The BEN (BiosciEdNet) Digital Library Portal Overview
What is BiosciEdNet (BEN)? A collaboration of professional societies that is building an online library of digital resources for pedagogic materials pertaining to biology Established in 1999 by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Funded by NSF grants Serves as a catalyst for strengthening teaching and learning in the biological sciences.
Aims of BiosciEdNet (BEN) Focused on undergraduate level Promote active learning Materials are peer-reviewed before being made available Access is through
BiosciEdNet (BEN) Collaborative BEN serves as a catalyst for professional societies or coalitions that seek to: Build biological sciences education-focused digital libraries that include high quality, inquiry-driven, active, and engaging STEM education Contribute resources to the BEN portal. Collaborate in terms of pedagogy, authentic assessment, and development of multidisciplinary biological sciences resources.
BEN provides resources for... Guided Inquiry Open Inquiry Inquiry online Inquiry as part of a learning cycle unit Transforming “Cookbook” labs into guided/open inquiries
2005 Practice Portal for biological sciences ~10,000 peer reviewed resources 11 societies and centers National Science Digital Library
NSDL Pathways Slide coming soon…….
WHY USE BEN? Peer-reviewed resources: Active learning activities High-quality images Data sets Animations Assessments Journal articles Lesson plans Laboratory activities Teaching strategies Rubrics
WHY USE BEN? Diverse biological fields represented: over 75 fields of study over 21 professional societies including: AAAS ESA AIBS APS BSA SICB ASM ASCB
Collaborators (*Founding Collaborators) AAAS-American Association for the Advancement of Science (EHR, STKE, Science)* ABLE-Association of Biology Lab Educators AIBS-American Institute of Biological Sciences* APS-American Physiological Society* APS-American Phytopathological Society* ASBMB-American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology* ASCB-American Society for Cell Biology ASM-American Society for Microbiology* BCC-BioQUEST Curriculum Consortium Bio-Link-the NSF Advanced Technological Education Center for Biotechnology BSA-Botanical Society of America ESA-Ecological Society of America* EntDL-Entomology Digital Library FUN -Faculty for Undergraduate Neuroscience HAPS-Human Anatomy and Physiology Society MLER-Microbial Life Education Resources NABT-National Association of Biology Teachers* NAHSEP-National Association of Health Science Education Partnerships NBII-National Biological Information Infrastructure* NLM-AE-National Library of Medicine-Access Excellence* SDB-Society for Developmental Biology SICB-Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology SOT-Society for Toxicology*
WHY USE BEN? Efficient search engine: Advanced search feature Browse by subject and topic resource type audience level
How can faculty benefit from BEN? By downloading and utilizing existing resources from the library By contributing pedagogic materials to the library By collaborating in terms of pedagogy, authentic assessment, and development of multidisciplinary biological sciences resources.
What if you want to contribute a resource? Generally go through collaborator society Submission involves completing online form Copyright may be claimed, but generally disseminated for free Item will be reviewed, based on society’s protocol Accepted items can count as a form of publication!!
Resource is not worth collecting if it can’t be… FOUND SHARED
ASM Server ML Resource ML Catalogue Info AAAS Server ML Catalogue Info Catalogue Info Catalogue Info Catalogue Info
Learning Resources Types AnimationApplicationAudioDiagram Digital PresentationDiscussion GroupGraph/ChartIllustration ImageMapOnline toolPhotograph SimulationSoftwareTableVideo AbstractBookBook ChapterJournal Journal ArticleMeeting PresentationMemoNewsletter Non-journal ArticlePamphlet/BrochureProceedingsReport BibliographyDatabaseDatasetDictionary/Glossary Discussion ArchiveIndexManualReview Assessment: ExamAssessment ToolAssignment (non-lab)Career materials Course SyllabusEducation StandardsField Trip GuideLaboratory Manual Lecture/Lecture OutlineLesson PlanTeaching Strategies
Topics agriculture & aquaculture anatomy anthropology & archaeology bacteriology behavioral science biochemistry biocomplexity biodiversity bioengineering bioethics bioinformatics biophysics biostatistics biotechnology botany & plant science cardiology cell biology conservation biology cryobiology developmental biology ecology education endocrinology entomology environmental sciences epidemiology evolutionary biology exercise & kinesiology exobiology forestry gastroenterology genetics & heredity genomics geography glycobiology hematology histology human biology hydrology & water resources immunology invertebrate biology marine biology metabolism microbiology molecular biology mycology natural history nephrology neurobiology nutrition & food sciences oceanography paleontology parasitology pathology pharmacology phylogeny physiology population biology proteomics psychology public health range science reproductive biology respiratory biology sociobiology soil biology structural biology systematics taxonomy & classification theoretical biology toxicology vertebrate biology virology wildlife science zoology