The Flippen Group
The Formula: FEAR + MOTIVATION = Social Anxiety If ANXIETY is high, PERFORMANCE will go down. Our anxiety does not need to be TRUE to be REAL. Behind most inappropriate behavior there is A FEAR OR AN ANXIETY. SOCIAL ANXIETY THEORY
Definition: an agreement of behavior 1.How do you want to be treated by me (leader)? 2.How do you want to be treated by each other? 3.How do you think I (the leader) want to be treated by you? 4.How do we want to treat each other when there is conflict? SOCIAL CONTRACT
Definition: “A leader is someone who sets aside a personal agenda and embraces a greater agenda of serving others.” Flip Flippen Leadership = Service The goal of leadership is other people’s success. Leaders understand the importance of a great first impression. You only have SEVEN seconds to make a first impression. But it takes approximately TWENTY additional encounters to undo or change a bad first impression. LEADERSHIP
E – Engage meeting and greeting X – X-plore discovering individual needs C – Communicate that we care and make our message relevant E – Empower my teaching becomes their doing L – Launch a meaningful ending THE EXCEL MODEL
STUDENT SUCCESS 138 middle school students 60% teacher 68% mother 3% father 7% other