SkyDog & IronGeek
I run I have an interest in InfoSec education I don’t know everything - I’m just a geek with time on my hands Sr. Information Security Engineer at a Fortune 1000 Co-Founder of Derbycon Runs Skydogcon, Outerz0ne and is a volunteer/goon at Defcon, Shmoocon and many other cons Got a real purdy mouth
Together Trevor and Adrian have had experience doing video at the following conferences: Skydogcon Derbycon Hack3rcon Outerz0ne Phreaknic BSides Las Vegas BSides Cleveland Notacon Louisville Infosec Shmoocon Firesides …and others we forget.
We love sharing content We run our own Great advertisement for future cons Professional houses are expensive Faster turn around
Simple Sucks for slides MiniDV used to suck for getting off the tape, but at least you could do direct capture on them
Presenter’s Laptop VGA to S-Video USB Video Capture Live Capture Capture Laptop Composite & S-Video Switch
Composite Picture-In-Picture in post Avisynth AVISynth Virtual File System BeHappy Plugins
Presenter’s Laptop VGA to S-Video USB Video Capture Live Capture Slide Capture Laptop Presenter’s Laptop VGA to Composite V-Mate Skydog’s Old Rig V-Mate Live Capture Irongeek’s Old Rig
HDMI or DVI Both are digital, and electrically similar. SDI is also digital, but more for pro gear. VGA and Component Can look almost as good as HDMI S-Video Better than composite Composite Looks like crap Images from Wikipedia by Evan-Amos
Martin does most of this at Derbycon, but here are a few recommendations Make sure you have testing time Small cons may work with ambient audio, but for large ones it sucks Avoid long cable runs Don’t have one cable on top of another, it may induce a current Have devices plugged into same wall outlet (up to a limit) Have converter cables for XLR to 3.5mm stereo Audacity can work wonders
Laptop Video Camera USB Video Capture Device grabber-capture grabber-capture VGA to S-Video converter composite-s-video-converter-box px-max composite-s-video-converter-box px-max SanDisk V-Mate
Google for it. It’s been replaced on Microsoft’s site with Expression Encoder.
Also download LAME and FFMpeg while at the site
Frames since Midnight Makes timing videos easier Still used to check sync
Recombine Audio ffmpeg -i input.flv -c copy -copyts output.mp4 Recombine & Resample Audio ffmpeg -i input.flv -ar output.mp4 Loop through the above FOR /F "usebackq delims==" %i IN (`dir *.flv /b`) DO ffmpeg -i %i -c copy -copyts fixed\%~ni.mp4 FOR /F "usebackq delims==" %i IN (`dir *.flv /b`) DO ffmpeg -i %i -ar fixed\%~ni.mp4
Christopher Hawkins gave me something like this: ffmpeg -loop 1 -i sponsors.png -i slides.mp4 -i MTS -i corner.mp4 -filter_complex "amix=inputs=2; [0:v] fade=t=out:st=1:d=2 [sponfad]; [1:v] fade=t=in:d=3, pad=iw+480 [fadpadslide]; [2:v] scale=480:360, fade=t=in:d=2 [fadspeak]; [3:v] fade=t=in:d=2 [fadcorn]; [fadpadslide][fadspeak] overlay=x=main_w-overlay_w [tmp1]; [tmp1][fadcorn] overlay=x=main_w- overlay_w:y=main_h-overlay_h [tmp2]; [tmp2][sponfad] overlay=x=main_w/2-overlay_w/2:y=main_h/2- overlay_h/2" -c:v libx264 -crf 20 -preset veryslow -shortest test.mkv
Ffdshow Video for Windows x XVID Haali Media Splitter (for working with MP4s) DSFMgr (remove filters) Lame K-lite should be avoided
SetMemoryMax(256) #SetMTMode(3) a = DirectShowSource("00000.MTS", fps=25, convertfps=true) b = DirectShowSource("00001.MTS", fps=25, convertfps=true) rawslides=DirectShowSource("slides.mp4", fps=15, convertfps=true, audio=false) splicedvideo=AlignedSplice(a,b).ConvertToMono #splicedvideo=a.ConvertToMono #cleandub = DirectShowSource("clean.wav") #Just a for a logo for the corner, I use it to give info about the presentation. corner = ImageSource("corner.png",pixel_type="RGB24").LanczosResize(480,360).Subtitle("\nTitle\nSpeaker",size=30,align=8,lsp=10,halo_color=$00aa00,text_color=$aaffaa) sponsors = ImageReader("sponsors.png",pixel_type="RGB32").LanczosResize(1440,720) #SetMTMode(3) #The line tells the script what to use for the large section of the video where I put the slide show/what was being projected slides = rawslides.ConvertToRGB24().ConvertFPS(25).Trim(0,0,false).LanczosResize(960,720) livevid = splicedvideo.ConvertToRGB24().Trim(0,0,false).crop(250,0,1080,1080).LanczosResize(480,360) #Now to add all the file together livepluscorner = StackVertical(livevid,corner) StackHorizontal(slides,livepluscorner).AudioDub(livevid).insertsign(sponsors, 