Be unobtrusive (avoid any interference with worker performance) Sample needs to be representative of the people and the work performed (e.g., demographics, shift) Most useful for jobs that are relatively structured Write down activities that are being performed [include work conditions (e.g., temperature, climbing/height), physical requirements (e.g., strength, agility, bending/stooping), equipment/tools used and how, personal protection equipment used (e.g., hard hat, gloves, ear and eye protection) Drawing the environment is beneficial Observation Basics
Job Task: Replacing water pump (see task # 4) Location: Outside (2 people); cramped quarters; about 3 feet of room to the sides of the motor, 1.5 feet below and above; steam pipes above PPE: Raincoat, face shield, and heavy gloves Disconnected coupling from motor to pump using combination (box- end) wrench to remove bolts (kneeling and reaching under and around the motor) Removed bolts from base plates (with wrench and hands) Removed coupling with wrench (tightened and pulled down hard) Removed strainer (bending over about 90 degrees) with combination wrench (kneeling down) Cleaned out pump by hand (removed chunks of polymer) Observation Example
Issues regarding asking questions to workers (timing, interference) Safety issues Access to locations Environmental hindrances (e.g., noise, heat, cold, protective safety equipment) Communication difficulties Not understanding the exact nature of behavior being performed Employee (and/or union) resistance Observation Obstacles