Chapter 1: Planet Ocean: A Historical Perspective
I) Early Exploration Phoenicians are the first accomplished sea travelers in the West
Polynesians were the first regular, long-distance, open ocean seafarers
Greeks Pytheas Predicted tides by studying the moon Figured out how far north or south one was by using the North Star 384-322 BC
Greeks Eratosthenes Calculated Earth’s circumference Invented the first latitude / longitude system 264-194 BC
Greeks Aristotle 1st marine biologist Described many forms of sea life 384-322 BC
Greeks Ptolemy 1st sphere map on flat paper Improved latitude & longitude system 384-322 BC
Latitude & Longitude: Latitude Parallel lines running east / west Equator = 0O Poles = 90O Above equator = North Below equator = South
Latitude & Longitude: Longitude Intersecting Lines that begin at one pole and end at other Prime Meridian = 0O Opposite side = 180O Right of PM = East Left of PM = West
II) Middle Ages Vikings: Raided, explored, & traded between 790 A.D. - 1100 Leif Eriksson discovers Vinland & North America 995 AD
Arabs Voyaged to E Africa, SE Asia, & India Figured out wind patterns & currents (including monsoons)
Chinese First people to understand magnetism & use compasses Developed central rudders & watertight compartments
III) European Voyages of Discovery Columbus: Rediscovers America in 1492 1451 – 1506 AD
Magellan: First person to sail around the world 1480 – 1521 AD
IV) Beginning of Ocean Science James Cook: Explored all the oceans and began making scientific observations Chronometer: clock that isn’t affected by waves, allowing one to accurately determine longitude
B) Edward Forbes Dredged ocean floor & discovered new sea creatures “Father of modern oceanography” 1815 – 1854 AD
C) U.S. Exploring Expedition AKA: Wilkes Expedition Explored the southern Atlantic & Pacific oceans, discovering Antarctica Included scientists & illustrators 1838– 1842 AD
D) Matthew Maury “Father of Physical Oceanography” The Physical Geography of the Sea Among 1st to envision worldwide patterns for surface winds and currents 1806– 1873 AD
E) Charles Darwin Studied plankton & described the formation of coral reef atolls 1809 – 1882 AD
Challenger Expedition Gathered biological, chemical, geological & physical data Discovered Mid-Atlantic Ridge; Marianas Trench; over 4700 new species
V) Modern Marine Biology Marine Biological Laboratory at Woods Hole (Massachusetts) is established (1888)
The Scripps Institution of Oceanography is established (La Jolla, CA - 1924)
Meteor (1925-Germany) Atlantis (1931-USA) Crossed Atlantic 14X, gathering biological, chemical, geological, & physical data Atlantis (1931-USA) 1st ship designed & built for ocean exploration
Challenger II (1951-U.K.) Used SONAR to map ocean floor WWII: for sub hunting Based on the detection of underwater echoes Allowed accurate mapping of oceanic floors
V) Modern Marine Biology Submersibles: William Beebe & Otis Barton develop bathysphere Dove over 2000 feet off Bermuda in 1932
Submersibles: Deepest diving bathyscaphe a) Trieste dives to bottom Challenger Deep (36000 feet)
Hard Hat Diving Developed by Augustus Siebe Good for underwater labor, limited for underwater research
SCUBA: self contained underwater breathing apparatus Developed after WWII by Emile Gagnan & Jacques Cousteau First time one could study directly in the marine environment
Modern Scientific Ships (FLIP) Submarines
Satellites Remote Sensing
Critter cams
Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROV)
Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUV)
Global Positioning System (GPS)