S… Sun… Sunday. M… M… Monday. T… Tue… Tuesday. W… Wednesday. T… Thur… Thursday. F… Fri… Friday. Saturday’s the best of all… Guess why.
football, straight, Craft, Music, blond, dark, table tennis, Maths, basketball, Science, wavy, gymnastics, curly, swimming, Geography SportsSchool SubjectsAppearance
Sports 1 football 2 tennis 3 basketball 4 gymnastics 5 swimming SportsSchool Subjects 1 footballCraft, 2 tennisMusic 3 basketballMaths 4 gymnasticsScience 5 swimmingGeography SportsSchool SubjectsAppearance 1 footballCraft,straight 2 tennisMusicblond 3 basketballMathsdark 4 gymnasticsSciencewavy 5 swimmingGeographycurly
1. Ukrainian 2. History 3. Maths 4. Geography 5. English 6. Science 7. Religion 8. Physical Education (PE) 9. Music 10. Foreign language 11. Art a. the Present Continuous b.Ready, steady, go! c.World War I d.Our Father who is in heaven... e.The Dnipro is a river. f.My favourite composer is Mozart. g.Ich liebe dich. h.A tiger can swim. i.Draw this vase with flowers. j.Shevchenko is a great poet. k. Ten plus seventeen is twenty- seven.
LessonMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday 1Maths Craft
1. French 2. English 3. PE 4. Maths 5. History
1. Geography 2. English 3. Art 4. Art 5. Music
1. Maths 2. Science 3. PE 4. French 5. Biology
1. Geography 2. English 3. History 4. Religion 5. Craft
1. PE 2. Maths 3. Biology 4. IT
I like __________because it is interesting. I like __________because it is fun. I don't like __________because it is difficult.
She mustn't take pets to school. She mustn't eat in class. She mustn't shout. She must wear a school uniform. She must do her homework. She must arrive on time. True False
You mustn’t eat or drink. You _______ return the books. You ________ speak quietly. You __________ run.
o You __________ wear a swimming costume. o You __________ fight. o You __________ eat. o You __________ obey the lifeguards.
You mustn’t eat or drink. You must return the books. You must speak quietly. You mustn’t run.
o You must wear a swimming costume. o You mustn’t fight. o You mustn’t eat. o You must obey the lifeguards.
quiet You must be You must be quiet. take You photos mustn’t ______________________ must be You careful _______________________ You touch mustn’t _______________________ run mustn’t around You _______________________ rules must You follow the _______________________
You mustn’t take photos. You must be careful. You mustn’t touch exhibits. You mustn’t run around. You must follow the rules.
Look left, Look right, Look up, Look down, Look around. Look at your nose, Look at that rose, Close your eyes, Open, wink and smile twice!! Look left, Look right, Look up, Look down, Look around. Look at your nose, Look at that rose, Close your eyes, Open, wink and smile twice!!
You must You mustn’t
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