CMS Physical Education Mr. Klatt, Mrs. Wilson, Mr. Scanlan
Attendance/Participation A LL STUDENTS MUST ATTEND AND PARTICIPATE IN PE – NYS Education Department Requirement- 40 minutes Be prepared with your PE clothes! – Sneakers and socks – T-shirt (no tank tops, v-necks, low cut tops) – Shorts (appropriate length) or windpants/ sweatpants NO SCHOOL CLOTHES! Forgetting Clothes=Borrowing Clothes If you forget your clothes, you will still participate! 1 “unprepared” per marking period- no penalty If you forget again, you will only be able to earn a maximum of 8 points- you can make the class up in guided study or 10 th period. If you forget your sneakers, you can borrow a pair with no penalty. If you don’t borrow sneakers, you cannot participate, and you must make the class up!
Safety SAFETY IS THE #1 RULE IN PE! Sneakers tied tightly No Jewelry No piercings New piercing- for 2 weeks, student will change and participate in appropriate portions of class No Gum Long hair tied back Report all injuries to your PE teacher! Don’t wait until the next day to tell us!
Locker Room Be on time or come with a pass 5 minutes to change PE locker and lock will be assigned Don’t share your locker or combination! $5 fee for any lost locks YOU are responsible for locking up belongings PLEASE LOCK UP ALL YOUR VALUABLES! Phones, iPods, wallets, purses, etc… Athletes- Lock up your sports bags!
Medical Excuses Temporary medical excuses- students who are unable to participate in PE for 1 class (day) must provide a note written by parent/guardian. – If you miss more than 2 PE classes per marking period, you will need to make the other classes up to earn your class participation points. Extended medical excuses- students who are unable to participate in PE for more than 2 classes provide a written excuse from their doctor. – Supplemental work will be provided (teen biz, sports packet, etc…)
Curriculum/Activities You will participate in a variety of team, partner, and individual activities with a focus on lifetime activities. Badminton, basketball, bowling, cooperative games, cross country skiing, field hockey, fitness activities, floor hockey, football, lacrosse, pickleball, soccer, softball, table tennis, volleyball, Ultimate Frisbee, and weight training.
Grading and Assessment FOCUS IS ON EFFORT and PARTICIPATION NOT SKILL AND ABILITY **Numeric grade that is part of your marking period average! You can earn up to 10 points a day in PE! You must also complete 2 TEENBIZ articles per marking period- each worth 10 points. Here’s how we will calculate your grade: Example of 3 different students: 13 PE Classes= 130 available points + 20 points for TeenBiz = 150 points Student #1 PE points= 121 PE points + 18 TeenBiz points = 93% (mostly 9s) Student #2 PE points= 105 PE points + 14 TeenBiz points= 79% (student lost points for forgetting clothes, attitude, effort) Student #3PE Points 128 points + 20 TeenBiz points= 99% (mostly 10s, earned 2 9s)
Grading and Assessment On time for class and prepared0-2 points 2 points= on time, prepared, and changed with sneakers, PE clothes, etc… 1 point= late to class (after warnings) 0 points= unprepared, unwilling to borrow, refuses to change * You are allowed 1 “unprepared” per marking period. If you forget your clothes again, you will not be able to earn the full 10 points- you can make the class/ points up during intramurals!
Grading and Assessment PARTICIPATION AND EFFORT0-4 points 4 points= ALWAYS WORK YOUR HARDEST! Outstanding effort in all PE activities (warm up, skills, games) 3 points= USUALLY WORK YOUR HARDEST Above average effort 2 points= SOMETIMES WORK YOUR HARDEST Inconsistent effort- needs to be reminded to participate 1 point= LITTLE OR NO PARTICIPATION 0 points= REFUSED TO PARTICIPATE **Does NOT apply to medically excused students
Grading and Assessment SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY 0-4 points Demonstrates: -Self control and safety -Respect for others -Positive attitude -Excellent sportsmanship 4= ALWAYS demonstrates the above 3= USUALLY demonstrates the above 2= SOMETIMES demonstrates the above and sometimes needs reminders to follow rules 1= RARELY demonstrates the above and needs several reminders to follow rules
AFTER SCHOOL PE! 10 th Period PE CLASSES (Intramurals) – Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays CMS Weight Lifting Club- most FRIDAYS Open to ALL CMS students! – Space is limited- sign up daily – Priority goes to non-student athletes (in season) Activities are based on the unit(s) we are currently participating in. Opportunity to make up missed PE classes
Athletics Boys *Fall-Football, Cross-Country, Soccer *Winter- Wrestling and Basketball- split season *Spring-Baseball or Track Girls *Fall-Field Hockey, Cross-Country, Soccer *Winter-Basketball and Volleyball- split season *Spring-Softball or Track * Paperwork handed out in PE * Physicals available each season
Student Athletes Must participate in PE in order to play or practice (unless you are medically excused) Uniforms cannot be worn as PE clothes (jerseys, shorts, etc…) Must stay academically eligible Intramurals- only available to student athletes on a very limited basis