Mid-Shore CEDS Committee Meeting January 6, 2010
Agenda Introductions Introductions Approve minutes from last meeting Approve minutes from last meeting Review CEDS goals and objectives Review CEDS goals and objectives Accept or reject proposed projects Accept or reject proposed projects Member Matters Member Matters Next meetings Next meetings Adjourn Adjourn
Goals and Objectives Goal 1 – Ensure that there is sufficient public infrastructure (e.g. telecommunications, IT, infrastructure (e.g. telecommunications, IT, incubators, waste water treatment capability, incubators, waste water treatment capability, roads, transportation, education facilities, roads, transportation, education facilities, technology training centers, and public parks) and technology training centers, and public parks) and investment capital to foster the development and investment capital to foster the development and prosperity of our existing and new industry clusters. prosperity of our existing and new industry clusters. Objectives: Design and implement a master plan for regional telecommunications infrastructure and facilities to provide affordable, redundant broadband infrastructure and facilities to provide affordable, redundant broadband services for the public and private sectors. services for the public and private sectors. Conduct regional waste water assessments and determine capacity and technology needs to handle future growth and economic development. technology needs to handle future growth and economic development. Improve the services available at existing and new industrial sites to further their potential for development. their potential for development.
Goals and Objectives Goal 1 Objectives (continued) Establish and support regional investor network(s) and increase awareness, involvement and investments from angel investors and venture capital firms. Establish and support regional investor network(s) and increase awareness, involvement and investments from angel investors and venture capital firms. Support and expand a regional revolving loan fund to promote job growth and support expansion of local businesses. Support and expand a regional revolving loan fund to promote job growth and support expansion of local businesses. Strengthen transportation linkages and make recommended improvements to Route 404 and Route 50. Strengthen transportation linkages and make recommended improvements to Route 404 and Route 50. Support the expansion of the coordinated regional transit program. Support the expansion of the coordinated regional transit program. Bring together federal, state, and local funding to acquire land and infrastructure for the development of business parks and technology training centers. Bring together federal, state, and local funding to acquire land and infrastructure for the development of business parks and technology training centers.
Goals and Objectives Goal 2 – Establish a regional identity and marketing plan that leverages our competitive advantages, protects our leverages our competitive advantages, protects our natural resources, honors our rural heritage and natural resources, honors our rural heritage and takes proactive measures to diversify the economy. takes proactive measures to diversify the economy. Objectives: Create a regional branding plan that supports the CEDS vision statement and obtain support from each county and local business leaders. Obtain funding to implement a regional branding strategy. Support ongoing regional efforts to grow the cultural and heritage tourism industry.
Goals and Objectives Goal 3 – Encourage programs that accelerate the development of companies that apply new development of companies that apply new concepts and technologies in innovative ways. concepts and technologies in innovative ways. Objectives: Establish an incubator that accelerates the development of environmentally friendly science (marine & environmental), environmentally friendly science (marine & environmental), agriculture, aquaculture, and technology based business. agriculture, aquaculture, and technology based business. Develop a center for entrepreneurship. Develop CEO and peer groups to provide technical support for expanding or struggling businesses. expanding or struggling businesses.
Goals and Objectives Goal 4 – Strengthen and diversify agriculture, fisheries and support newest techniques in aquaculture and agriculture. newest techniques in aquaculture and agriculture. Objectives: Support the development of renewable, sustainable fuel sources. Explore and identify emerging agricultural and food market opportunities associated with soy, common grains and other agricultural products that can be grown locally and provide high value markets for Delmarva farmers. Support the development of value added agriculture businesses. Identify opportunities for high value aquaculture operations that create new opportunities for watermen. Work with legislators to remove local and state policies that are a barrier to on- farm processing and innovative niche farming operations. Create an agriculture incubator for testing and growing ethnic/niche produce that will create work for recent immigrants, and opportunities to test and explore the agrarian knowledge they bring from their culture and countries.
Goals and Objectives Goal 5 – Support opportunities for continuous learning and workforce development. workforce development. Objectives: Ensure that continuous learning and workforce development resources are available to all segments of our population. Implement the findings of the regional daycare (childcare and eldercare) and work ethic taskforces.
Goals and Objectives Goal 6 – Provide regional data and technology services needed for present and future infrastructure planning and for present and future infrastructure planning and construction (e.g. regional GIS mapping system). construction (e.g. regional GIS mapping system). Objectives: Identify additional partners and resources needed to sustain the Eastern Shore Regional GIS Cooperative (ESRGC). Conduct growth impact assessments for the various jurisdictions within the region to determine long term infrastructure needs.
Accept or Reject Proposed Projects Two projects were submitted for evaluation. Two projects were submitted for evaluation. CEDS Executive Committee evaluated the projects on November 30, CEDS Executive Committee evaluated the projects on November 30, Both projects met the evaluation process and are being submitted today for consideration to be included in the CEDS Action Plan. Both projects met the evaluation process and are being submitted today for consideration to be included in the CEDS Action Plan.
Infrastructure Regional Medical Facility Regional Medical Facility
Continuous Learning and Workforce Development Preparing a High-Tech Workforce for the Eastern Shore of Maryland Preparing a High-Tech Workforce for the Eastern Shore of Maryland
Member Matters
Next Meetings CEDS Full Committee – July/August 2010 CEDS Executive Committee – September/October 2010 CEDS Full Committee – January 2011