Welcome to Common Core State Standards (CCSS) overview please sign in
CCSS Knowledge Continuum Put your initials both post-it notes.
Introductions Norms
Place the blue post-it on continuum Fold your nametag tent Introduce yourself to your partner Listen to your partner’s introduction Introduce your partner to your table Tasks
Goals/Objectives… 1) Become familiar with the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) documents. Read and discuss elements of the Standards. 2) Become familiar with Webb’s Depth of Knowledge and samples of new assessment items. Read, discuss, and write summaries of Depths of Knowledge.
Common Core State Standards CCSS Idaho’s assessment will come from the SMARTER Balanced Assessment Consortium– Sbac Go into effect school year , with assessment piece in spring 2015 (grades 3-11) Three pillars of the new Standards: Focused, Coherent, Rigorous Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) and the National Governors Association Center for Best Practices (NGA Center) led the Standards’ development process in consultation with teachers, parents, experts and administrators.
Common Core Overview Think-Aloud The English/Language Arts Anchor StandardsEnglish/Language Arts Anchor Standards The Think-Aloud graphic organizerThink-Aloud
15-minute break
Common Core Overview The Standards for Mathematical Practice (SMP) document The graphic organizer4-2-1
4-2-1 Reading Strategy for SMP Silently read your Standard and individually generate four words that capture the most important aspects of the passage. Write these on your graphic organizer.
4-2-1 Reading Strategy for SMP Find a partner with the same Practice Standard number and share your list. Then create a common list of four words. Write these next to your original four words.
4-2-1 Reading Strategy for SMP Each pair joins with another pair who has the same SMP. The four work together to narrow the list to two words. Write these two words on your graphic organizer.
4-2-1 Reading Strategy for SMP Determine the one word that best represents the Standard. Use the words from your graphic organizer to write a summary of the Standard.
SMP Kid-friendly Language Refer to your summary and the original Standard, write a heading that your students and their parents can easily understand.
SMP Kid-friendly Language Poster Create a poster with… Your new heading A non-linguistic representation of the Practice Standard Silent Gallery Walk
15-minute break
DOK Text Rendering Webb’s Depth of Knowledge Guide The pink Text Rendering sheet
Sentence: Phrase: Word: Depth of Knowledge Text Rendering curricular elements may all be categorized based upon the cognitive demands required to produce an acceptable response central verbs alone are not sufficient information to assign a DOK level complexity, thinking The DOK level should be assigned based upon the cognitive demands required by the central performance described in the objective Each grouping of tasks reflects a different level of cognitive expectations, or depth of knowledge, required to complete the task. Overview
Summary Connections to personal experience or other knowledge Depth of Knowledge Text Rendering The Depth of Knowledge level is assigned based on cognitive demands required and reflects text complexity. There is a distinction between complexity and difficulty Related to Bloom’s but fewer categories
Sentence: Phrase: Word: Depth of Knowledge Text Rendering DOK 1
Text Rendering Protocol Read Webb’s Depth of Knowledge Levels 2-4 and record a sentence, a phrase, and a word for each one. Record any connections that you made and a summary of what you read.
Text Rendering Protocol 1 st Round: Each person shares a significant sentence. 2 nd Round: Each person shares a significant phrase. 3 rd Round: Each person shares a significant word. Repeat for DOK 3 and 4. Add notes to your summary as necessary.
Bloom’s v. Webb’s Bloom’s: What type of thinking (verbs) is needed to complete at task? Webb’s: How deeply do you have to understand the content to successfully interact with it? How complex or abstract is the content?
Knowledge Skill Concept Strategic Thinking Comprehension Synthesis Evaluation Recall Application Analysis Extended Thinking
Sample Assessment Items Read items and determine … the DOK the grade level
Complexity v. Difficulty
Goals/Objectives… 1) Become familiar with the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) documents. Read, discuss, and classify elements of the Standards. 2) Understand the shift from Idaho State Standards (ISS) to CCSS. Explain some ways in which current ISS and CCSS differ.
Common Core Shifts-ELA Building knowledge through content- rich nonfiction Reading, writing and speaking grounded in evidence from text, both literary and informational Regular practice with complex text and its academic language From:
Common Core Shifts-Math Focus strongly where the Standards focus Coherence: Think across grades, and link to major topics within grades Rigor: In major topics pursue conceptual understanding, procedural skill and fluency, and application with equal intensity From:
What Next? What are the questions your school will have?
Closure Ticket out the door… what can you take away from this training that will facilitate implementation of the CCSS at your school? Revisit the continuum with a different colored Post-it. Where are you now? Moving back is okay, it has happened!
Thank you!