Welcome to HIGH SCHOOL! 7 period day Advisory 3 lunch periods (mixed grade levels) Clubs & Organizations College Career Zone Music Mondays & Fridays Pep Rallies Dances Dress Up Days Homecoming Varsity Sporting Events
Mustang Camp August 2015
Grades, GPA, Credits & Transcripts Advanced Academics EOC (STAAR) College and Career Planning Graduation Requirements HB 5 Endorsements Choose an Endorsement
Grading Scale for High School A = 100 – 90 B = 89 – 80 C = 79 – 75 D = 74 – 70 F = < 70
8 GPA & Class Rank GPA’s and rank are determined by semester averages. GPA’s are calculated on a weighted scale.
9 Class of Scale (Pre-AP/AP) 5.0 Scale (On-Level) 100 = = = = = = = = = = = 5.5 ETC… 95 = 4.5 ETC… SubjectSemester AverageConverted Grade Scale English I PreAP 95 =6.0 Scale = 5.5 English I 95 =5.0 Scale = 4.5 AP Human Geo 88 =6.0 Scale = 4.8 World Geo 95 =5.0 Scale = 4.5 *Dual Credit classes will no longer be calculated in GPA for 2017 and beyond.
& Year Grade Calculations Semester & Year Grade Calculations Example: Algebra 1 1st Nine Weeks 2 nd Nine Weeks 1 st Semester = 63 (0 CR) 3 rd Nine Weeks4 th Nine Weeks 2 nd Semester = 77 (0.5 CR) = /2 = 70 Yearly Average = 70 = 1.0 credit
Mrs. Holly Ray Assistant Principal of Instruction & Advanced Academics
13 4 Types of Advanced Courses: Pre-AP, AP, DC and IB coursework is available to anyone who… Wants to excel in specific academic courseworkWants to excel in specific academic coursework Is motivated to spend the required amount of time to meet the advanced academic standards of the programIs motivated to spend the required amount of time to meet the advanced academic standards of the program Is committed to learning college-level curriculumIs committed to learning college-level curriculum
14 AP - Advanced Placement College level coursework completed at MWHSCollege level coursework completed at MWHS AP Exams are taken in May, providing a standardized measure of the curriculum of the AP classroom with scores ranging from 1 to 5AP Exams are taken in May, providing a standardized measure of the curriculum of the AP classroom with scores ranging from 1 to 5 Scores of 3, 4 or 5 indicate that the student is qualified or well qualified to earn college creditScores of 3, 4 or 5 indicate that the student is qualified or well qualified to earn college credit
AP Credit Policy Search Search: AP Credit Policy - CollegeBoardExample: Texas Tech University
ADVANCED COURSES Pre-AP English I Pre-AP Geometry Pre-AP Algebra II Pre-AP Biology AP Human Geography Pre-AP Spanish II
World Geography vs. AP HUMAN GEOGRAPHY AP Human Geography introduces students to the importance of spatial organization – the location of places, people and events and the connections among places and landscapes – in understanding human life on Earth. Topics: Geography, Population, Cultural Patterns and Processes, Political Organization, Agricultural/Rural/Urban Land Use, Industrialization and Economic Development
EOC (STAAR) Graduation = Earn 26 credits AND successfully pass all 5 EOC tests: English 1 English 2 Algebra 1 Biology US History
The College & Career Center Zone Alex Everett, College & Career Advisor Website: Applying to College College Bound Athletes Community Service Family Connections Financial Aid Get Connected GPA and Class Ranks Military New to MWHS? Recommendation Letters Requesting Transcripts SAT/ACT Scholarships Useful Links
Family Connections Family Connections is a vital part of your student’s high school career. –class rank –GPA –college and career searches –sending student and parent s –requesting transcripts Make sure that both the student AND the parent have working addresses listed in Family Connection 20
Freshman Year MATTERS! Your grades your freshmen year factor into your overall GPA that you will use when applying for colleges and scholarships!
Want to play college sports? College sports are governed by the NCAA. They REQUIRE that you have a minimum GPA in order to be eligible. This GPA includes ONLY your core classes, and not your electives.
College Application Part II. Activities Extracurricular Activities Were Hours Per Week/ you Description Hours Pr Year elected to Level of Activities (3/32=three hours per OrganizationYour Position/Year this Examples: 233k/32 weeks per yr) Examples Examples position? Examples Hosted Speech Fresh. Soph. Jr. Sr. Speech/Debate ClubCommittee Chair/senior (circle Yes Regional Tournament 3/32 3/32 Basketball Team Captain/junior or No) Local Played Forward 5/16 5/16 6/32 6/32 Community Service Service/Volunteer WorkDescription of ServiceFrom-Thru Total Hours Examples: Habitat for Humanity Examples: Helped build houses 5/06-5/ Hospital Volunteer Helped nurses and visited patients 6/06-8/07 112
Getting involved is the key! CosmetologyUIL Academics CheerleadingLiterary Criticism Student CouncilSwimming & Diving VolleyballSkills USA FootballFFA Girl’s BasketballChoir Boy’s BasketballNational Honor Society BaseballMustangs for Christ Cross CountryUIL Journalism Girl’s TrackDrama Club Boy’s TrackFillies Dance Team International Thespian SocietyFCCLA, TAFE Fellowship of Christian AthletesInteract (Rotary) Club Debate TeamAcademic Decathlon Team NJROTCBusiness Prof. of America We have something for everyone here at MWHS!
Community Service How many hours do I need to graduate? –None BUT hours are strongly suggested for college and scholarship applications –There is a section for your hours on college applications –The average applicant has 50 hours- we encourage you to have more! How do I track my hours? –Document through x2VOL on Family Connections Directions and Guidelines: – 25
PSAT Test Includes Verbal, Math, Writing sectionsIncludes Verbal, Math, Writing sections and is given in October each school year and is given in October each school year Freshmen & Sophomores test for practice – will improve score on the SATFreshmen & Sophomores test for practice – will improve score on the SAT Juniors test with the opportunity for possible awards & scholarshipsJuniors test with the opportunity for possible awards & scholarships Juniors and Seniors test with SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test) to begin college application processJuniors and Seniors test with SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test) to begin college application process
27 Freshmen Checklist Check the associated with your Family Connections account Begin using Career Profiler and College Match to find colleges that appeal to you Review SAT Prep words online Take the October PSAT Be involved in extra-curricular sports, clubs, and organizations! Earn and log Community Service hours
Facebook- Magnolia West High School Family Connections – (be sure you have updated your ) Remind 101- Text to Download the MWHS App Stay Connected!