video conferencing statewide mentoring needs and technology mentoring strategies on a regular basis. The KSDE SES team implements a plan to scale up mentoring efforts across the state. The KSDE SES team identifies strategies for infusing mentoring into existing SPDG projects. 24

Developing & Implementing an Integrated Model Goals to evaluate the MIM implementation process for the reporting year were discussed by the MIM Management Team at their June 2009 meeting. Based on this discussion, the following annual goals were identified: MIM Management team will meet monthly with Implementation Facilitators in order to plan technical assistance and professional development, problem-solve, and share information. MIM Management team will develop a Mission and a Vision Statement to promote a clear understanding of the MIM. 14 Pilot districts will complete required MIM Action Planning and invoice documents. MIM schools will conduct ongoing progress monitoring and upload data three times per school year to evaluators. MIM schools will implement MIM Action Plan in a timely fashion with adherence to the plan. MIM Management team will develop a plan for Scaling-Up. 25

Question For your purposes, which do you think you might use: A: Predetermined Goals (set by the evaluator or management team) B: Individualized Goals (set by each team or individual) C: Both D: Neither 26

Example Performance Measures Percentage of goals that met expected level of attainment for developmental tasks and activities related to the implementation of a mentoring framework. Percentage of MIM developmental tasks and activities that have reached a level of goal attainment of "0" (expected outcome). 27

Contact Information Amy Gaumer Erickson, PhD  KS & MO SPDG Evaluator  University of Kansas, Center for Research on Learning  Monica Ballay, M. Ed.  LA Evaluation and Site Liaison  Louisiana State University  28