Johnstone High School 18 th February 2013
Learning across all 8 curriculum modes Breadth & depth of learning including developing skills for learning, life & work The opportunity to achieve challenging levels of literacy & numeracy Challenge & success across all 4 contexts for learning Curricular areas and subjects Ethos and life of the school as a community Interdisciplinary learning Opportunities for personal achievement Enhanced learning & teaching approaches Increased pupil motivation & achievement
LanguageMaths Social Studies Science Express. Arts Technologies ElectiveFlexible Health and Well-being English & Modern Lang Maths History Biology Art Admin History Art PE Geography Chemistry Hospit Computing PCS Biology PSE Modern St Physics Music Graphics Physics Bus Man RE PE PCS RMPS Spanish Skills for Life & Work
AAAABBBBCCCCDDDDEEEEFFFFGGGG English Maths History Biology ComputIng History Art PE RE Geography Chemistry H. Economics Physics Biology PE PSE Modern St Physics Graphics Prac Craft Skls Bus Man Music Music Administration RMPS Spanish French Art Prac Craft Skls Skls Life /Work ComputIng French Skls Life /Work German
◦ progress through S1 – S3 (broad general education) ◦ assessment evidence, profiling and reporting ◦ meeting pupil needs – different supports One to one interviews PSE programme Parent meetings ◦ Informed choices to achieve best outcomes Ambitions Skills and previous learning Curricular possibilities Professional advice
It is important now for pupils and their parents to see the years S4 – S6 as a block of time for which a planned approach should be prepared : there are many possible pathways to accreditation and beyond that pupils might take over that three year period :
2 nd level 2 nd /3 rd level 3 rd level 2 nd level 3 rd level 3 rd level 3 rd level 3 rd / 4thlevel 4 th level 3 rd level 4th level 4th level 3 rd /4 th level 3 rd /4 th level 4 th level National 3 National 4 Broad General Education National 4/5 National 4National 5Higher National 5Higher National 5 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 Senior Phase National 5/Higher
7 courses in s4 provides additional time for study facilitates wider experiences maximises number of qualifications in context of a cfe addresses pupil / parental concerns meets the needs of our pupils provides consistency across Renfrewshire further informed choice in s5 ( 5 courses ) but assumes progression in study eg national 5 > 6 ; national 4 > 5 ; national 3 > 4 ; skills for work further choice for s6 to meet student needs eg return to subjects not taken up in s5 or previously in s4 encourages positive leaver destinations : work / college / university supported by all secondary schools in Renfrewshire
Links on the school’s own website