1, 150) #SetMTMode(6) #insertsign(sponsors, 1, 150) #I think I got this function from TheFluff here: function insertsign(clip mainclip, clip overlayclip, int startframe, int "endframe") { endframe = default(endframe,startframe+overlayclip.framecount()-1) endframe = (endframe == 0) ? startframe+overlayclip.framecount()-1 : endframe endframe = (endframe >= mainclip.framecount()-1) ? mainclip.framecount()-1 : endframe begin= (startframe == 1) ? mainclip.trim(0,-1) : mainclip.trim(0,startframe-1) middle= mainclip.trim(startframe,endframe) end= (endframe == mainclip.framecount()-1) ? blankclip(mainclip,length=0) : mainclip.trim(endframe+1,0) middleoverlay = Overlay(middle, overlayclip, mask=overlayclip.showalpha()) final = (startframe == 0) ? middleoverlay ++ end : begin ++ middleoverlay ++ end return final }
Recording the conference is the middle part Prep Art needs to be ready before the con Skelton web pages and bios Pre-generated directories Files with titles and file names Training Volunteers Get reliable video staff Handout and video training People will flake
Live picture in picture rendering! Open Broadcaster Software (OBS) Faster and gives options to stream! HDMI Capture on USB 2.0 devices is a few seconds behind so we had to add a delay
Canon Consumer Camcorder (VIXIA $300 to $400) Elgato Game Capture HD ($157.99) REG/Elgato_Systems_ _Game_Capture_HD_High.html REG/Elgato_Systems_ _Game_Capture_HD_High.html 2X2 SVGA VGA MATRIX Switcher ($28.05) STC-250N for composite out of cameras ($14.95) REG/Canon_3067A002_STV_250N_Mini_A_V_Angled.html be careful what you get! REG/Canon_3067A002_STV_250N_Mini_A_V_Angled.html VGA to HDMI Scaler $31.79 Video Capture Dongle S-Video/Composite Tripods
VGA to HDMI scaler failed to convert a lot of laptops’ signals EDID of projector vs. scaler may have been the issue 4x3 matted with black bars, which got compressed again because we expected to skew something 16x9 to 4x3 Long cable runs and lack of testing time may have caused the audio/ground noise we got If the scaler failed with a given laptop, we went full screen with the camera, but composite capture sucked! Fixing in post with raw capture would have been easier, but getting the whole con up would have taken longer
AverMedia Live Gamer Portable ($157.99) REG/avermedia_c875_live_gamer_portable.html REG/avermedia_c875_live_gamer_portable.html LKV351PRO VGA to HDMI Scaler ($51.99) (Having a problem getting the above scaler to work with AverMedia LGP) Now I can ditch the composite capture device, take HDMI out of the camera into the Elgato and use LGP for capturing the presenter’s laptop Evan at Skydogcon is using: Gefen EXT-VGAAUD-2-HDMIS VGA to HDMI Scaler ($187.76) Blackmagic Design UltraStudio Mini Recorder Capture Device ($137.75)
Elgato was slower to start, but lag was a more or less fixed amount AverMedia LGP varied lag as time went on in OBS Other option to record speaker? Logitech HD Webcam C P ($36.99) Fast Small (just one device) Use sound card in laptop if you do not want ambient Very compressed “1080p” Limited zoom options
Presenter’s Laptop VGA to HDMI Scaler HDMI USB Video Capture Slide Capture Laptop Irongeek’s OBS Rig USB Video Capture VGA Switch
MiniDisplay to VGA/HDMI adapters So many forget their own HDMI to VGA adapters converter---p aspx converter---p aspx USB Active Cables Cables, Cables, Cables (Monoprice)
Epiphan all in one box Expensive, $1600+ Hopefully as more “Game” recorder systems come out this will be cheaper to do Failing since ONE Little Scooty Moulton shirt available at the HFC auction.
Youtube Get a director account Borrow university bandwidth Others Blip TV Vimeo
Moving around a lot (We have to live with it) Bring your dongles Have you hooked your laptop to a projector before? Rock the MIC (or at least speak into it) Repeat audience questions Please don’t show/say stuff that needs to be redacted Client info Doc on desktop
Hacker con recording gear loaner program We want to make a traveling box that we can send from con to con to record their talks Adrian is planning to donate some old gear just to get it out of the house
AVISynth Wiki Video Help (great for tools and forums) Doom 9 Forums Nice overview of AV connectors
Derbycon Sept 24th-28th, Others Photo Credits to KC (devauto) Derbycon Art Credits to DigiP