Sustainable Urban Redevelopment: Milwaukee’s Menomonee Valley
The Vision To Revitalize Menomonee Valley for the benefit of the entire Milwaukee community
Best Practices from the Menomonee Valley
Best Practices Visionary Planning Bold Goals & Objectives Value Added After the Deal
Public / Private Partnership National Design Competition Design Charrettes Land Use + Market Analysis Visionary Planning
Integrated Site Planning
Stormwater Parking Hank Aaron State Trail Adaptive Reuse
Reusing fill from the Marquette Interchange kept 75,000 truckloads of material from the landfill. And, crushed concrete builds our trails
Quantified Potential 200 Developable Acres 5,000 Family-Supporting Jobs $4 Million in Property Taxes 70 Acres of Park and Trails Goals, Objectives and Standards
Development Objectives for Job Density Sustainable Design Guidelines Recruitment for High Growth Companies Goals, Objectives and Standards
MVIC Goals MVIC now Manufacturing use Preferred→All Number of fulltime equivalent jobs* 1,294→1,302 Number of acres 59→52 FTE Jobs/Acre* 22→21 FTE Jobs/1000 SF* 1.5→1.4 Annual projected wage and salary/acre* 538,193→ 992,695 Building/land coverage ratio 0.33→0.37
35 th Street 27 th Street 16 th Street 5 th Street The Sigma Group Potawatomi Casino Derse, Inc. Badger Railing Taylor Dynamometer Caleffi Hydronics Hank Aaron State Trail Palermo’s Pizza Proven Direct Harley-Davidson Museum Charter Wire
Value Added After the Deal is Done Help businesses grow in place Build business to business connections Connect businesses to resources Create a sense of neighborhood Create new amenities
Creating amenities Value Added After the Deal is Done
An Overview of a Decade of Work
New Infrastructure
6 th Street: 2000
6 th Street: 2005
Canal Street: 1999
Canal Street: 2006
300 Acres of Brownfields Redeveloped
1301 Canal Street: 2004
1301 Canal Street: 2007
400 Canal Street: 2000
400 Canal Street: 2009
MVIC: 2003
MVIC: 2009
33 New Businesses
7 Business Expansions
4,700 Jobs Created
10 Million Visitors
Every $1 of public sector funding…
Has already leveraged $3.60 of private investment
1,000,000 SF Sustainable Development
11miles of the Hank Aaron State Trail
45 acres of native plants
475 Individuals 260 Organizations
2009 One of the 10 Best Projects in the Nation the Sierra Club