Requesting Classes School Year
Our Goals for this Evening Introduce you to the Counseling Team Help you understand the requirements for graduating from South High Help you complete the Course Request Form for next year’s classes
South High Counseling Team Kim Vu-Friesen : LA/OP 9/10 A-L, TAPPP 9-12 Don Dilla : LA/OP 9/10 M-Z, Citywide Sp.Ed Jackie Mosconi : LA/OP 11/12 A-G, AN 9-12 Nicole Crowell : LA/OP: 11/12 H-N, ELL 9-12, Marie Hassell: LA/OP: 11/12 O-Z, AVID 9-12, Anne Erickson, College and Career Center Coordinator Breanna Parslow., College and Career Center Coordinator Tami Johnson, Indian Education Elizabeth Engelhart, APIP Sally Rogers, Elizabeth McMillan, Renee Magney; Support Rasheedah Ali, Assistant Principal
Language Arts 4 years required Social Studies 4 years required Math 3 years required (min.) Science 3 years required (min.) LAOPANLAOPANLAOPANLAOPAN 9 Humanities IEnglish 9All Nations Humanities I- English Humanities I – World Studies Honors World Studies All Nations Humanities I- World Studies By recommendation of previous year’s teacher: Intermediate Algebra Geometry Advanced Algebra College Algebra & Statistics Algebra/Geomet ry/ Statistics Pre-Calc AP Calc AB AP Calc BC AP Statistics Must complete a minimum of three full years grads: Earth Science/ Environmental Biology Chemistry Physics OR Physical Science An AP or higher level science class may sub for Env. Sci grads: 9 th – Bio./Physics 10 th - Chemistry 11 th – Bio./Physics (env./earth science standard is embedded in above sequence) 12 th – electives in Science Must complete a minimum of three full years. Humanities IIEnglish 10 All Nations Humanities II- English AP Hum II – US History AP US History All Nations Humanities II- AP US History 11 AP Lang & Lit AP Lang & Comp College in the Schools Literature or Composition College Prep Writing Science Fiction and Fantasy Literature and Film Black Voices VOICES Creative Writing Public Speaking Popular Paperbacks Partnership Contract English H-Art Choose from these or other English electives to equal 4 full years. Not all courses may be offered each year. AP Geography (1 sem.) and Government/Economics (1 sem.) 12 World War I/ The Great War World War II / Decades Holocaust College in the Schools Economics and/or Government Stock Market Psychology VOICES H-Art Choose from Social Studies electives to equal 4 full years. Not all courses may be offered each year. South High Graduation Requirements and Recommended Course Sequencing (offerings may change; not all courses are offered every year)
World Language Fine Arts 1 year required Physical Education 1 year required Health 1 year required Other Requirements Chinese French German Latin Ojibwe Spanish Minimum of 2 years in a single World Language is required for Liberal Arts students. All students are advised to complete 3+ years of World Language. Colleges may require more. Band (all) Choir (all) Orchestra (all) Ceramics Drawing Painting Graphic Design Photography Project Lead the Way (counts at 50% of credit value toward Fine Arts requirement) Choose from the above to equal 1 full year. Fitness for Life I (1 semester) Fitness for Life II (1 semester) Both semester-long classes are required. Health Science I (1 semester) Health Science II (1 semester) Both semester-long classes are required. Students must pass the MCA/GRAD tests in Reading, Writing, and Math. Liberal Arts students are required to complete 30 hours of community service. All students are required to complete the My Life Plan (MLP) Students must earn a min 64.5 credits.
Making Careful Choices We will hold you to your commitment to your courses Consult your parents Current teachers will provide recommendations to our school in World Languages and Math
Requests VS Schedules Number of student requests Needs for graduation Budget Staffing Schedules are not available until the end of August at the “Back to School Event.” Anything you might see on the portal prior to that is NOT final.
Completing the Course Selection Form Be sure your name and ID, program and grade next year are all on the form. Please include a phone number where we can reach you if we have questions. Number the elective classes with #1 being the one you want most.
English and Social Studies 4 full years are required of each For Social Studies: World Studies AP U.S. History Government/Economics and AP Human Geography A year of electives in Social Studies
Science 9 th – Biology/Physics (1/2 year of each) 10 th – Chemistry (or Honors) 11 th – Biology/Physics (1/2 year of each) 12 th – (Optional, but highly recommended) Elective in Science such as AP Environmental, AP Biology, AP Chemistry, AP Physics, or a PSEO course
Math General sequencing is: Intermediate Algebra Geometry Advanced Algebra Pre-Calculus AP AB Calculus AP BC Calculus (College Prep Algebra & Statistics, Algebra/Geometry/Statistics, or AP Statistics may also be appropriate, depending on your needs.)
AVID Advancement Via Individual Determination Is a program, not just a course Is for students in the “academic middle” who want to go to college and might need support Historically underrepresented at college/university
World Languages Two-year minimum for Liberal Arts diploma. Most colleges want at least 2 years of the same World Language; competitive colleges look for 3, 4, or more) If you read, write, and speak a second language, colleges may waive the requirement of a World Language in high school.
Fine Arts One year is required Music, visual arts, and graphic/digital photography classes count Half the value of PLTW classes count
Physical Education and Health Need Phys. Ed. 1 & Phys. Ed. 2 (1 semester of each) Need Health 1 & Health 2 (1 semester of each) Some students take these classes through MPS Online; space is limited and there is no guarantee that this will be available for you.
Project Lead the Way (PLTW) Year-long college level Engineering courses For students “at or above” grade level in math and science Teaches problem-solving and creativity in a computer- based setting Half of the PLTW credit counts toward Fine Arts
Backups You MUST provide “backup” or alternate classes. Some classes might not be offered or might conflict with the rest of your schedule. If you don’t choose the alternates, we will select for you and you may have no option to change
When to get your Schedule? Schedules are not available until the end of August at the “Back to School Event.” Watch for information about this important event. Anything you might see on the portal prior to that is not final.
Thank you! We are glad you are here in our South High Community. Please speak to staff in the commons or Counselors here in the auditorium if you have individual questions. Please leave your completed form with us as you exit the main door. See you in August for the “Back to School Event.”