Timetable - Polish Polish - German History - Polish - German School system - Polish Polish - German Additional courses - Polish Polish - German Holidays - Polish Polish - German
TimeMond ay Tuesda y Wednesd ay Thursd ay Friday P.EChemist ry PolishChemist ry English PolishPhysicsP.E,PolishP.E PolishP.EGermanHistoryPolish MathsBiologyGeographyGermanGeograp hy MathsHistoryBiologyEnglishMaths Religio n ITITHistoryP.EGerman EnglishMaths
TimeMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday ITVBRMathsHistoryPhysic ITVBRMathsHistoryPhysic Ethic-RelGermanEnglishP.E.Biology MathsGermanChemistryP.E.Biology German2.LanguageChemistry-Maths German2.LanguageEnglishMaths VBREnglish 2.LanguageGerman English2.Language VBR-DV VBR-DV
transforming High School. Adolf Dygasiński in the Secondary School No. 3 in Chmielnik. 2005/ High School. Adolf Dygasiński joined the project, called the certificate "European School" to obtain authorization of the Board and District Council for the design and construction of a full size sports hall award certificate for the "European School" signed a partnership agreement with the company "MAPEI" under the support of schools in the implementation of practical training establishing cooperation with the Kielce University of Technology and Higher School of Economics, Tourism and Social Sciences in Kielce ceremonial handover to use the square for the construction of a sports hall firme "Dorbut SA. October Education Day celebration District merged with the inauguration of the jubilee 50 - years anniversary of the school Opening of a full size sports hall. Fourth Congress of Graduates. Youth exchanges between schools in Chmielnik ZS Nr3 School and Vocational Center in Rodewisch.
When graduates are in the third class at high school they write their mature exam and one hundred days before the exam will take place at school there is a dance called senior prom (in Polish - studniówka )which takes all night.
1957Establishing the School of Industrial Economics Rodewisch 1992vocational school vocational School of Economics gramar school Technical College in Business and Administration Economics College 2001laying of the foundation stone Mai 2007school partnership with the ZS3 Chmielnik (Polen)
High school education starts at the age of 16 and ends at the age of 19 years. The lessons usually start at 8 o`clock. In our school there are about subjects. There are a lot of classes and two gyms. The breaks are between minutes. Our holiday last from June to September.
Dance lessons
Drama lessons
Music lessons
Kung –Fu
COMENIUS PROGRAMME development of multilateral co-operation of schools topics of the European Educational Programmes: - cultural heritage, - environmental issues, - science or technology an integral part of the curriculum
Italian literature art economic geography volleyball course web technology
Types of schools kindergarten Primary school Secondary school High school Technical school years 3-6 years7-13 years13-16 years16-19 years16-20 years
Holiday 2 months (20 June – 1 September) Winter Holiday2 weeks ( January or February) Christmas time2 weeks ( 20 December- 2 January) Easter time2 weeks ( 22 March or 25 April)
HolidayHow long… winter14 days eastern8 days summer42 days autumn14 days christmas10 days