Are you prepared?
The Gateway Curriculum, regardless of your diploma choice, requires that all students enroll in four years of math, three years of science, and six classes each year of high school. Math credits earned prior to high school enrollment do not count as “enrolled” classes.
English4 credits Mathematics4 credits Science3 credits World Hist./World Geography1 credit US History1 credit Amer. Gov’t.1 credit Arts/Hum./Occ.1 credit PE/ROTC2 credits Health½ credit Computer Lit.½ credit Electives 4 ½ credits Total 22 ½ credits
Earn an Advanced or Honors Diploma Maintain a 3.25 GPA or better Take the PSAT as a junior Take the ACT/SAT exams in the spring of your junior year Cultivate a passion, skill, talent Start researching colleges early
To be best prepared for college level work, enroll in the most challenging classes you can manage. Limit class load to no more than three (3) AP courses (recommendation only).
Grad Status Report
24 credits 3.4 Weighted GPA 4 years math (inc. Alg. 3-4) 3 years science (2 years from Bio/Chem/Physics) 2 years of a World Language 8 Honors Credits Pass all portions of Proficiency No failures in junior/senior years
24 credits 3.25 GPA weighted or unweighted Pass all parts of the Proficiency (math, read, writing, science) 4 Math credits 3 Science credits
3.25 Cumulative GPA Grad. From NV High school Pass all Proficiencies NV. Resident for 2 years.
Summer school Starts the Monday after school ends Cost $ for 1/2 credit Online registration/SCO Enrollment dates begin in April Work experience (Jr/Sr) PLATO-to make up failed credit Online Courses WOLF BYU GT Externship/Community Service/Travel Study
For students who need to make up failed credits. Held in the Plato Lab/Career Center Classes include: English, science, math, social studies and “Lifeskills.” Available during the school day and 7 th. See counselor or Mrs. McLochlin for more information.
All Art/Music/Drama courses World Language (5-6 and above) AP Human Geography World History/World Geog. (if both are taken) Foods Drafting, Woods, Welding, Small Engines, Bike Repair, Auto
Seek out a Proficiency prep class STAY IN A MATH CLASS! Enroll in a Summer School Proficiency Class $75.00 Take test immediately after class Get tutoring
4 Credits College Prep English Minimum of 3 credits of math Alg.1-2 Geometry Algebra 3-4 3 Credits Science (lab) 3 Credits Social Studies Computer Literacy ACT/SAT ( spring of junior year )
Beginning pages give graduation/college information Find information about specific classes Organized by Dept. -gives prerequisites
All seniors must be enrolled in 6 classes Colleges look at how you used your time in high school Time to explore career possibilities for after graduation
4 English Credits Required for Graduation Choose Honors or Regular depending upon the level of English you are presently enrolled. If you want to move up or down a level, be sure that your English teacher has signed your form as approval i.e., you are in regular English and want to move into Honors English.
4 Credits of Math are Required If you have not passed the math portion of the Proficiency Test you may sign up for Math Proficiency if you are a Junior or Senior Colleges require 3 credits Algebra 1-2 Geometry Algebra 3-4 Consider Math Support if math is a challenge (gives elective credit)
3 credits required for graduation 1) Biology 1-2 or H Biology 1-2 2) Physical Science 1-2 or Chemistry 1-2 3) Earth Science or any other advanced class What class you choose will depend on your grade in the previous class.
3 Credits required for Graduation World Geography or World History AP Human Geography U.S. History or AP Amer. Government or AP We the People
2 years required for some colleges French Spanish ¿Quién eres?
Computer Literacy is required for graduation. The class is only a semester class for.5 credit.
2 credits PE required for graduation PE Weights PE Options/SCO (see counselor) Supervised PE (see counselor) Remember one year of the two year PE requirement can be waived through successful participation in athletics, cheerleading or marching band. A PE waiver meets the requirement but does not give credit.
Drill Team Ropes Course Color Guard HOO-AH Meets PE & Health requirement with completion of 5 semesters
Teacher Aide (.25 credit) Office Aide Peer/ESL Tutor Career/Counseling Aide GT Externship Student Leadership Work Experience Yearbook Economics
Some classes require teacher’s approval to enroll in the class: -AP Art Portfolio -Honors English -Yearbook-Read 180 -Rock Choir-Math Support -Band-AVID -Orchestra-Teacher’s Assistant -Jazz Band-Department Assistant -AP Human Geography -We the People
Can earn ½ credit/sem. Must work total 216/sem Averages out to 15+ hrs/wk Lose Job/Lose credit/could lose graduation Sign up in Career Center when school starts
Dual Credit Classes taken at TMCC, UNR and SNC (see counselor) AP Classes English 5-6,7-8Human Geography Advanced ArtAdvanced Biology Adv. ChemistryAdvanced Physics CalculusPhysics U.S. HistoryAmerican Government Spanish 7-8,9-10French 7-8,9-10
File Forms with NCAA Clearinghouse in Junior year Make sure you have 13 core curriculum classes Contact your coach or Athletic Director Visit
Use your course guide Talk with the teacher that teaches the class Talk with other students who have taken the class
First print your full name at the top left corner. Using your transcript, Graduation Status, and Graduation Review forms, determine what credits you still need for your diploma choice. Enter the classes in the correct sections, writing in both the fall and spring course numbers. Obtain teacher signature for classes requiring teacher approval i.e., Yearbook, Rock Choir. Discuss your choices with your parent and return form to your Enrichment teacher with parent signature.
Discuss your pre-registration selections with your parents and have them sign your form. Return your form to your Enrichment teacher by the deadline date.