Augustana’s Five Year Goals To Create a Campus Climate that Fosters Student Learning through Effective Assessment To Articulate Learning Objectives for All Campus Programs To Position the College Firmly Within Level 2 Progressing Toward Level 3
Six Assessment Goals Identify Measurable Learning Outcomes Provide Faculty Support for Assessment Tools and Program Design Articulate Integration of Assessment and Decision making Integrate Students into the Assessment Process Identify areas of Excellence that distinguish Augustana College Coordinate Institutional Research
Goal One: Identify Measurable Learning Outcomes Departmental Major Learning Outcomes –Responsibility: Department Chairs/Individual Faculty –Deadline: Spring 2003 Departmental Curricular Mapping –Responsibility: Department Chairs/Individual Faculty –Deadline: Fall 2003 General Education Learning Outcomes –Responsibility: Director in conjunction with Curriculum Council –Deadline: If no General Education Revision, Spring 2003 Align Outcomes with Mission and Values Statements –Responsibility: Curriculum Council, Faculty, Student Association –Deadline: Established following previous tasks.
Provide Faculty Support for Assessment Tools and Program Design Create Director of Assessment Position –Completed Establish Adequate Assessment Budget –In Progress Create Assessment Web Page and Newsletter –Deadline: Fall 2002 –Responsibility: Assoc. Dean and Director Faculty Development Conference with Peggy Maki –Fall 2002 Re-vitalize Assessment Committee –Responsibility: CAO and Director of Assessment –Deadline: Summer 2002
Provide Faculty Support for Assessment Tools and Program Design Create on-campus mentorship program (Individual and Community Events) –Responsibility: Assessment Committee –Deadline: Fall 2002 Phase One Department Cohorts (6 departments) –Responsibility: Assessment Committee –Deadline: Fall 2002 Create Assessment Manual –Responsibility: Director of Assessment –Deadline: Fall 2002
Articulate Integration of Assessment and Decision making Propose reworking of Promotion and Tenure Guidelines using the language of Learning rather the language of Teaching –Deadline Fall 2002 –Responsibility: CAO and Personnel Council Study means to integrate assessment data into budgetary process –Deadline: Budget Cycle –Responsibility: CAO Propose Integration of Student Learning objectives and assessment data into Curriculum Change Rationales –Deadline: Agenda –Responsibility: Curriculum Council
Articulate Integration of Assessment and Decision making Propose Integration of Student Learning Objectives and Assessment Data into Internal Faculty Development Grants –Deadline: Agenda –Faculty Growth Committees
Integrate Students into the Assessment Process Study feasibility of placing student representatives on Assessment Committee –Deadline: Academic Year –Responsibility: Augustana Student Association, Committee on Committees, Assessment Committee Encourage Departments to include students when articulating Learning Outcomes Study feasibility of focus groups to articulate General Education Learning Outcomes –Deadline: Agenda –Responsibility: Director of General Education and Curriculum Council
Integrate Students into the Assessment Process Study Feasibility of Adopting an Assessment Day –Deadline: Academic Year –Responsibility: CAO, Director of Assessment, Augustana Student Association, Registrar Articulate Student Learning Objectives and Value of Assessment into the College Catalog
Identify areas of Excellence that distinguish Augustana College Use Assessment Data and Articulation of Learning Objectives to Define Areas for Marketing Purposes –Deadlines: Academic Year –Responsibility: CAO and Assessment Committee
Coordinate Institutional Research Coordinate Research Conducted by Academic Affairs, Advancement, IR Office, Admissions and Student Services –Deadline: Fall 2002 –Responsibility: Associate Academic Dean and Newly Formed Committee Create Web-Based and Paper Based Means to Disseminate Information to all Campus Constituencies –Deadline: Fall 2002 –Responsibility: Associate Academic Dean and Newly Formed Committee